
Vaccination burdens in veterinary medicine, effects and therapy possibilities of BRT

August 29, 202415 min read

Thomas Ganswindt, veterinarian and non-medical practitioner, Berlin

Ladies and Gentlemen,

These remarks follow my last paper which my highly esteemed colleague Martin Keymer delivered in my place at the 1999 colloquium.

Apart from the subject of vaccinations I also wish to report new findings on borreliosis and CEE, both of which are diseases transferred by ticks. These diseases are not only interesting to veterinarians, but also play a central role in human medicine.

The subject of vaccinations is a sensitive issue. The rabies vaccination but also others are for example prerequisites for entry into other countries or necessary for taking part in certain events (breeding exhibitions, sporting events). For entry into Sweden and Norway, and nowadays also into Great Britain, a sufficient rabies antibody (Ab) titre must be proven.

This means that even if there is no danger of infection (e. g. in the case of a house cat who istaken to a holiday home in Norway), vaccination must take place.

Veterinarians working according to naturopathic principles are of course in a dilemma, especially if the patients are already burdened. I refer to those patients suffering from latent viral or other burdens, but which are in balance thanks to therapeutic and stabilising measures.

We are forced to do our patients a disservice!

We must even accept known incompatibility reactions to vaccinations because of circumstances. Often nontypical BICOM® patients come to our practices: patient XY wants a vaccination because he is going overseas but it was not tolerated a year ago.

What do we do?

Before I answer this question, I wish to report on the usual vaccinations for small domestic animals. The following are taken from traditional medical interpretations and are therefore especially interesting:


„In the case of parvovirosis the level of the Ab titre is the measure of success, so, the higher it is, the better an animal is protected.” This traditional medical statement seems to be confirmed under practical conditions. This vaccination seems useful, especially for younger animals.

„A cellular immune reaction is not practically measurable. A cellular immune reaction occurs only when the virus is active within the cell (.1 ), which is only possible via live vaccines!”

This statement is confirmed by our experiences with live vaccines. We detect them, especially as hereditary toxic burdens. Known vaccinatory complications according to traditional medical definition are the following:

  1. Vaccination illnesses, i. e. caused by the vaccination itself.

  2. Vaccination breakthroughs, which are defined by a non-intact immune system.

  3. Vaccination failures, which show no success at all.

On 1. Vaccination illnesses

  • The commonest vaccination illness is cat flu after successful vaccination.

  • Post vaccination distemper encephalitis is also described.

  • Diseases associated with vaccination like fibrosarcoma in cats belong to this category.

On 2. Vaccination breakthroughs

These originate through:

  • new types of viruses

  • a change in hosts

  • antigenic diversity

It is interesting that the incidence of cat flu has not decreased in the past 20 years. As in the case of influenza in humans, the reason is Agvariability. All feline calici virus vaccination strains are at least 30 years old and come from the USA. This means that they are not effective in Germany. Vaccination is therefore useless.

On 3. Vaccination failures

This happens because of:

  • the vaccinated animal (immune suppression, illness, breed, nonresponder)

  • the vaccination (storage, transport — cooling!)

  • vaccination mode (basic immunisation, booster shots, etc.)

Especially the cooling of the vaccinations is a problem; often consignments are not adequately cooled. When such dosages are used, the success of the vaccination is uncertain.

I do not wish to discuss the side effects of vaccinations known to holistic therapists. 33 % of the animals examined in my practice has burdens associated with vaccinations!


I wish to present studies on the effectiveness of vaccination in a field experiment:

Whether animals are vaccinated or not, 30 % grow ill. This study was done by the discoverer of the FeLV virus!

When all the FeLV negative cats are vaccinated in a group, in which one cat is FeLV positive, success is dubious.

The detection method for FeLV infection is problematic. These methods (usually the ELISA test) detect virus Ag in the blood. If the blood contains viruses, the test is certain (80 % correct). But animals which are truly virus negative will show a negative result, as will those in the incubation stage and those that are latently infected.

About 40 % of wild cats show Ab titres against FeLV, i. e. they are adequately protected. Especially wild cats older than 5 years seem to be naturally boostered.

Side effects of vaccination

The formation of fibrosarcoma at the point of injection according to the latest statistics: 1:1000 to 1:3000. Recommendation from the USA on vaccination: Vaccinate in the back limbs in order to be able to amputate if necessary.


FIP infection (FIP = feline infectious peritonitis) is an existential problem, especially for cat breeders! There is no method to diagnose FIP with certainty (except in classic acute cases). The FIP vims mutates from an enteral harmless corona virus. Therefore the secret of FIP combating seems to be the elimination of corona virus infection. In the case of clinically manifested problems caused by FIP disease there are no naturopathic approaches. Even with BICOM® therapy neither other therapists nor I had success.

On vaccination

Should we vaccinate?

A known study of a field experiment gives the answer: Whether animals are vaccinated or not, the infection rate is the same! Other studies (all of them experimental confirm an effectiveness of 50 to 75 % (2 studies) but also zero effectiveness (2 studies).

The problem is: If the corona virus is present in the animal, the vaccination is useless anyway, since a mutation to the FIP virus may take place at any time. The vaccination is then useless anyway!

