
Effectiveness of Bicom Bioresonance in palliative care of cancer patients

May 03, 201618 min read

Dr. Esra Kirsever, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, Istanbul, Turkey

Dear participants,

As most of you know, I am an Obs&Gynaecology Consultant in Turkey. I have been using bioresonance for six years.

I graduated from medical school in 1990. Oncology was my first choice in speciality entry exam. I was full of enthusiasm when I started my training. But, unfortunately, soon after I started, I realized that there was not much I could offer to my patients as an oncologist. I became increasingly dissatisfied and decided to give up my oncology training six months after I started. I took the exam again and got into obstetrics and gynaecology. It was a relief. It was like a journey between birth and death. I run away from Oncology throughout my career up until my beloved mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2010. I was desperate to find a way to help my mother. In quest of knowledge, I came across with bioresonance. It has been twenty years since I left my Oncology training. Since then, my feeling towards cancer has changed from “despair” to “hope” thanks to bioresonance.

Today I would like to share my Oncology experience with you.

In this retrospective study, we have evaluated the patient’s response according to their clinical symptoms and assessed the impact of bioresonance treatment on quality of life of patients with various cancers.

An approach to oncological cases using bioresonance therapy

There is a fundamental difference in approaching diseases between conventional medicine and the regulatory medical and the bioresonance therapy methods.

Deteriorated internal defence dynamics of the body are recovered to their previous healthy condition using energetic balancing methods in bioresonance and other regulatory medical applications. In this manner, factors causing diseases are eliminated by the internal healing power of the body. Self recovery of the body is targeted.

In addition to that, the BICOM® bioresonance test and therapy method, with an additional advantage and superiority that is unique to it, gives an opportunity to test pathogenic factors such as environmental toxins, food allergens, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites in a noninvasive manner and in a broader perspective. Any pathogenic factors can be eliminated easily from the body by applying frequency modulations. This method can even detect any pathogenic effect recorded in the memory in the form of degrading focus areas that are silent when there is no active illness.

Thus, when the disease emerges, the factors causing the disease can be eliminated instead of suppressing the symptoms. Deteriorated regulation and the balance of the body can again be supported by reminding the body.

As a result, the disease is reversed by considering each step of the disease progression. The organism returns to its initial healthy condition.

This approach also constitutes as the basis for our approach to treat the oncology cases using the BICOM® bioresonance therapy (BRT) method.

Our approach to reverse fundamental regulation in the oncology cases is to reestablish the degenerated sympathetic and parasympathetic regulations and open the blocked extracellular matrix.

Effects of bioresonance in cancer treatment is mainly explained with two mechanisms. Firstly, the reflection of the endogenous BRT on the tumor is different to those on normal tissues. In this manner, it may lead to a direct cytotoxic effect. Secondly, it may induce an anticancer effect by strengthening the immune system.


In the current study, the evaluation of the performance of 51 oncology patients treated with the bioresonance treatment between November 2011 – February 2016 and of the bioresonance therapy efficiency according to the symptomatic response were targeted.61.1 % (n=37) of our patients had been treated with the conventional treatment methods while 38.9 % (n=14) of them had been treated with only the bioresonance treatment.

No other patient group that appealed to our clinic for any other health problems or of whom tests revealed any degenerative cells detected were included in our study.


In order to evaluate in medical oncology and other areas, the performance of the patient can be calculated using standard measures such as ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) or Karnofsky (Table 1)2 According to this measure; conditions such as can the patient bear the chemotherapy, is dose adjustment required, is palliative treatment required are decided. It is also used to evaluate the quality of life of the oncology patients.

The performance status also gives information on the long term prognosis indirectly as well as being important in choosing the treatment for the patient.

We used the ECOG performance scale in the performance status evaluation.


Classification of the oncology cases treated with bioresonance therapy; according to

  • Performance status,

  • Symptomatic recovery and

  • Laboratory/Screening data have been performed as shown below (Table 2)


Exemplification of patients according to PSL data classification


47 years old, male, free trade
Liver hepatocellular carcinoma, stage 4. Diagnosis duration 15 days. ECOG score in appeal was 3. 5 sessions of BRT were applied. No changes in the PSL data classification were observed.


50 yearold, male, worker
Cerebral glioblastoma multiform, stage 4. Diagnosis duration 2 months. ECOG score in appeal was 2.

Complaints are slowness, somnolence, difficulty in climbing stairs, epileptic convulsions.

