
Mobility problems: when the musculoskeletal system is blocked – in dogs, cats and humans

May 04, 201619 min read

Erika Kalbfleisch, Veterinary Naturopath, Darmstadt, Germany

Good morning
Dear BICOM® Therapy Colleagues,

Many thanks for inviting me to this year’s BICOM® Congress, the first I have attended as both speaker and delegate. Today,I would like to share some of my experiences with you. This may prove useful to other BICOM® therapists in the future, or could provide you with some food for thought or simply confirm to “old hands” that the methods they have always implemented successfully are actually used in other practices too.

My presentation focuses on mobility problems in dogs, cats and humans when the musculoskeletal system is blocked. As you all know, whether we are referring to humans or animals, the problems and also the treatments are very similar. Therefore,I am especially pleased to see in the audience today not only therapists working in the veterinary sector but also colleagues treating human patients too.

The subject matter cannot be limited to“only” one disorder. In fact, in some respects, it is not a disorder, as I will show you in an example in my lecture today.Furthermore, the cause of mobility problems affecting the musculoskeletal system may not lie in the musculoskeletal system per se but can have a severe impact upon it, as I will also endeavour to point out to you using different examples.

We don’t usually treat human patients in my practice. Nevertheless, I do have some experience in this field. I was able to help friends and relatives and also have personal experience of BICOM® bioresonance therapy.

Dog and cat owners mainly come to my practice with their fourlegged friends when conventional medical options have been exhausted, the only remaining treatment available is the administration of antibiotics, cortisone, analgesics, NSAIDs, etc. or expensive surgery has been proposed. A similar pattern is very often seen with human patients too.

Many patients have had Xrays, CT or MRI scans, blood tests and conventional medical results pointing to a clear diagnosis, while for others the clinical picture is not quite so straightforward. In most cases conventional medicines (analgesics, NSAIDs, cortisone, etc.) have been used to try to alleviate or cure the condition.

In contrast to standard test and therapy methods, my practice has adopted the following procedures:

Following a detailed medical history and physical examination, every animal is usually tested thoroughly. This is carried out using:

  • BICOM BICOMmultisoft® Pilot software: I initially carry out the overview tests for stresses and organs (substances and substance complexes) plus mineral and vitamin balance.

  • BICOM Pilot: Here I test around 500 programs plus substance complexes which I put together myself in program series and which make up my test panel.

  • BICOM CTT test tray

  • Substances or test sets, which I have personally digitised over time.

The software quickly provides me with a comprehensive picture, both qualitative and quantitative, of existing disturbances and blocks and possible disorders. I also prepare and pass on the test results to the patient’s owner. The owners are happy to be given something tangible to look at and are amazed at the stresses that they or their pets have to deal with.

And another welcome plus – they are also happy to pay for this service!

Very often I am asked by my patients’ owners if I can recommend a doctor or naturopath who carries out similar evaluations for humans.

Based on this first detailed test procedure, I compile a treatment plan and also use the results to monitor treatment and success rates. Adopting this approach, I eventually also established – and now I’m getting back to the actual subject of my presentation – that the same programs and frequencies can very often be used to treat mobility problems.

The following programs and program series test positive in approximately 80 % of cases:

Basic programs for reaction blocked patients (3133, 133)
Tissue block (3040, tissue regeneration, 951.1 tissue block)
Releasing blocks (energy)
(918 releasing blocks, 3084 regulation general / stress reduction)

We also often test problems, symptoms and/or blocks in the following areas:

Spine lumbar spine region:
560, 422, 822, 921, 3065
Spine thoracic spine region:
532, 533, 3072, 3073, 346, 381
Hip joints:
532, 550, 620, 3051, 3052
460 / 630 / 931 941
Scar interference:
900, 910, 927
Tissue / energy:
951, 925, 3040, 918, 3017, 1019, 1020
3101, 3102
Geopathic and electromagnetic stresses:
700, 701, 702

And a few very frequent individual programs:

Muscle tension (according to Riffel 2013):
1006 (12.5 Hz, low deep frequency, Di, wobble NO, constant amplification Di 13, interval mode, 14 min)

Bone pain (own experience):
1005 (7.4 Hz low deep frequency, Di, wobble NO, constant amplification Di 23, interval mode, 6 min)

Tissue relaxation (own experience):
1019 (7.8 Hz low deep frequency, H+Di, wobble YES, H = 6.8, + Di = 2.0, symmetrical amplification sweep, 120 sec, 8 min, input cup: saliva, fur)

Less often than you would expect, I also test:

Pain therapy (Ai) 425

With the substance complexes:

Tension, deep relaxation,vegetative dysregulation Musculoskeletal system support, general support for joints, chronic spondylosis, scarring (skin & bones), muscular pain

Every patient is individually treated by me and we often see that blocks in the musculoskeletal system are in fact released as soon as other blocks or stresses are treated and released via BICOM® bioresonance therapy without any of the aforementioned programs having been applied.

