
What effects do organs and the psyche have on the malposition of the spinal column?

May 31, 201815 min read

Claudia Lepper, MD, Specialist in general medicine


From 1998, I ran a “normal doctor’s surgery as a family doctor and general practi­tioner” for approximately 8 years. As I had been taught throughout my studies and ed­ucation, I supplied my patients with pain medication, blood pressure medication, anti­biotics, etc. At least once a week, I welcomed a pharmaceutical representative who provided me with information about the latest products from the respective compa­nies. For my chronically-ill patients, I would often use longer than the 7 minutes desig­nated by the social insurance companies in order to be able to achieve a change in be­haviour during the patient discussion. However, I did often have to fall back on medi­cation if this was not successful.

I indulged in my hobby, acupuncture, by taking part in the “best-practice model for ac­upuncture” which had been newly-introduced by the health insurance companies.

I thought I was a good doctor who took good care of her patients.

The trigger for me to get involved with new medical practices originated with my own history.

One of our children fell seriously ill and conventional treatment methods failed. This high level of psychological strain led me to become more open to other approaches re­lated to healing. With “humility in the face of the body’s complexity”, I began to no longer want to suppress symptoms. I wanted to find out why the body showed the most diverse “complaints” and “what it was trying to communicate with these”.

We then discovered bioresonance therapy.

The immense self-healing power that we possess was a huge surprise to me. I gradu­ally started to understand that we can actually use this power at all times, and for every illness. I understood just how much the body, mind and soul interact and influ­ence one another. I started to support and exonerate my body more and more, and to detox, channel and structure it.

Because, at that time, I was still almost exclusively treating back pain with acupunc­ture, I had many patients with this type of complaint in my clinic.

For many patients, I had the feeling that no progress was being made whatsoever. They still had their insomnia, anxiety and back pain despite all efforts with additional physiotherapy, dietary change, dental restorations, restructuring of the bedroom, co-Ionic irrigation, etc. …

Time and again, I had “non-responders” who continued to complain of the most di­verse symptoms and pains. I often kept going round in circles, particularly when it came to back pain. Entertainingly, I was able to take care of some spinal column block­ages through chiropractic means, but unfortunately never in a sustained manner.

It struck me that there were connections between blockages and emotional events, particularly with younger patients:

  • Thoracic spine blockages after separations from a partner

  • Cervical spine blockages before examination situations

  • Lumbar spine problems and blockages before “new steps” and changes in life

For older patients, blocked vertebrae often showed weak points for their associated organs:

  • for heart problems, the 2nd thoracic vertebra was often affected

  • for stomach complaints, the 6th thoracic vertebra was often blocked for blood pressure problems (kidney), the lumbar spine was affected

The decisive motivator to look for a therapy based on these findings came to me when medical colleagues advised reinforcement of the spinal column for my 15-year-old niece.

My niece was born with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, an autosomal recessive inherited condition, along with a “hypermobility syndrome”. Insufficient connective tissue, hy­perextensibility of the skin and hypermobile joints. Due to an additional torsion scolio­sis with rotary sliding vertebrae which had existed since birth, she had, until then, gone through many years of the most diverse types of corset treatment. Because further deterioration of the spinal column malposition (due to insufficient connective tissue and muscles) could not be stopped with the methods up until then, the spinal column now had to be reinforced.

I could not to accept this. I wanted to spare her this reinforcement at all costs. I re­searched the spinal column but also the neurophysiology of our brain, the general in­terconnections of emotions in the brain and their transmission to the spinal column, nerves, muscles and organs.

Through this, I first became properly aware of the spinal column, with its central posi­tion in the body, as the control centre.

The anatomical spinal column

The bony spinal column consists of 24 segmented bones, the sacrum and the coccyx. The vertebrae move relative to one another, thereby, as a whole, enabling movement around all 3 body axes.

The spinal cord is located in the spinal canal and belongs to the central nervous sys­tem. Exactly like the brain, it is surrounded by fluid and protected by cerebral mem­branes. The spinal cord establishes the connection between the brain and the periph­eral nervous system.