20 sessions of BRT were applied. Symptomatic recovery was observed in the 4th session; the vitality and effort capacity were increased. The frequency and duration of the seizures were decreased during the 9th session. ECOG score became 2.

PSL 3: We did not have a sample patient for this group.


46 year old, female, nurse
Multiple myeloma, stage 3. Time of diagnosis is 5 years. Received chemotherapy (CT) and radiotherapy (RT) in appeal.

Complaints were repetitive upper and lower respiratory track infections, weakness, bone pains.

CT and RT could not be performed due to weak immunity.

The ECOG score was 3 in appeal. 67 sessions of BRT were applied.

All symptoms were improved during the 12th session. The ECOG score was changed to 2 in the 12th session. As the general status recovered in the session, again CT treatment was decided upon.After 4 courses of the CT treatment, the ECOG score was 3. Laboratory findings on multiple myeloma did not change despite the CT.


43 year old, male, mechanical engineer
Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia, stage 3. Time of the diagnosis is 1 week. During the appeal he was not taking any conventional treatment.

Complaints were repetitive tonsillitis for 4 months, high fever. Leucocytosis, anaemia, and thrombocytopenia were present in the laboratory tests.

The ECOG score was 3 in appeal. 40 sessions of BRT were applied.

Symptoms improved during the 3rd session, the fever decreased, infection symptoms were eliminated, complaints of weakness and tiredness regressed. The ECOG score was 1 in 12th session. Following 4th session CT was initiated. Following the 2nd course of the CT treatment, he went into full remission however the ECOG score became 4.


67 year old, male, ballet teacher
Lung adenocarcinoma, stage 4. Time of diagnosis is 5 months. The tumor caused a fracture on the 9th left rib. He received RT during the appeal.

Complaints were pain on the left side, insomnia, weakness, coughing.

The ECOG score was 2 during the appeal. 98 sessions of BRT was applied two times a week.

Complaints of coughing and pain were eliminated in the 7th session, he started feeling more dynamic. Following a month, treatment of CT was decided after 8 sessions of BRT. Options for medication during the CT treatment was consulted with the Oncology Department. Chemotherapeutic agents were kinesiologically tested and applied. Following the CT, a significant regression was observed in PET. Following the CT there was no worsening in the ECOG.

The ECOG score was 1 in the 12th session, and was 0 in the 24th session. Our case with lung adenocarcinoma in stage 4 of which the median lifetime was 16 months lived for 26 months. For the 24 months of his life he was actively involved in ballet teaching. The ECOG score was 0 – 1. His students did not realize that he had cancer. He was known to have hyperthyroid. Only in the last 2 months of the terminal period was the ECOG stage 3 – 4.


49 year old, male, doctor
Follicular lymphoma, stage 3. Time of the diagnosis was 2 weeks. During the appeal he was not taking any conventional treatment. He didn’t receive treatment during the treatment period either.

Complaints were pain in the left arm, sweating, weakness, tiredness. There was a mass of 8 – 6 cm in size on the left cervical region, and 2 lymphadenopathies of 3 – 4 cm in size on the frontal and posterior contour of this mass (conglomerated) combined with it. Splenic involvement was observed in the PET screening.

2 years ago, he had lymphadenopathy resistant to antibiotic treatment on the posterior left ear. As a result of the biopsy on May 2014, he was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. Involvement of left cervical region has been present for a year. Following the detection of spleen involvement a month ago, application of CT treatment was decided upon in May 2015. As the patient refused the CT treatment, bioresonance treatment was initiated.

The ECOG score was 1 during the appeal. 54 sessions of BRT in total were applied which took place two times a week.

All symptoms were recovered during the 10th session. The ECOG score was 1 in the 12th session; and was 0 in the 24th session.

On the day the BRT was initiated, the CT was planned for 1.5 months later by the haematologist. Following the 1.5 months and after 12 sessions of BRT, the haematologist examined the patient and observed that the mass tended to get smaller, thus he postponed the CT treatment for 1 month. In the examination after a month by the haematologist and in the ultrasonography, it was detected that the mass was eliminated. CT treatment was cancelled. It was decided the patient be monitored in 6 month periods.


51 patients that were diagnosed with cancer using conventional diagnosis methods between November 2011 to February 2016 and 52.9 % of whom were female and 47.1 % of whom were male were taken to the bioresonance therapy protocol. The average age of the patients was 51.6±11.9 (Table 3).