A 50minute therapy session per treatment has proved beneficial and effective. Humans, dogs and cats are generally capable of storing treatmentrelated information and utilising or processing this up to the time of the next appointment. I reduce the duration of treatment and initially increase vitality only with extremely weak patients.

Every owner always receives a bottle of BICOM® minerals, or BICOM® oil for cats, at the end of each treatment session. This is prepared via the storage device while treatment is running. Anyone who prefers to receive homeopathic treatment for themselves or their animals can of course be given imprinted globules. The BICOM® chip is used less often in my practice.

And now I would like to share a few of my practice cases with you. All of the cases mentioned are described in detail in the appendix.

Case studies

Case 1
Barney, Alsatian cross,4 months old, spinal block after a fall

Barney was brought to me in August 2012. His behaviour was not consistent with his young age. At four weeks he did not play with other puppies. And now he wouldn’t play with other dogs of his own age. He didn’t like to run and it was difficult to motivate him to do anything. Physically, he was underdeveloped and slightly short of breath.

The dog already had a colourful medical history despite its young age: several vets, numerous examinations and Xrays. Various diagnoses were put forward but, unfortunately, they were all incorrect. Medicinal treatment was given including pancreatic enzymes, various antibiotics for suspected conditions, NSAIDs and multivitamin preparations, Schüssler salts and worming programs (due to recurrent diarrhoea), etc.

The physical examination carried out in my practice revealed an unsteady gait. The dog could turn to the right but more or less refused to turn to the left.

I suspected a spine block due to a fall or overexuberant play. However, the owners did not know of any fall or other injury at the time. It turned out after treatment that, as a puppy, Barney had fallen down a steep slope whilst being exercised. A conventional medical examination was carried out at the time but no injuries were highlighted.

The first BICOM BICOM optima® treatment was administered whilst recording the case history:

  • 10133 Basic program for reaction blocked patients (3133, 133)

  • 10026 block in tissue (3040, 951)

  • 10027 blocks, energy (918, 3084)

Five days later, Barney came back for a second treatment session. The owner had already observed marked changes in the dog within this short period of time.

He was suddenly more interested in what was going on around him, looked forward to a walk and did not give up so quickly and so easily.

The following series and programs were used after testing:

  • 10036 colon treatment / lumbar spine (560, 445, 822, 422, 921)

  • 10091 Sacrum/coccyx block (211, 3065)

  • 10138 pain in back of neck (3046, 533)

  • 3072 block in back of neck

Three weeks later, Barney had improved substantially. He was playing and running, looked forward to going for walks and played with other puppies/dogs. Overall, the hindquarters were still rather shaky but the muscles had developed well and Barney had grown considerably.

After preliminary testing, I only treated him once more with the following program series:

  • 10036 colon treatment / lumbar spine (560, 445, 822, 422, 921)

  • 10114 Renal function impairment (3078, 482, 3080)

Three weeks later, Barney was now six months old and moving entirely normally. His movements were consistent with his age and limited mobility was no longer apparent. He was scampering around with other dogs and going for long walks without showing any signs of fatigue. Overall, he had gained 10 kg in a short space of time (he had caught up!).

With the fourth treatment, the kidneys were strengthened once again and the following program was used for the remaining blocks and symptoms in the back of the neck:

  • 10114 Renal function impairment (3078, 482, 3080)

  • 502, 531, 532, 533, 3073, 3046, 381 and 331 pain in back of neck and related symptoms

Thereafter, Barney only attended my practice for minor problems such as diarrhoea or worm infestation. After one year, the spine became blocked once again after a scuffle.

The tried and tested series 10026 and 10027 very quickly helped to release tissue and energy blocks. 10183 released spine blocks and 10184 spinal segments.

Barney is now four years old and is a completely normal, balanced dog with no musculoskeletal problems.

Case 2
Casper, large cross-breed,12 years old, thoracic spine block

Casper must have stumbled during a walk and sustained a severe block in the region of the thoracic spine and dislocated his first vertebra. This was confirmed with BICOM BICOM optima® testing.

