
Using information from the extracellular fluid for BICOM therapy

April 22, 201614 min read

Dr. med. dent. Ernst Beereuter, Zurich, Switzerland



I should like to welcome you to this lecture and thank Regumed for inviting me. I will start by telling you a little about myself by way of introduction. I have been operating my own dental practice in Zurich for more than 20 years. My wife works in the adjoining rooms as a bioresonance therapist, complementing my predominantly conventional medical work. She has also actively supported me in the work, the results of which I am going to present in this lecture.

Sulcus fluid

We all know from our work with the BICOM® device that body fluids store information about disease and we can use this to treat conditions often before they actively bother us. This method can also be used in dental practice. Obviously the first thought is to use saliva which is easy to obtain. There is however another fluid which is secreted directly in small quantities around the teeth and which is admittedly less noticeable and available only in modest quantities but which is all the more interesting for that, namely sulcus fluid. I am sure many of you do not know exactly what sulcus fluid is or perhaps you know that it is in some way connected with the teeth.


However, I am sure that you all know that the teeth are directly linked to the organs via the Pischinger system and that energy is exchanged between the teeth and organs via the meridians. Dentists who think holistically are continuously confronted in their work by this relationship between the teeth and organs (see diagram on next page).


Dentists repeatedly observe how, with certain organic diseases, the periodontium of the associated teeth is affected. Often someone who is seriously ill does not look always after their teeth as well as they should.

Jaw testing and treatment after Sissi Karz



Case 1
The treatment of their diseased organs takes priority. Their oral health and appearance take a back seat. However we constantly meet patients who, despite being seriously ill, take great care with their appearance in order at least outwardly to appear healthy and to remain part of society. These people look after their teeth and yet they still suffer from localised periodontal decay. I’ll show you an example, a dynamic businessman I know whose outward appearance is healthy. He looks a bit like this.


However, the X ray images of his teeth look somewhat depressing.


What is happening here? This man came to my practice as an emergency with a periodontal abscess in the front of his upper jaw. Tooth no. 11 was no longer vital. It was all developing into a perio/endo case, i.e. root treatment was needed. I was able to treat the teeth but there was still an underlying problem. This patient was suffering from a stomach ulcer and ongoing heart trouble. Let’s remind ourselves of the toothorgan system. It was precisely the teeth corresponding to the stomach and heart which were affected by the decay.

EAP of the meridian end points confirmed the dangerous state of these organs. BICOM® therapy quickly produced positive results. This treatment of the organs and stabilising the body certainly contributed to the fact that the teeth are stronger once again and I am confident that, if he looks after them, he will keep them for a long time to come. Relationships like this between the teeth and organs are often confirmed, albeit not as dynamically as

In this case. This example shows how the teeth can point to a physical condition. This characteristic led us to attempt to decode this nonverbal message. We started where the decay begins and advances most rapidly.


Sulcus fluid (2)
We looked for the solution in the periodontal pockets of the diseased teeth. This is where the sulcus fluid is secreted. This is where we can access the Pischinger system.

According to the historical definition, this sulcus fluid is an extracellular exudate which diffuses through the junctional and pocket epithelium into the gingival furrow, the sulcus. It does not contain secretory components. It is untainted extracellular fluid and is part of the Pischinger system.

Here the extracellular fluid makes contact with important microscopic structures, namely the cell membranes of the body’s living cells, as well as fresh blood vessels, capillaries, lymph vessels and the endings of the autonomic nervous system. It is the means of transport for supplying the cells with nutrients, warmth and hormonal messages and it is responsible for removing the waste. Electrogenetic oscillations lead to potential fluctuations in the fluid and this form of information is also passed on to the cell membrane. This is extremely important and I will come back to it later.

Initial/early gingivitis


It is assumed that the extracellular fluid contains a vast amount of information and we are keen to tap this precious fluid in the form of sulcus fluid.


The procedure for collecting the fluid is not particularly complicated. It just needs a little sensitivity. First we test kinesiologically from which teeth in which quadrant the samples should be taken.

We then place the patient in a seated, slightly reclined position and direct a good light at their mouth.

Using a pair of forceps we pick up paper points which are used by dentists to dry root canals.


These are available from retailers. No. 30 is the most suitable. Fine glass capillary tubes could also be used.


Capillary forces suck up the fluid. However it is very difficult to handle these and it causes
unnecessary stress for the person treating the patient. Consequently I prefer paper points.


