
Veterinary practice findings

August 29, 20244 min read

Jorg Fiedler, Veterinary Practitioner, Baunatal


Small animal practice
Siam tomcat Tobi, 13 years old

Icteric mucous membranes, anorexia, apathy and internal body temperature of 36.4° C.

Laboratory diagnosis: GOT, GPT, AP and bilirubin extremely high.

Differential count: leucocytosis with thrombocytopenia.

Bioresonance test following consultation with the owners:

  • Coxsackie virus, antivirus ampoule tested positive

  • Chron. amoeba and anti-parasite ampoule tested

  • From the 5 element set, the wood element and
    the chron. fatty tissue meridian were still evident

  • Furthermore, we found blocks in the tissue —
    BICOM® program 951 and the kidney — program
    480 as elimination organ.

Therapy: After the initial treatment and the second session to treat the noxae, the animal displayed signs of a healthy appetite and renewed vigour.

After a total of 8 treatments, the tomcat was “healthier than ever” according to its owner; even the yellowing of the mucous membranes had disappeared.


West Highland terrier bitch, 4 ‘A at the time, with chronic, recurrent diarrhoea and “typical Westi coat”.

Clinical referral: diagnosis: enteritis and narrowing of the intestinal passage.

Treatment recommended by clinic: AB, cortisone and gastrointestinal diet — unsuccessful.

In the end, the piece of intestine causing the problem was surgically removed from the bitch

Diagnosis using the Combined Test Technique (CTT): Streptomyces mix, trichophyton mix and the mycotoxin ampoule to be eliminated; also, the BG chron. ampoule from the 5 element set for dogs tested positive.

Therapy: A total of 9 weekly treatments were required until the animal was restored to full health.

Some interesting cases from a horse practice

10-year-old quarter horse, gelding

Since Autumn 2001, this horse had been suffering from chronic-suppurating bronchitis; resting respiratory rate of 48 (12-16 are physiological) and was treated according to an antibiogram with AB, cortisone and common cough medicine, followed by inhalation treatment using cortisone.

After a standard checkup, (inspiratory and expiratory respiratory sounds, respiratory rate of around 42), I took blood from the horse and gradually withdrew the corticoid treatment.

The diagnosis showed the intestine to be the elimination organ and a block in the spinal column area.

We found

  • streptomyces mix, strengthening of the intestinal

  • Shrubs 4, elimination/detoxication

  • Bacteria 2, bacteria killer and

  • an energetic imbalance in the water element in
    the 5 element set.

Therapy began as usual using a tested program for energy balance; the elimination organs were then opened and the blocks removed.

From the second session, we began treating the noxae.

After the first two treatments, the respiratory rate had fallen to 18, and the horse began grazing naturally again. After a total of 10 treatments, both the fungal and the bacterial stress had been eliminated and the horse has been in the best of health since.

Headshaking of a Paso mare

Nervous healshaking combined with heavy snorting.

The mucous membranes of the nose were extremely reddened during these “attacks”.

Diagnosis: Hay allergy (own hay), hay dust allergy, allergy to rye pollen and immune system deficiency.

Therapy: In addition to the usual elimination and block treatments, we treated the hay in the horse’s stable with program 998 and the other allergens with the Combined Test Technique (CTT) and programs 197/198.

After treating the hay in the horse’s stable, we completed the treatment by hanging strips of tape in the stable and using rainwater with program 1018 (Di, 52 kHz, 0.025 amplification, 3 mins).

She can now cope with slight irritation caused by dust etc. and she reacts physiologically by snorting etc.

After successful treatment of this mare, I was asked by the owner whether I could take a look at her friend’s stallion. He had become “increasingly run down”.

“Run down” stallion

I was told that this horse had suffered over a period of years from coughing episodes, and his muscles were deteriorating rather than strengthening. He also had a dull, shaggy coat and recurring lymph node swellings.

The blood test revealed: Chronic case of lung worms, chronic schistosoma as well as a slight allergy.

Elimination organs were the kidneys — program 480 and the lymphs — program 610 (lymphedema).

We found blockages in the sacrum — program 211, in the hyoid bone — program 530 and in a geopathic stress — program 700.

Therapy: Program 923 (chron. tissue) was also required and used for treatment.

After testing the amplification and time, we began by treating the lung worms, the schistosoma and the anti-parasite ampoule.

After 11 treatments the noxae were eliminated and the horse displayed no further symptoms.


infections in Animals

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