Afferent nerve fibers with sensory information relating to the skin, muscles, joints and organs enter via the dorsal root of the spinal nerves while, on its front side, spinal nerves exit and head for the periphery, as well as to the skin, muscles and organs, in the form of efferent nerve fibers. The incoming and outgoing spinal nerve roots then unite to form a nerve bundle (on the left and on the right) and exit the invertebral fo­ramen as “spinal nerves”, between two vertebrae in each case. In total, there are 31 nerve pairs, with one spinal nerve pair supplying one body segment in each case.

Seen from the front, the curvature of the spinal column is almost straight. Viewed from the side, it is curved forwards at the neck and lumbar vertebra (lordosis) and curved backwards at the chest and sacral area (kyphosis).

The functional spinal column

The spinal column, along with the spinal cord and the connection to the brain, is signif­icantly involved in the body’s entire functional ability. The nerve tracts entering and leaving the individual vertebrae each supply specific areas of the body and organs, where they compile the information for the subcortical centres on “spinal levels”. They transmit this via the spinothalamic tract. In the various segments, the spinal cord effectively “transmits its mental state” to the brain, via the nerves associated with the or­gan. This information goes to the thalamus, from where it is transmitted to other brain centres.

Dieter Dorn, for example, used this relationship between vertebrae and organs in his therapy. By correcting the malposition of the vertebrae, the associated organs were re­lieved and the symptoms observed then disappeared.

The emotional spinal column

It is quite evident to most people that the body influences emotional well-being. Those who are in pain or feel physically unwell are often irritable or depressed as a result.

However, conversely, the emotional state also influences the body. Neurobiological re­search has shown the relationship between feelings and the neuronal and hormonal control of organs.

In Hippocratic and Chinese medicine, emotions are designated as the causes of ill­nesses. There are body-orientated psychotherapies which build upon the so-called “physical memory” in order to permanently resolve emotional issues.

There are numerous correlations which put blockages of individual vertebrae into con­text with specific, emotional, mental and physical difficulties.

I would like to explain the associated theory in more detail:

Emotion and sensory perception is the composition of an electromagnetic field, which passes into the closest possible discharged nerves via flashovers. This has already been metrologically verifiable for over 30 years (“hood” epilepsy research). Every small cur­rent, every thought is three-dimensionally verifiable, and so is the area of the brain where it is occurring!

An emergency programme is triggered in the brain stem by strong emotional impulses upon frightening experiences. This emergency programme is not consciously controlla­ble, rather it takes place in the subconsciousness. Before the consciousness can react, pulses are passed through the brain and on to vertebrae, muscles and organs. The body is then programmed to fight or flight mode. Shortly thereafter, the impulse from the consciousness is assessed according to experiences, upbringing and belief systems.

Even if the assessment of the event terminates the emergency programme, the event remains stored in the body’s cells. As a result, cell communication and energy flow are disturbed. Depending on the type of experience, different segments of the spinal col­umn react in this instance. The energy flow in this area of the spinal column is dis­turbed and the body attempts to regulate it with any available means.

All experiences, conflicts and trauma from the past are therefore stored in frequencies in the spinal column in the various segments. Through perceptions and impulses, new protein compounds develop between the nerves, referred to as nodal points.

In the field of brain research, it is believed that the transmission of information via these nodal points in the limbic system exists in conjunction with organ reflex points in the brain stem.

In this way, it is possible to trace back energetic blockages of the spinal column to as­sociated organs and related conflicts, and to treat these in their complexity.

Hildegard von Bingen also used vibrations to treat mood disorders. She placed pre­cious stones corresponding to the interference onto the allocated vertebrae.

The energetic spinal column

Relationships between the “main control centres”, individual vertebrae and allocated frequencies are known from the “vibration theory”. An intensive energy flow domi­nates within the spinal column which nurtures the communication of the individual components and transmits it to the brain. If this energy flow is impaired, then the cell communication is disturbed and the body’s regulation system is no longer in equilib­rium.