The symptoms were severe dizziness and imbalance as well as severe pain and restricted mobility in the thoracic spine.

The first treatment was administered approximately four hours after the “sprain”.

  • 10133 Basic programs for reaction blocked patients (3133, 133)

  • 927, 951 Tissue block

  • 925 Tissue regeneration

  • 10107 Pain in back of neck (3072, 532, 502)

  • 570, 550 release jaw blockages

  • 10138 Pain in back of neck (3046, 533)

  • 10040 Regulate colon activity (565, 3084, 3116)

(I used the latter series because it responded very well during testing although no colonrelated problems or constipation were present!)

Globules were imprinted during the whole course of therapy. Casper was given these to take at intervals of approximately 3 – 4 hours until the following day. Rimadyl (two tablets in total) were given as pain relief as well as Vertigoheel to combat dizziness. These were also oscillated on to globules with special program 196 substance – substance.

Casper was already much better the following day. A second treatment was given after prior testing:

  • 10138 Pain in back of neck (3046, 533)

  • 927 Release tissue blockages

  • 502 Circulatory disturbances in the head area

  • 531 Torticolis

  • 311 Problems with elbow joint

  • 3020 Blood pressure regulation

  • 401, 524 Improving cardiac activity

No further treatments were required as all symptoms had disappeared by the next day and Casper was moving normally again.

Case 3
Ashley, Alsatian cross,2 years old, bilateral elbow dysplasia

Ashley was brought to me in December 2012 with the confirmed diagnosis of bilateral coronoid disease with severe cub arthrosis – elbow joint dysplasia.

The symptoms were clear: severe lameness in the front limbs.

Two veterinary surgeons and Giessen University Hospital recommended immediate surgery. However, the owner did not want to expose the young dog to this kind of surgery and decided to try the naturopathic approach first of all.

The first treatment was administered on 14.12.12 after a comprehensive testing procedure:

  • 10132 Basic program for patients in Yin state (3132, 132)

  • 425 Pain therapy (15 min)

  • 10044 Elbow joint symptoms (3040, 311)

  • 425 Pain therapy (15 min)

Five days later, (19.12.12), Ashley was already walking much better. On the day after the last treatment, there was an initial marked deterioration but then Ashley improved from day to day.

The second session of bioresonance therapy was administered with the same frequencies as the first since testing revealed that all frequencies still showed resonance.

A further marked improvement was apparent three weeks later (08.01.13). In the meantime, lameness was observed due to overexertion (dog walking) but this was treated effectively with Traumeel and Schüssler salts.

During the third bioresonance treatment session, the aforementioned series and programs were repeated after testing confirmed that the frequencies still showed resonance. Though the contents of the honeycomb holder were changed (see Appendix).

After another week (16.01.2013), an improved gait was maintained. Subsequent bioresonance testing also highlighted marked improvements. Many frequencies had already corrected themselves.

Subsequent therapies were then divided into one part pain therapy and another part comprising detoxication, elimination of stresses, etc.

Fourth bioresonance therapy session:

  • 10132 Basic program for patients in Yin state (3132, 132)

  • 10046 Detoxication, general (430, 480, 930)

  • 10075 Correcting postvaccinal complications (428, 3095)

  • 425 Pain therapy (30 min)

And another week later (24.01.13), the improvements in gait were now very clear. As far as we could see, Ashley already managed long walks without any evidence of pain or lameness and was also scampering around with other dogs again.

During the fifth treatment session,

  • 425 pain therapy was administered for ½ hour as well as

  • 10114 renal functional impairment

  • 900, 910 scar elimination

  • 3040, tissue regeneration.

A further four bioresonance treatments were administered during which liver function and circulation were supported, scars eliminated, tissue regulation was promoted and toxin elimination improved (see details in appendix).

After nine BICOM® bioresonance therapies, Ashley was “sorted”, so treatment was initially completed and the owner was satisfied.

In 2013, Ashley attended for further pain therapy at intervals of two to three months. Each time the trigger factors were overexertion caused by the owner, e.g. a oneweek hiking tour in Austria.

Ashley attended for a checkup in May 2014. Two further treatments were administered.

Another treatment was carried out again in April 2015 as Ashley had stumbled running across fields. Before then she had been fine.

Unfortunately, I cannot update you any further as Ashley was unfortunately shot dead by a hunter in July 2015.

I would now like to briefly outline a human case history.

Case 4
Female patient, 48 years old,spine blockages

The subject in this case is standing before you. In my previous life – before discovering BICOM® bioresonance therapy – I experienced “back problems” as an adolescent.