You hold the patient’s cheek back with a dental mirror and insert the paper point into the gingival sulcus. The best spot is the papillary area, in other words the gap between the teeth.


The sample is taken from the front and rear of the gap between the tested teeth. The paper points are left in place until they have absorbed fluid. This takes about 20 seconds. We then collect the paper points in a glass container.


We just test the energetic information from the fluidsoaked paper points with the BICOM® device. Using a slow frequency sweep …


we observe, with the help of the tensor, where a connection occurs between the output applicator of the device and the samples

This testing obviously requires complete silence and great concentration and it is helpful if an additional person writes down the frequencies which test positive.


Case 2: Female patient, born in 1952
The test record looks something like this:



581 Spinal block
240 Inflammation of the lungs (supportive)

All underlying factors


581 Spinal block

Initially we sampled the sulcus fluid straight away in the first sessions. In some patients so many malfunctions were indicated that it was difficult to establish a hierarchy for their problems.

Consequently we decided to first stabilise the patient. Usually we treat for radiation and scar interference and the front and rear conduction pathways need treating with temporomandibular joint therapy. It is also recommended to stabilise metabolism. Only then do we test whether diagnosis using extracellular fluid has priority.

1 or 2 particular areas generally emerge where the body needs supporting.

In the subsequent treatment we place the sulcus fluid samples in the input of the BICOM® device. As with all therapy, we let the footplates run as well.

This provides confirmation that the body is beginning to regulate in the problem areas. The patient is involved in the analysis. They can see from the footprints where organs respond badly and where their body is making progress.

I find this very important for the patient’s motivation. It encourages them to cooperate and have confidence in the treatment.


Additional effort which is worthwhile

As you can see, this method requires more effort than when we use other body fluids. Is it really worth going to all this trouble? Can’t we get the same information from saliva which also makes contact with the teeth but is easier to obtain?

Comparative tests have shown that saliva is linked to current issues; sulcus fluid, this extracellular fluid which rises to the surface, is linked to old, underlying issues. Therefore we go as far back as possible into chronic malfunctions and test the factors underlying the underlying factors.

The body’s archive is opened up. Old undigested chunks come to light.

It is proved true. The body doesn’t forget. Fluids store the information.

It is noticeable that certain toothorgan relationships test repeatedly for collection of the sulcus fluid.

These are the 2nd tooth (heart) and 3rd tooth (lungs) in the upper jaw and, in the lower jaw, the 3rd tooth linked to circulation.



Case 3: Male patient, born in 1970

I should like to give you an example here of how we treated a patient by testing extracellular fluid. The patient was born in 1970 and was suffering from tuberculosis encephalitis i.e. tuberculosis of the brain, which is very rare here.

He was not clear where he had picked up this disease. He thought it was in a Chinese restaurant. I, on the other hand, think it was from a dog which his mother bought at a market in Vietnam and brought to Switzerland. In any case the disease was very serious and the patient spent 8 months
in hospital and rehabilitation. The patient still felt ill and weak after this treatment, which was in fact successful, and so came to us for bioresonance therapy. Following an initial stabilisation phase, treatment using the extracellular fluid tested as a priority.

The following programs showed a
connection with the sample:

970                    Skin disease (toxin elimination)
331 + 960          Stomach complaints
595                    Painful menstruation
430                    Liver detoxification

All underlying factors Program:
934                   Hormonal imbalance
595                   Painful menstruation

This patient’s recovery appeared to be prevented by impaired hormonal balance. But it is a bit hard to understand why a man requires treatment for painful menstruation and the cause apparently lies way back in the past.

His mother provided the explanation: as a small child her son had stolen 2 packs of contraceptive pills and eaten them thinking they were sweets.

“Intelligent cells”
Since we have the opportunity via the teeth, which act like 32 gateways, of gaining access to the extracellular space, we should like to go one step further, namely into the individual cells. Can we discover what causes disease in the affected organ cells, what response the cells are, or are not, able to make so that the organs and ultimately the individual remains in a diseased state? Where do the cells store this information and how can they be induced to release it?

We all once learnt that control comes from the genes. The cell programme is stored in the chromosomal DNA. This model has been amended slightly. The cell biologist Bruce H. Lipton described it very well in his book “Intelligent Cells”:

The cell membrane is the actual brain regulating cell function.

According to Lipton:

The cell membrane is the organ controlling the life of the cell and it responds to environmental signals.

It is just seven millionths of a millimetre thick and only visible using an electron microscope.