Table 3: Distribution according to gender and age


According to the malignancy distribution to organs; the malignancy of the lungs, breast, and stomach was 15.7 %, 13.7 %, and 13.7 %, respectively (Table 4).

Outstanding histopathological findings were 49.0 % (n=25) adenoid Ca and 5.9 % (n=3) SCC. 67.3 % of the cases had metastasis (Table 5).45.1 % of the cases were accompanied by a chronic disease.

Table 4: Distribution according the tumor location


Table 5: Distribution of patients according to their tumor pathology, stages, and metastasis status


19.6 % of our oncology cases who applied for BRT were diagnosed with histopathologically and have yet taken any conventional treatment. 5.9 % of them had already taken all the treatments and were already too weak to take anymore treatment (Table 6).

Table 6: Status of the patients who applied for BRT for taking conventional treatment


When we evaluated our patients according to data classification of the performance status, symptomatic recovery and laboratory / screening (PSL) that we organized, 96.1 % of our patients manifested symptomatic recovery. 47.1 % of them showed recovery in the ECOG score in addition to the symptomatic recovery. In addition, in 33.4 % of the patients showed recovery in the laboratory and screening findings (Table 7). 87.8 % of the patients did not require intensive care.

Table 7: Performance status, symptomatic recovery, and laboratory/screening of patients, distribution according to PSL data


A significant and positive correlation of medium strength was detected between the PSL and time of application. (r=0.654 p<0.001)

As the number of applications increased the degree of recovery was improved according to the data classification.

In our study the changes in the ECOG score on the 6 – 12 and 24th sessions on the BRT appeal was also evaluated (Table 8).

Table 8: Changes of ECOG values during the appeal according to sessions


When examining the response to treatment averages according to ECOG appeal groups, a significant difference was detected between them.

It was understood that the patients who applied for BRT and had a better ECOG performance score responded to the treatment in later sessions compared to those with worse scores (p=0.005).

The patient group with an high initial ECOG performance score (3 – 4) revealed a significantly optimized ECOG performance score when they received BRT in addition to conventional treatments as compared to the patients who only received BRT.

BRT positively affected the performance scale of all the patient groups who did not receive the conventional treatment.

In the patient group with a low ECOG performance scale (0 – 1 – 2) during the appeal and who received BRT as well as the conventional therapy, there was 1 degree worsening at most in their performance score. This was related to the addition of the CT and RT treatments to the BRT.

In the patient group with a low ECOG performance scale (3 – 4) during the appeal and who received BRT as well as the conventional therapy, there was 1 degree worsening at most in their performance score.

Symptomatic recovery was observed in all the patient groups. It was noted that the occurrence of the symptomatic recovery in the patient group with a high ECOG performance score took place in the early sessions while it occurred in the patient group with low ECOG performance score in later sessions.

This condition seems to support the principle that the vibration information taken from the patient is used by transforming it into a therapy frequency in the BICOM® bioresonance therapy method.

The higher the pathological information volume, the stronger the treatment frequency that is generated is.

The clinical experience leads to the consideration of which operational limits are narrowed through the BRT initiated at the preoperative stage immediately following the histopathological diagnosis. This seems to decrease the need for the postoperative CT and RT treatment. Recovery in the postoperative period speeds through BRT as well.

In patients receiving CT and RT though, it is observed that the response to the treatment increases, the tolerance to the side effects of CT and RT also increases. Increase in the efficiency of CT and RT also seems to decrease the requirement for medication and its period of use.

A clear symptomatic recovery and palliation were observed in patients at the terminal stage.


Bioresonance therapy method is a reliable and efficient treatment method that increases the success of the conventional therapy and decreasing its side effects contributing to the quality of life of patients and palliation. It can be considered as a therapeutic option with a multidisciplinary approach in the clinical practices of oncology.

Advanced preclinical and clinical research can be planned regarding its efficiency.

The bioresonance approach we followed in the oncology cases

A. Bioenergetic anamnesis
A detailed anamnesis was taken by taking the bioenergetic therapy approach principles into consideration. For instance:

  • Any instance that was experienced immediately before the disease emergence

  • Any specific time that the symptoms emerge

  • Any region in the body or around the head where the symptoms predominantly occur

  • The half of the body where the symptoms are intensive

  • Status during sleep

  • Any accident or operation that occurred

  • Delivery and family anamnesis

The effect of the major allergens, especially the negative effect of sugar and foods containing sugar, the importance of the diet that should be followed on the basis of frequency, and the role that the leaky gut syndrome plays, were highlighted. Regarding the diet, a strong and firm collaboration was established with patients. Patients were informed about the electrosmog and geopathic effect. The bed area and sleep area was organized. Consumption of substances with a detergent effect was forbidden. The importance of good quality and sufficient amounts of water consumption was highlighted.