Cats that are corona virus negative would never usually get FIP. These extremely valuable breeding animals develop antibodies after the FIP vaccination, which gives the proof via serological methods: Corona virus „negative” no longer produced.

Considering my paper of last year, I cannot comprehend the generally attested safety of the vaccination.


Now I wish to give you information on two diseases which may be especially interesting for human medicine.

Ixodes ricinus = castor bean tick plays an important role in the transfer of different diseases. In Europe especially the following diseases are important in this regard: CEE, borreliosis, Ehrlichosis and babesiosis.


According to statements by an expert from the BGVV (Bundesinstitut fur gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinarmedizin [National Institute for medical consumer protection and veterinary medicine]), between 100 and 300 cases of indigenous CEE are registered annually. The main endemic regions (note their definition!) are in Baden Wurttemberg and in large parts of Bavaria. Cases also occur increasingly in the Oden forest [Odenwald] and in Thuringia and Saxony.

The definition of risk areas are as follows:

Risk areas: 5 cases in 5 years or 2 cases in 1 year High risk areas:5 cases in 1 year

The BGVV calls CEE a „leisure time disease”. Mainly city dwellers who are wrongly dressed for walks in the forest catch it.

The BGVV says that the number of CEE cases is decreasing but still a general vaccination is recommended!

An example from the Freiburg „endemic area”

Since 1997 1000 ticks were examined in a certain area:
1997: 3.4 % – 2.9 % (every 30th tick had CEE)
1998: 1.1 % – 0.6 % (every 100th tick had CEE)
1999: 0.2 % (every 500th tick had CEE)

The BGVV bases its general vaccination recommendation on these numbers, although it also refers to side effects to the CEE vaccination:

„Normal” vaccination reactions

  • nausea / feeling unwell

  • headaches

  • fever

Neurological complications

  • meningitic irritation

  • meningitis

  • seizures

  • encephalitis

Reported incidents

That means there are 72 cases reported after vaccination compared to 100 to 300 cases of CEE infections (decreasing tendency! according to BGVV information).

I do not want to analyse these statistics further. You can compare the risk of getting the disease with the risk by vaccination yourselves.

You should know the following CEE is transferred within the first few seconds to minutes after the tick bit the host. An alimentary form is now being discussed, i. e. for instance milk from a cow in a viraemic phase is infectious.


General information on the infectious disease

A person from Berlin discovered borreliosis!

Otto Obermeyer (1843-1873) described it in an article of 1869 on recurring fever caused by „thread shaped structures in the blood”. The foundation for this article was the great epidemic of 1868-1869 in Berlin.

Borreliosis too is transferred by ticks of the ixodes ricinus (I. R.) type, popularly known as castor bean ticks. I. R. is present throughout Europe. Hosts of I. R. are not only pets or mammals, but even birds and reptiles. Ticks have a life span of 2-4 years. After a meal of blood ticks increase 100-200 times in size within 6-9 days. Thereafter they are in a rest phase for about 12 months (sometimes even longer).

An interesting question is where the main danger of infections for borreliosis lies.

Ticks love moisture (> 80 % humidity). Beech and oak forests are favourite places for I. R. to live because the leaves of these trees rot slowly. The dead foliage is an ideal basis for life for I. R. These and other moist biotopes (e. g. heaps of rotting leaves in the garden) form ideal living conditions for ticks.

Ticks are active from the end of March to the end of October, but in mild winters even into December.

The transfer of borreliosis from the tick to the host takes place fully after 48 hours, according to the latest studies. This means the earlier a tick is removed from the host, the smaller the likelihood that borreliosis has been transferred.

In experiments it was also found that it does not matter how the tick is removed (turning it to the left, the right, etc.). The statistic risk of infection is the same whatever the method of removal.

But: Ticks should not come into contact with any poisons in order to make them loosen. Thisputs the tick in a stressful situation which increases the risk of spitting out infected saliva.

There are different strains of borreliosis:

  • bon. afzellii

  • bon. burgdorferi

  • bon. garinii

  • borr. lusitanae

  • bon. valaisianae

The different borreliosis types have a certain organotropism:

bon. afzellii skin
bon. burgdorferi locomotor system (joints)
borr. garinii central nervous system

Proof of borreliosis

The seroprevalence of borreliosis lies at 97 % (Ab).

It is interesting to note the agreement of results from serological investigations of both the human and veterinary medicine: the agreement is 25 %.

In the case of CPR (polymerase chain reaction) as well as in the case of a cell culture, there are different levels of sensitivity (false positive, false negative).

Sometimes laboratory examinations also show Ab titres of different borreliosis pathogens!

Therefore, the classical proof is often not suitable for diagnosing the infection.

The latest studies try to show the presence of borreliosis in the skin. This seems surprising, but the presence of borreliosis in chronic illnesses is interesting. The idea for this proof is based on the theory of biological logic. The borreliosis pathogens want to increase. This only happens via ticks or other parasites. Of what use is it for the boneliosis pathogen to be a parasite in a joint? The survival of the species is their goal.

