
Environmental toxins and nanoparticles: tiny cause but major effect

May 04, 20169 min read

Dr. med. Michael Wagner, Specialist in General Medicine, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany

In the current industrial era it is no longer acute intoxication, such as lead oxide poisoning suffered by workers in the early days of the industrial revolution, which is at the top of the agenda. It is insidious, chronic intoxication and its cumulative effects which characterise the current pattern. “Insidious, chronic” refers to the cumulative and summative effects of a wide range of substances and their, in some cases long, half-lives within the body. Individual substances may damage one or more organ systems, just as several substances may affect one or more organ systems. Long half-lives, as in the case of lead or cadmium, for example, intensify this effect!

As for threshold limits, that’s a topic which could arouse a great deal of discussion. I feel these limits should be treated with a healthy dose of scepticism: which committees or interest groups are responsible for these threshold limits? (lobbying ???) Can/ should there even be threshold limits for children and foetuses? For the above reasons I am deliberately ignoring these tables in my study.

There now follows a short profile of a number of environmental toxins and a statement on nanoparticles.

I will deal first with the heavy metals lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, mercury/ amalgam and the environmental toxins formaldehyde, PCB and parabens.


Found in water pipes, weights, car batteries, munitions, wire coatings, ceramic glazes, paints, sealants and petrol until 1989! Routes of entry include drinking water, manure, game meat, fishmeal used as animal feed and exotic medicinal herbs. What is particularly insidious about lead is its long half-life within the body of around 20 years. Lead is mainly stored in our bones.


Occurs primarily with the elements oxygen, chlorine and sulphur. It enters the body as a result of refuse incinerators, coal burning in industrial plants and private households, vegetables grown with fertilisers, offal, seafood and cigarette smoke! Just like lead, it is a cumulative toxin with a half-life of around ten years.


Found in electric cables, alloys, water pipes, coins. Although copper is an important trace element, when accumulated in the body in the form of Wilson’s disease it is a problem. Copper causes disease when present in excess quantities and when deficient. Not accumulated in the body and stored briefly for approx. four weeks.


Found above all in numerous alloys and in jewellery, coins, heat exchangers, batteries, catalysts and stainless steel. Released by refuse incinerators and power plants. Enters the body through drinking water, via the skin from jewellery, watch covers and spectacle frames. Nickel allergy though sensitisation of the skin from rings, earrings and necklaces even in childhood!


Occurs as metallic, organic and inorganic mercury. Enters the body through amalgam, fish, inoculations, batteries, paints and rubbish tips. Mercury can cross the placenta!

Approx. 17 µg absorbed each day from amalgam fillings! Toxic especially due to other heavy metals such as aluminium, lead, cadmium and nickel.


Occurs naturally as a metabolic intermediate in man. Approx. 50 g produced and broken down daily! Occurs in plastics, binding agents, preservatives, textile additives, floor coverings, mechanical pulp, combustion engines and domestic heating systems and in the production of vaccines and cosmetics. Formaldehyde is neurotoxic and carcinogenic.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Belong to what are known as the dirty dozen organic toxins, banned in 2001. Found in transformers, condensers, hydraulic plants and as softeners in varnishes, sealing compounds and plastics. Virtually non-biodegradable, it accumulates in the skin (chlorine acne) and in the fatty tissue. PCBs are toxic to the liver, immunotoxic and carcinogenic.


Due to antimicrobial and fungicidal properties, found in many products in the pharmaceutical industry, in cosmetics and in foods as preservatives. Consequently the route into the body is easily comprehensible. Damage due to allergic potency, possibly carcinogenic – breast cancer?


“Out of sight, out of mind?” Absolutely tiny particles with huge potential for damage. Nanoparticles were one of the major innovations of recent years for industry offering the prospect of billions’ worth of profits.

The flipside of the coin is that the particles have some worrying properties: they are so small that the particle surface is the size of a single atom. This makes them highly active substances with a significantly increased potential to do harm. Their small size allows them to easily pass through natural barriers on the surface of the body such as skin and mucous membrane.

Probably the most dangerous aspect of their small size is that they follow the laws of quantum physics rather than classical physics. But with yourselves I probably don’t need to go into any further detail about this characteristic at the oscillation level and all that this entails for the body …

On the positive side, we as bioresonance therapists now have a tool available for successfully dealing with these hazards.

Detection methods

These include blood samples, urine specimens, hair root analysis and the bioresonance method.

Damage to health

Almost all the substances listed damage important functions such as the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, bones, immune system and also the brain and nervous system. The substances are all potentially carcinogenic!


The body’s attempt to deal with the substances leads, in particular, to the production of large numbers of free radicals. These damage the vascular endothelium by initiating an inflammatory response there. Together with increased blood lipid levels this leads to arteriosclerosis or formation of plaque. Nanoparticles produce this effect by blasting holes in the endothelium.