By resolving spinal column blockages, a free energy flow can occur, which not only re­duces pain but also strengthens the body’s energy centres. Both the individual energy potential and the physical and psychological strength is multiplied.

On the other hand, blockage or displacement of a vertebra due to irritation of a nerve can also result in a therapy blockage.

Therapy of the vertebrae with frequencies for resolving blockages

To get to the bottom of the existing emotional conflict without having to understand it on a deeply psychological level, I looked for a therapy which could also bring success without knowledge of the details of the conflict. The energy blockage should be re­solved and communication via the vertebra should once again function undisturbed.

For quick therapy success, I wanted to treat the vertebrae with the largest energetic blockage. Because this is not necessarily located at the pain point or malposition, I used tensor testing to looked for the priority vertebrae.

First of all, I treated these priority vertebrae with a H+Di programme, and the dis­rupted information from the vertebra as well as the allocated organ. This was sup­posed to “delete” the “incorrect” or “disrupted” information.

Afterwards, the vertebra was “rebooted” with the “correct” information and vibration.

Therapy in the various progressive steps.

Step 1:     Basic therapy (according to standard)

Step 2:     Testing of the relevant vertebra.

Step 3:     Removal of the stresses stored in the vertebrae (emotions, bacteria/viruses/heavy metals)
Input: – saliva, adhesive applicator onto the corresponding vertebra +flexi­ble applicator onto the associated organ.
Output: balls in the hands, modulation mat on the back (height according to applicator on the vertebra)
Possible programmes include, e.g. 290.2 toxin removal, 331.5 toxin re­moval, 610.8 tissue blockage, 918 resolve blockage (energetic), 927.4 tissue blockage, 970.5 toxin removal, 3017 resolve blockage (deep-set)

Step 4:     Strengthening of the vertebrae
Input: saliva, flexible applicator on the chakra.
Output: balls in hands, adhesive applicator on the vertebra, modulation mat on the back (height according to applicator on the vertebra)
Chakra programme depending on the chakra of the affected vertebra (970, 962, 940)
The chakra programme is however converted to the frequency of the ver­tebra from the table using the individual settings. Reinforcement and dura­tion is subsequently tested out individually.

Step 5:     Laterality interference (535.2) (according to standard)
Activation of the right or left half of the brain (571, 572) (according to standard)

Step 6:     Organ programmes (according to standard)

Scoliosis therapy

I therefore started treating my niece according to these methods. After just one bio­resonance session, she showed a significant, visible change.


Due to the malposition of the thoracic spine and the pressure thereby exerted on the heart and lungs, my niece had suffered from high blood pressure and exertional dysp­nea. During both initial treatments, there was already a significant improvement.

In the next sessions, there was a continuous improvement to the malposition.

To be able to keep the vertebrae in their new position, I firstly had to detoxify the con­nective tissue and strengthen the muscles.

The corset that was specifically manufactured for the condition at the beginning of my bioresonance therapy no longer fits and is no longer worn.

At the time of this paper, the therapy is not yet completed, meaning I cannot present a definitive success story in this instance. However, following the initial successes, I am very confident about being able to prevent the planned spinal column reinforcement.

My experiences

I also started to treat other patients using this combination of spinal chord, organs, emotions and chakra. The success was overwhelming.

Often, only 1 or 2 vertebra are blocked, but these bring the entire energy supply to a standstill.

When tense muscles relax or vertebra blockages are removed, conflicts “are solved in organs”, patients are often able to remember things from the past, or start to cry with­out knowing the reason why.

Even if I don’t know anything about the conflict through which the complaints have been resolved, through the therapy, the vertebrae align themselves with the specified frequencies. Blockages are resolved without chiropractic interventions.

Following the initial treatments, I still test laterality interferences, the left and right half of the brain as well as releasing hormones – but, after the initial treatments, the pain is already much better or gone.

Therefore, for your next patient with spinal chord complaints, I would like to encour­age you to also think about the relationship between the vertebrae, psyche and or­gans. Try it out. I hope you enjoy lots of success.

Other case studies

Female patient 52 y/o
Severe lumbar spine discomfort, not possible to stand at work for longer than half an hour.