B. Bioenergetic examination

  • Routine physical examination

  • Spinning status of the blood

  • Evaluation of the ergetic condition

  • Evaluation of the chakras and endocrine organs

  • The state of the tongue

  • Dental examination (occlusion state, prosthesis, filling materials, implants, filming …)

  • Detection of scars and potential therapy blockades

  • Hamer foci

  • Energetic examinations including the evaluation of all the organs and elimination organs were performed.

C.Bioenergetic test planning
Blood samples were taken from patients who applied with a cancer diagnosis.

  • Their tests were done usingBICOM BICOMmultisoft® Pilot.
    – Geopathic charge and electrosmog
    – Major food allergens
    – Candida and other mycotic infestations
    – Virus, bacteria, parasitic infestations
    – Environmental toxins
    – Other minor inhalation and food allergens
    – Bach flowers
    – Orthomolecular substances

  • The energetic state of meridians were evaluated using 5 element panels or ElectroAcupuncture Voll method. (5 element panels and meridian stabilization was performed immediately following that.)

The duration of the therapy and amplification by choosing the appropriate program according to the priority tests and that is specific to the patient was planned by testing taking the algorithm as a basis.

The frequency of the treatment was tested and planned according to the diagnosis and the therapy of the patient. Patients were admitted for the therapy on a daily basis, twice, or once a week.

D. Bioenergetic therapy planning

a. Basic treatment

The treatment was applied once a week in order to prepare the body for the therapy and to generate a strengthening effect on the regulatory therapy.

A basic treatment program was chosen according to the basic conductivity measurements.

Electrode allocation and body secretion choice were made according to the test results.

Maintenance of the treatment efficiency was established by water, chip, and oils.

b. Blockage therapies

b.1. Geopathy and electromagnetic exposure, radioactivity efficiency

  • Geopathy compensation

  • Electrosmog / radiation exposure

  • Radiation exposure, diffuse

  • 10160 (3017.0/701.1) radiation exposure

  • Spinning status of the blood

  • 192 and/or 198 using BICOM Spinometer

b.2. Energetic blockages

  • 915.2                               blocks (energetic), releasing

  • 918. 0                              blocks (energetic), releasing

  • 581.2                                spinal segments blockage

  • 583.1                                lack of energy

  • 582.0                               internal block

  • 507.0                               yin yang compensation

  • 3017.0                              blocks, releasing deepseated

  • 3035.0                             lack of energy, debility

  • 3084.0                             regulation general / stress

  • 10027 (918.0, 3084.0)     blocks releasing

b.3. Meridian blockages

  • Hand meridians (acute/chronic) 200 – 291

  • Feet meridians (acute/chronic) 300 – 391

Low deep frequency meridian therapy programs (according to Dr. Sabine Rauch)

BL Bladder meridian 1:H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 4.4 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 6.30 Di 0.35, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Bladder
BL Bladder meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 8.8 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 2.20 Di 30.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Bladder
SK Skin meridian 1: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 7.0 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 4.70 Di 1.55, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Skin
SK Skin meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 12.8 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 4.90 Di 1.40, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Skin
LU Lung meridian 1: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 10.2 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 0.90 Di 50.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Lungs
LU Lung meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 10.2 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 1.40 Di 43.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Lungs
OD Metabolism meridian 1: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 1.7 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 3.30 Di 14.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Solar plexus
OD Metabolism meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 11.2 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 2.20 Di 31.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Solar plexus
ST Stomach meridian 1: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 1.8 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 4.10 Di 2.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Solar plexus
ST Stomach meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 7.2 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 1.80 Di 37.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Solar plexus
SP Spleen/Pancreas meridian 1: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 2.4 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 4.50 Di 1.7, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Pancreas
SP Spleen/Pancreas meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 7.5 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 2.50 Di 26.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Pancreas
JD Joint meridian 1: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 3.4 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 4.30 Di 1.85, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Joint
JD Joint meridian 2: H+Di, low deep frequency, select bandpass 8.2 Hz, wobble = yes, sym. amplification H 3.10 Di 17.0, sweep speed 25 sec, duration = 4 min
Electrode positioning: Joint
HE Heart merid


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