Nervous system

Environmental toxins lead to delayed development in children, maturational lag of the brain even in the uterus, impaired speech development, spasticity and seizures. Impaired memory and sleep disturbance have also been observed, possibly also onset of ALS.

Immune system

The following should be mentioned here: allergies, sensitivity to metal, production of auto-antibodies and probably the promotion of autoimmune diseases.

Therapy I

If basic regulation is intact (Pischinger), elimination takes place via the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin and lymphatic system. Very often however this regulatory system is overstretched and the eliminating organs are in a weak state; treatment is urgently needed!

Therapy II

Natural elimination can be stimulated, for example, with enemas and sweating cures. Eliminating preparations such as Phönix Solidago preparations, for example, also help. Complexing agents and chelate therapy play a part here and obviously bioresonance therapy too!

In this second, more specific, section I will now examine bioresonance diagnosis and therapy.

I will do so through two case studies from my own practice.

Case studies

Case 1
J.S., 13 years old, male

At the age of four the patient stuck a round cell battery up his nose when playing. No action was taken as it was assumed the battery would naturally find its own way out of the body.

At the age of ten the boy’s gums began to turn black. He started having behavioural problems and his performance at school was affected.

After quite an ordeal an ENT specialist performed a polypectomy. The battery, now empty, was rescued.

The lab report at the time revealed cadmium contamination. Bioresonance testing confirmed cadmium contamination, and also contamination with lead, nickel, copper and mercury!

Based on energetic testing and following Simone and Jürgen Hennecke’s approach, interference from the boy’s scars first had to be eliminated with program 910.5, three times in all.

It was important to eliminate interference from the ENT surgery. All the teeth in the upper jaw tested positive. The patient was treated with program 192 and for 13 minutes as tested, four times in all.

The eliminating organs liver, kidneys and lymph had to be stabilised along with their associated meridians. Prog. 311.1 was used for the liver, while program series 10093 was used for the meridian and liver detoxification.

The kidneys were treated with prog. 381.1 and program series 10114 to stabilise the kidneys. Finally the lymph was treated with prog. 201.1 and the lymph system activated with program series 10097. The following were added to channel 2: support liver, support kidneys and support lymph. The liver had to be treated twice, the kidneys three times and the lymph three times too.

In addition to contamination with the abovementioned environmental toxins,J.S. also tested positive for pathogenic infection with chickenpox and Streptococci. He was found to be intolerant to dairy products and yeast. Testing was carried out with BICOM® BICOMmultisoft® Pilot software, as was the subsequent therapy. Treatment of cows’ milk and yeast allergies was performed with program series 11313 and 13313 for chronically masked allergens, three times in all.

The pathogens were eliminated with programs 979.1 and the low deep frequency program 3460 for intracellular stress. Four treatment sessions were required.

After stabilising the eliminating organs and treating the scars, pathogens and food intolerance, the heavy metals were eliminated. The metals were all placed in the input cup, the patient was treated with programs 979.1 and 3460 and toxin elimination was selected in channel 2. After five therapy sessions the metals no longer tested positive.

Case 2
Y.K., 43 years old, female

Lab test results revealed formaldehyde contamination.

Contamination of a local primary school, which had been known about for some time, had been kept under wraps by the local authorities in VS.

Bioresonance testing confirmed this contamination, however additional toxins such as lead, copper and zinc also emerged.

This contamination is most likely due to the school’s ancient pipework.

Y.K.’s treatment: In addition to the test results from environmental toxins: scar interference from Caesarean section, dental foci from all extracted wisdom teeth, impaired elimination via liver, kidneys and large intestine, pathogenic infection with Herpes simplex and Borrelia.

Foodstuffs (wheat) and salicylic acid and impaired energy levels affecting general detoxification.

Therapy programs: scars prog. 910.5 and 927.3; channel 2: toxin elimination, all three times.

Liver and kidneys as with J.S., large intestine with programs 221.1 and program series 10038 for intestinal flora, also in channel 2: boosting intestinal flora.

Foodstuffs therapy with 11313, 12313, 13313, also in channel 2: toxin elimination.

Pathogen therapy again with 978.1 and 3460, also in channel 2: toxin elimination.

General detoxification with program series 10165 and also in channel 2: toxin elimination again, twice.

Then finally firstly elimination of formaldehyde by itself, then lead, copper and tin with programs 979.1 and 3460 for intracellular stress.

Formaldehyde was treated four times, the other metals were then treated three times.

In subsequent testing no further contamination could be detected.

Y.K. changed workplace. The school was refurbished following pressure from the public and angry parents.

The patient now leads a normal life.


infections in Animals

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