Its structure is ordered, however, and it is the most primitive of the prokaryote organisms.

The membrane has, what are known as, integral membrane proteins (IMPs) which can be divided into receptor and effector proteins and which are the actual sensory organs of the cell.

They apparently function like molecular “nano antennae”. Many are directed inwards to control the internal environment of the cells. Others are directed outwards to pick up information from outside. These receptors are specialised and can pick up physical stimuli as well as oscillation energy. As with nerves, stimuli are picked up and the cell then reacts with a reflex. Bruce H. Lipton compares the cell to a biocomputer whereby the cell nucleus corresponds to a hard disk on which the DNA program for producing proteins is stored. Once the programs are loaded in the computer, the storage medium is no longer required. It is then the effector proteins on the cell membrane which control the behaviour of the organism.

We once started an experiment designed to locate these small nano antennae, capable of receiving oscillations, on the cell membranes. We collected sulcus fluid at the tested sites and also tested the chronic program corresponding to the toothorgan relationship. In this way we provoked the patient by applying the chronic program with the hammer applicator for 1 minute. We placed the sulcus fluid previously collected in the input cup.

We imagine that the small antennae on the membrane pick up these provocative oscillations and that we are actually pressing our finger on the wound. The cells must actually react and emit their response into the extracellular fluid. Following this provocation we again collected sulcus fluid at the appropriate teeth and compared the frequencies tested before and after provocation. The information had changed in each case. This naturally aroused our hopes that we could use this for therapeutic purposes.

We first used this on a patient in whom we had tested kinesiologically that this treatment method should be employed as a priority.

She was a patient who, following treatment for breast cancer, had a metastasis on her liver. The patient herself was convinced that this treatment would cure her. We treated her once. We then heard nothing for 8 anxious weeks. Then came the telephone call. The doctors had told her the metastasis had gone, disappeared. Thanks and goodbye.

However that was unfortunately not the case.

Six months later another metastasis
appeared on her liver.
What did we do wrong?
We didn’t stay on the ball.

One swallow does not make a summer.

We should have continued treating her intensively using the BICOM® device with fortifying and supportive programs together with conventional medical treatment. This is what we have now been doing, with the benefit of hindsight, so far successfully.

We are convinced BICOM® treatment with extracellular fluid removes blocks whose origins lie way back in the past. If we cross the mountain of disease, …


… we can eliminate a dangerous obstacle with this therapy.


But we should not forget that the next test is probably waiting around the next bend and that will need to be tackled differently again. Chronic disease is a longwinded process which cannot be solved with one treatment.

We must continuously monitor patients, test them carefully and treat them supportively.

In this way we have a good chance of reaching calm waters.



Case 4: Female patient, born in 1949
Final example of a patient who was treated using extracellular fluid.

She was born in 1949. In 2006 she came for material testing which we conducted with the BICOM® device. In January 2007 she presented in our practice with toothache. In February 2007 we removed interference from a scar on her left foot and in March she was given temporomandibular joint treatment. In April program 542 periodontal treatment was applied with the BICOM® to support dental treatment. In November 2008 we collected sulcus fluid from the 1st tooth in the upper left jaw.


The following programs resonated with the sample:

822 -Improving CO2 conversion
904- Heart problems, neurogenic
802 -Improving oxygen uptake
900 -Activating vitality
960- Autonomic nervous system, disorder

Underlying factors
(overlying therapy sequence)

900 -Activating vitality
960- Autonomic nervous system,


I think that it is becoming clear to everyone that dental problems have other underlying factors and should not be treated solely by means of dentistry.

Case 5: Female patient, born in 1989
I should like to present another young patient in whom we also used provocation.

Her problem was recurrent cystitis which did not respond to antibiotics. Following stabilisation, extracellular fluid was removed from near the left canine teeth.


533- Pain in the nape of the neck
900 -Activating vitality
431 -Dizziness, impaired balance
541 -Increasing respiratory volume
401 -Cardiovascular system

Following provocation on the back treat apex of the right lung with program 211, lungs chronic

533 -Pain in the nape of the neck
900 -Activating vitality
490- Bladder irritation

I suspect that programs 533 and 900 have their origins in a difficult birth which the patient has carried with her. Program 490 requires the large flexible applicator from the apex of the heart downwards in the input, sulcus fluid in the input cup prior to and after provocation and blood, the output applicator was the articulated band on the bladder on left side. She needed one litre water in the output cup to drink as supportive treatment, spread over two days.


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