Classical diagnosis takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. 1. endemic region, tick anamnesis

  2. clinical symptoms

  3. other differential diagnoses

  4. laboratory findings

  5. fast reaction to treatment

If I may say so:

„This is science!”

The assessment of the infection risk is just as scientific: the infection risk for the development of clinically manifest symptoms after a tick bite is 2-4 % (Lyme Borreliosis).

However, I am very happy that we will soon be able to test individual borreliosis pathogens and therefore be able to limit the meridian or organ burden. You will be amazed at the results!


Referring to the listed examples, some of the traditional medical diagnoses have just as little scientific basis as our energetic methods are reputed to have.


Traditional medicine often just suspects, while we are certain of our test results!

The diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases will make us credible in the long term since we have an instrument without equal.


We cannot ignore the vaccination problem from veterinary science. Especially in high density residential areas, the main sources of income are the proceeds from successful vaccinations, therefore nobody will report on unsuccessful vaccinations. At one workshop on borreliosis in Berlin the industry even recommended that side effects of vaccination be reported to the manufacturers! (We are legally required to report these side effects to the Paul Ehrlich Institut.) In response to my remarks about serious side effects, the representative of the pharmaceutical company said that even he knew of two serious side effects. According to the representative, the immunopathies conveyed by AgAb are apparently responsible. The problem of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), which I already described at the 1999 colloquium, is attributed to this vaccination. The colleagues I asked about this generally report low tolerance.

I do not want to keep the scientific studies which were done on borreliosis vaccination a secret:

First authorisation in Germany:

  • 10 dogs (2 thereof are part of the unimmunised control group) Authorisation for pregnant bitches:

    • 3 pregnant bitches were vaccinated

Based on the 10 % incidence of the borreliosis strain in Germany, there are attempts to prove cross immunity to other strains. In the case of ELISA and Immunblot tests, cross immunity has been known for years, even in the case of other spirochaetes. However, the test results do not identify neutralising antibodies. 34 dogs took part in the trials, but the statistics have no scientific basis. True proof of effectiveness (i. e. experimental infection) was not done.

This vaccination was first marketed and then researched further — if this were a vaccination used on humans it would not have been permitted.

For medical doctors (of humans) it is important to know that the human borreliosis vaccination developed in the USA cannot be compared to the animal vaccination available in Germany!

However, a note on this vaccination: At the International Symposium on Lyme Boneliosis, the following question was asked in the auditorium in conclusion:

„Would you let yourself be vaccinated against L. B.?”

Only 1/3 of the experts from all over the world were willing to do this …



The most important virus infections, especially for breeders are:

  • FIP (Corona virus)

    • FeLP

    • FIV

    • herpes, calici

    • panleucopenia

All of these virus infections can be diagnosed with certainty with our test methods.

A practical example from my own practice

A veterinarian sent me a blood sample from a cat for testing. The cat had recurring skin problems, the owner is a breeder who has many cats in the house.

The result: FeLV positive; the viral burden is the main problem.

My colleague told me that the cat tests FeLV negative to the ELISA test, and that the owner will now be confused by my test results.

However, I was certain of my results. My colleague works traditionally, so he sent a blood sample to a specialist laboratory for PRC testing and what was the result? The cat was FeLV positive!


The problem is not as serious with dogs as with cats, but we still have the following possibilities which we can test and treat:

  • parvo

    • distemper

    • leptospirosis

    • kennel cough

    • borreliosis


Therapists confirm the good diagnosis possibilities of:

  • herpes

    • boma (possibility of transfer to humans)

    • EAV

    • strept. equi

    • borreliosis


Supplementary to vaccinations
The animal has already been vaccinated, but the vaccination was not tolerated well:

  • Immediately before the vaccination: BICOM® stress relief with the vaccination via Ai, as well as stabilisation of the immune system.

The animal has not yet been vaccinated:

  • Testing of the vaccination for incompatibility / compatibility. Depending on the result either stress relief via Ai or therapy via A. Do not forget to stabilise the immune system.

What I said at the 1999 colloquium is still applicable: do not use combinatory vaccinations, but rather use individual vaccinations to stimulate the immune system specifically.

The strong point of our practice is to take the „edge” off the toxicity of the vaccination through BICOM® vaccinatory stress relief. In this way we can also treat the „normal” clients in the best possible way and distinguish ourselves from neighbouring practices. (Go to my vet, he has an instrument through which my pet finally tolerates its vaccinations.)

Animals typically burdened by vaccinations should of course be removed from any vaccination programme if at all possible. Especially in animals allergic to foods or those that are „neurologically” noticeable, the possibility of vaccination damage should be considered. A treatment plan must be worked out which will remove the burden. Experience shows that the earlier damage is recognised, the easier the


A typical treatment progresses as follows:

  • Basic therapy

    • Suitable followup therapy (depending on the problem)

    • Removal of the vaccine

    • Stabilisation of the burdened meridians (by vaccinations)

At the end of this therapy plan, I always use programme A + Ai (alternating), since the residual mesenchymal burdens are removed very efficiently.

I hope that I gave you a few suggestions for your work with BRT and I wish you further beautiful days in Fulda.



infections in Animals

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