
Diagnosis and BICOM therapy of rheumatic disorders – case histories, dealing with initial exacerbation

August 29, 20246 min read

Dr. med. Christa Lund, Bad Schwartau

Diagnosing rheumatic disorders

1. Clinical: symptoms, location, time
2. Multi-factorial causes
3. Resonance diagnosis

Toxins: Aflatoxin, Bacterial fragment, Botulinum, Parasitic toxins (trichinosis nosodes!) Other fungal toxins

Bacteria: Clostridium, Staphylococci, Yersinia, Borrelia

fields: Dental – maxillomandibular area (also malocclusion), Tonsils (scar interference field), Intestine
Focal stress!
Acid-base balance!

Treating rheumatic disorders

A) Non-specific:
1. Nutrition
2. Balancing the energetic state (vegetative reactivity)
3. Detoxifying measures
4. Treating acidaemia
5. Enzyme therapy
6. Homeopathic treatment
7. Phytotherapy
8. Isopathy
9. Symbiosis control
10. Interference field and focal therapy
11. Orthomolecular
12. Autologous blood

B) Treatment in the light of regulation blocks:
1. Toxin elimination
2. Parasites
3. Interference fields
4. Nosodes (bacteria, chlamydia)

C) Follow-up treatment:

“Initial exacerbation”

1. Educating the patient
2. Chronic disease – acute condition -activation of endogenous counter-measures = regulation therapy
3. Observing biorhythms (lung, liver, kidneys)
4. Symptoms depending on patient’s vegetative reactivity
5. Options for therapy
Prevention: avoiding substances which will intensify the reaction
Synchronous: Elimination with resonance therapy, e. g. Engystol, Okoubaka via kidneys Solidago, via liver Chelidonium, milk thistle
6. Beware! Exacerbation induced by interference fields!

Suggested BICOM therapy

Toxin elimination

Elimination via liver or kidneys
Program no. 970 (H+Di)
I: quadr. flex. applicator on thymus area
O: magnetic articulated applicator on liver area
O: 1 foot on foot applicator

Then Ai program:
O: both hands via hand applicators.
Therapy type: Ai
Frequency: sweep in 3 seconds
Amplification: Ai=64, no stages
Continuous operation
Therapy time: 3 minutes

Parasite therapy
according to individual setting,
at least 3 therapy sessions
O: magnetic articulated applicator on solar plexus
O: 1 hand on hand applicator

Interference field therapy
via elimination of scar interference, program, no. 910 (Ai)
I: opposite hand or foot applicator to scar
O: magnetic articulated applicator on scar area

Pain therapy
Rheumatic pain, program no. 631 (H+Di)
I: magnetic articulated applicator on better joint
O: magnetic articulated applicator on more painful joint and also magnetic depth probe on scar

Hip joint
Hip joint problems (restricted movement),
program no. 620 (Di)
I: roller applicator on affected hip
O: magnetic articulated applicator on coccyx

Tissue process, chronic-degenerative,
program no. 923 (H+Di)
I: 5 spirals on fingers of right hand
O: magnetic articulated applicator between left shoulder

Lymph activation
Lymph activation, program no. 930 (A)
I: 4 right-spin spirals in groins and armpits
O: large flexible applicator on abdomen

Nosode therapy
A or Ai.
Or A and Ai.
O: 1 hand on hand applicator
O: magnetic articulated applicator on solar plexus

Setting A (provocation):
Frequency: sweep in 3 seconds
Amplification: A = 0.50, no stages
Continuous operation
Therapy time: 6 minutes

Setting Ai (gentle inverse treatment)
Frequency: sweep in 3 seconds
Amplification: A = 1.00, no stages
Continuous operation
Therapy time: 6 minutes


Case 1: PCP

47-year-old female (V. H.). Painful swellings in the large joints for past 12 months. Persistent oedematous swelling in the fingers following extraction of all (!) teeth

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • Chlamydia D15, D30, D60

  • Entamoeba histolytica

  • Clostridium difficile D10

  • Staphylococcus aureus

  • Mucor mucedo

  • toxic stress: Botulinum D30, prednisolone D60, dioxin D100

  • acidaemia

  • organ stress:

  • tonsils, liver, pancreas, dental-maxillomandibular area (with teeth absent)

  • maxillomandibular: radicular cysts: radiological metal residue with cysts in upper jaw.