Medical history:

Status post breast cancer (5 years ago), currently taking tamoxifen, dysbiosis, vit. D de­ficiency, insomnia, pain in the extremities (tamoxifen?!), pelvic obliquity, heavy metal pollution (amalgam removal 4 years ago, without removal), irritable bowel, parasitic contamination, teeth interference fields, osteoporosis, 2 children – 27 and 24 years old, (2nd child caesarian), works full-time. EBV, VZV serum scars, pos. cervical smear herpes virus. Severe abdominal cramps upon defecation, colonoscopy unremarkable, au­toimmune thrombocytopenia

MRI: lumbar spine invertebral disc protrusion L3/L4, spinal canal stenosis L4/L5


Testing of “priority vertebra” L 2

1 x therapy according to table

During the therapy, severe restlessness and pain in the lumbar spine pulling upwards into the ribcage, “palpitations”, chest pressure.

Interruption to therapy and shock programme. After reassurance, continuation of ther­apy according to table. Additional laterality interferences, activate right half of brain, yin-yang balance, releasing hormone.

“Chip” on L 2

Follow-up with patient after 2 days, patient only still has slight pulling in back, no more pain, during the night dreamt about 2 abortions she had when she was a student

Therapy repeated according to the plan, no more “heart problems” during therapy

Patient has no more pain whatsoever. Standing at work is now possible again without pain. No more defecation problems. Patient plays tennis again. We started with the normal removal of existing stresses.

Male patient, 45 years
pain in right shoulder, diarrhoea

Medical history:

Roof tiler, lumbar spine slipped disc, damage to internal structures of left knee, teeth interference fields, insomnia, CMS, chronic sinusitis maxillaris, latent hypertension, al­lergies, leaky gut syndrome

MRI: BSV L 3/4, osteochondrosis L 4/5

MRI: spinal canal stenosis C 3/4,
X-rays: impingement syndrome right shoulder
Laboratory: elevated kidney retention values, eosinophilia, IgE elevation


“Priority vertebra” L 1

1 x therapy according to table

Symptom free after therapy on shoulder, no diarrhoea after 2 days of therapy despite known irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut and dysbiosis

Comment: the slow “C fibers” of the nociceptors are affected, particularly for dull pain. Via these pain-conducting nerve fibers, the information enters through the dorsal root of the spinal cord where it is directed to the centre. On its way, switch-overs to the motor and autonomic nervous system are possible. The consequences are often forms of paleness, nausea, strong muscle spasm (flight reflex) and gastro-intestinal reactions, without the organ having previously shown symptoms.


Stabilisation through detoxification and removal at the following sessions.

Female patient 5 years old
Mother complains that daughter has been wetting herself for several weeks. Gets up 2 x per night and goes to the parents

Medical history:

2 younger siblings (twins), anteversion of the pelvis, vaccination stresses, dysbiosis Testing of “priority vertebra” 4th CVB

Therapy, see table

During the therapy, the patient fell asleep, suddenly woke up and wet herself

After the therapy, additional chakra therapy (1st) + dental treatment UK-3E relation­shi p

No further therapy necessary after testing, mother got in touch 1 week after therapy and reported that patient no longer wets herself and is also otherwise much more bal­anced and sleeps through the night.

Bowel structure, after stabilisation removal of vaccination stresses


Female patient, 17 years, secondary school student

Medical history:

cervical migraine for last 5 years (up to 2 x per week) with cluster headache for last half year, concentration problems, insomnia, massive vit. D deficiency, exhaustion, pill taking

Testing of priority vertebrae not clear, therefore therapy C7 and T1

Therapy, see table


ollowing therapy, patient very tired, slight pain between the shoulder blades. Tele­phone call with mother after 1 week, patient sweated heavily during the first night af­ter treatment, had no migraine. Patient has now been symptom free for over 1 year.

Additional therapy: vit. D substitution, vit. B12 pills, bifidobacteria and lactobacteria, deacidification, additional coenzym 010 in the event of stress at school.



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