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Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic Diseases

Inflammatory rheumatic diseases in adults include more than 100 different clinical pictures. What they all have in common is that they are severe, chronic inflammatory general diseases in which the immune system attacks the body’s own substances and structures, preferably in the musculoskeletal system (autoimmune diseases). The consequences are chronic pain and a progressive loss of physical function.

There are three major groups of inflammatory rheumatic diseases:
1) Inflammatory joint diseases (polyarthritides).
 Most important representative: Chronic polyarthritis (rheumatoid arthritis).
2) Inflammatory diseases of the spine and individual joints (spondylarthritis).
 Most important representative: Ankylosing spondylitis AS (ankylosing spondylitis).
3) Inflammatory rheumatic diseases of the blood vessels and connective tissue (vasculitides
 and collagenoses). Most important representative: Lupus erythematosus (SLE).
In conventional medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, methotrexate, sulphasalazine, anti-malaria drugs, biologics or cortisone preparations) are predominantly used alongside physiotherapy and local applications. Unfortunately, many of these drugs have considerable side effects.
On the one hand, the bioresonance method offers the possibility of reducing the side effects of conventional medicine by specifically opening the organs of elimination. There are also many indication-related programmes and substance complexes in the device, for example:
  • 10128 Rheumatic diseases
  • 10219 Rheumatic pain
  • 10057 Rheumatism in the joints, general
  • 10182 Rheumatism in soft tissue
  • 610.5 Rheumatism in the joints, general
  • 3416.0 Joints, inflammation of
  • 3139.0 Joint pain
  • 3085.0 Rheumatic pain LDF
  • 631.1 Rheumatic pain
  • 401.4 Rheumatic pain

Of course, these are just a few programme recommendations. You can also use programmes for the spine, pain programmes and programmes for tissue and cell regeneration.

If we look at rheumatic diseases from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), rheumatic diseases belong to different elements. As these are autoimmune diseases, several elements are usually affected, depending on the severity of the disease.
The inflammatory joint diseases and the inflammatory diseases of the spine usually start in the element wood, while the inflammatory rheumatic diseases of the connective tissue and the vessels have their origin in the elements fire and metal.
In addition, the element earth and the element water can of course also be affected later on. These elements are also associated with organ systems, sensory organs, flavours, smells and emotions. For example, in addition to the joints and the spine with the accompanying muscles, the eyes, the liver, the gall bladder and also the emotion of anger and our decisionmaking power belong to the element wood.
With the KTT test set “5 functional circuits (5 elements)“, the energetic imbalances in the corresponding elements can be diagnosed and stabilised as part of the therapeutic scheme at the end of each treatment day.
For further basic energetic diagnostics of the stressful information, the test sets
  • ” Allergic stress”,
  • ” Viruses/fungi”, “Parasites/environmental pollution” and
  • ” Bacteria”

are available. The tests often reveal combinations of food intolerances or allergies with parasites or fungi, sometimes also with bacteria.

Particularly in the case of group 3 rheumatic diseases, the inflammatory rheumatic diseases of the connective tissue and blood vessels with the most important representative: Lupus erythematosus (SLE), this is the case. In other rheumatic diseases, too, extracellular stresses such as allergies, parasites, fungi and extracellular bacteria (e.g. streptococci) appear to be in the foreground and should always be treated first. Of course, this only happens after therapeutic blockages have been removed and the drainage organs have been opened.
In some patients, however, information from intracellular pathogens is also found, such as
  • borrelia,
  • Chlamydia,
  • Yersinia or even
  • viruses such as varicella zoster

In some cases, this can also be a reactivation of previously dormant pathogens. In many patients, however, the blockages are only found on the “information level” and not on the material level. Nevertheless, they must be eliminated or treated using the bioresonance method.

Further therapeutic support can be provided by the test sets

  • ” Orthopaedics” and
  • ” Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine”

which expand the range of therapeutic options with many helpful ampoules with corresponding information.

In the case of autoimmune rheumatic diseases, please note that in addition to the usual therapeutic blockages such as scars, TMJ, vertebral blockages, geopathy or radiation exposure, the teeth and stressful information from vaccinations or other medications can also represent a therapeutic blockage.
Recently, we have increasingly found energetic blockages due to the so-called “Covid vaccinations”, so you should always test the information from the corresponding ampoules (“C-AZ-21”, “C-BP-21”, “C-MO-21”, etc.) in your patients and treat them if they resonate accordingly.
With regard to the teeth, you should look for tooth centres, especially if they are energetically connected to the relevant joints or vertebral compartments.
Please bear in mind that patients with autoimmune diseases are often more sensitive and need shorter treatment times, less intensification and sometimes longer treatment intervals. Overall, although the treatment of rheumatic diseases with the bioresonance method is lengthy if you also want to eliminate the causes of the disease and not just treat the symptoms, it is also very promising and successful in many cases.