Therapy in order of application:
1. parasite
2. toxin elimination
3. nosode therapy for microbial infestation.
Accompanying medication:

  • enzyme therapy

  • lymphatic agents

  • antacids

  • isopathy.

Treatment period: 2 months.

Case 2: PCP

45-year-old female (B. W.). Painful swellings in the joints of all the limbs for past 3 years. Diffuse back pain. Cortisone and analgesics continuously for a year.

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • Fasciola hepatica

  • Chlamydia

  • Mucor racemosus

  • Yersinia enterocolitica

  • Shigella

  • Staphylococcus aureus

Therapy in order of application:
1. parasite
2. Chlamydia
3. other microbial pathogens.

Following initial improvement, deterioration after 7 teeth extracted in one session. Further staphylococcus treatment.

Accompanying therapy:

  • symbiosis control, enzyme therapy, vit. E, organotherapy adrenal cortex

  • non-specific treatment of consequences of joint deformities (e. g. pain following exercise, arthrosis).

Case 3: shoulder-hand syndrome

65-year-old male (D. O.). Pain in the back of the neck and right upper arm for 2 years, frequent headaches. Rupture of head of the biceps on affected side.

Interference fields:

  • cholecystectomy scar and

  • dental extraction scar on the right side.

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • Chlamydia D30

  • Entamoeba D30

  • Clostridium difficile D60, D100

  • Botulinum D60

  • no other toxic stress as already treated several years previously.


  • nosode therapy with accompanying symbiosis control.

  • alternating interference field therapy after testing relevant priority.

Case 4: generalised fibromyalgia

34 year old male metal worker. Increasing muscular pain associated with movement for past 2 years. Scarcely able to climb stairs.

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • Chlamydia D15, D30

  • hepatitis B D60

  • Taenia pisiformis

  • acidaemia

  • toxins: lead, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, tin

Therapy in order of application:

  • parasite treatment and therapy for microbial pathogens and also toxin elimination via the kidneys, in this case running parallel.

  • began with just one toxin elimination.

  • at next treatment session, started eliminating another metal.

  • careful attention to patient’s stress tolerance!

Due to very risky Chlamydia infection, nosode therapy for this pathogen was started before completing toxin elimination.

After 5 weeks’ treatment once or twice a week. Patient’s verdict: “several hundred % better”. Relapse 3 months later.

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica)

  • enteromycosis

  • Serratia

  • Chlamydia D15, D30

  • heavy metals only identifiable in nosodes.

Interference field:

  • tonsillectomy scar (did not show initially).


  • parasite

  • interference field treatment

  • nosode therapy for Chlamydia infection and heavy metals

  • fungi and Serratia with BICOM Ai therapy (plus
    resonance drops)

The patient was virtually symptom free after 10 days as the initial therapy had improved his autoregulatory capacity.

Case 5: diffuse muscular and joint pain

70 year old male. Borrelia infections diagnosed 1 and 2 years previously. Prior treatment with antibiotics, cortisone.

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • Borrelia D30

  • Chlamydia D60

  • Mucor racemosus

  • toxic stress: chlortalonil (pesticide)

  • organ stress: liver (cirrhosis D30), lungs, tonsils.

Therapy in order of application:

  • chlortalonil elimination

  • Mucor racemosus: Ai therapy and resonance drops

  • nosode therapy: Chlamydia and Borrelia

  • finally non-specific therapy on knee joint to improve functioning.

Sustained freedom from symptoms.
Case 6: chronic dorsalgia, Bechterew’s disease

26 year old male. Tendency to infection as a child. Spastic abdomen 10 years previously. Necessary symbiosis control was refused. Tonsillectomy 3 years previously, followed by onset of severe back pain. Only able to sleep sitting up. Movement generally restricted.

Findings from resonance diagnosis:

  • Chlamydia D15-D60

  • Bang’s disease D60

  • Salmonella D and TP D60, D100

  • Streptococcus haemolyticus D60

  • Klebsiella oxytocin.

  • fungal infection with Candida tropica, Penicill, commune

  • Taenia pisiformis

Interference fields:

  • tonsillectomy scar

  • later parasite.

Therapy in order of application:

  • interference field treatment according to tested priority before further therapy on same day (provided still tests as interference field)

  • nosode therapy

  • Klebsiella: Ai therapy and resonance drops

  • fungi: Ai therapy and resonance drops

  • Parasites

Treatment period: 2 months.
Subsequent treatment: symbiosis control.



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