These were in the form of recurrent blockage of individual areas of the spine, but essentially affecting the lumbar spine region and the iliosacral joint.

I am not particularly sporty so any wellmeant advice given to me to exercise fell on deaf ears.

Diagnostically, several Xrays were taken over the years which highlighted mild wear and tear of the intervertebral disks and a slight scoliotic pelvis, but nothing more serious than that. Inserts and exercise were prescribed.

In 1995, my back symptoms worsened significantly and, in September 1995, I was declared unfit to work for 12 weeks. Up to this point, I was treated with oral and intramuscular analgesics and muscle relaxants along with physiotherapy but my condition did not improve. My GP eventually diagnosed psychosomatic disorders and recommended that I see a psychologist. I refused to do so.

In midDecember 1995, I finally visited a naturopath, a chiropractor [D.C.] who treated me successfully on a number of occasions after that.

In early 1996, I still attended sessions 2 – 3 times a week and went regularly up to 2011, sometimes 3 – 6 times a quarter.

In 2011, I became familiar with BICOM® bioresonance methods and started treating myself.

After the standard testing procedure, treatments focused initially on removing blockages (bacteria, viruses, fungi, environmental toxins and heavy metals, etc.).

Treatments gradually focused on the musculoskeletal system and I found that the more I used BICOM® bioresonance to eliminate blockages and stress in this particular area, the less often I needed to see the chiropractor.

I still go to the chiropractitioner two or three times a year when the blockages are too severe and I cannot release them with 2 – 3 treatments. My last appointment was in April 2015.

If I experience any blockages now, I apply the following programs or series – without prior testing – and using only one drop of blood:

  • 10133 Basic programs for reaction blocked patients (3133, 133)

  • 10046 Detoxication, general (430, 480, 930)

  • 10026 block in tissue (3040, 951)

  • 10027 release blocks (energy) (918, 3084)

  • 1019 tissue relaxation (according to FischerRöhrs 2015)

  • 1006 muscle tension (according to Riffel 2013):

And, depending on the location of the blockage, also:

  • 10091 Sacrum/coccyx block (211, 3065)

  • 10094 lumbar spine symptoms (3065, 560)

  • 10107 Pain in back of neck (3072, 532, 502)

The following are used for substance complexes, depending on the problem:

Improving intestinal flora, tension, muscle pain, musculoskeletal system, general joint support, stress, deep relaxation, vegetative dysregulation.

In most cases, I am symptomfree and painfree within a few hours to two days (max). On rare occasions treatments are repeated on the following day or day after that.


Unfortunately, in the time available I cannot go into as much detail as I would have liked. Similarly, I cannot outline all of my examples here. Therefore, I have provided more information in my paper about the cases described here and a further four. I have cited the case of Bootsmann, a dachshund cross, who underwent surgery after several slipped discs and who now has mobility problems due to kidney stones. Or the case of the cat Lilli, who lost coordination when jumping onto tables, chairs and cupboards after breaking her tail. Read too about Buddy who, at the tender age of three, presented with both hip and elbow dysplasia, and underwent denervation of the hip joint capsule – unfortunately without any real improvement in symptoms. You can also read about the case of Frodo, an Australian Shepherd, who went on to win the 2014 German Flyball Championship with this owner following bioresonance therapy.

You can see how broad the subject of mobility problems actually is.

I believe it is important to carry out thorough testing even though the programs and program series described earlier can cover a broad range of conditions. With detailed testing I can always identify problems, stresses and correlations and offer successful, highly tailored treatment options.

This approach also substantially reduces the number of treatments, thereby helping the animal’s general condition to improve more quickly and allowing me to focus very much on the real causes.

The owner is of course happy because he/she does not have to see the animal suffer and he/she is saving time and money, which is also important to most pet owners. And we also get something from this as therapists – satisfied patients and owners who are happy to recommend our services.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you enjoy the rest of the Congress.

Many thanks.

Case 1
Ashley, Alsatian Cross,date of birth 01.12.2010

Presentation and medical history on 05.12.2012

Rehomed dog, 3rd owner, brought to the practice with severe lameness and pain in the front limbs over a considerable period.

Conventional medical diagnosis:

Bilateral Cotonou’s disease with severe cub arthrosis (elbow joint dysplasia)

The dog had already been taken to two vets and Giessen University Hospital. Metacam (NSAID) was administered. Xrays and MRI scans revealed relatively severe elbow dysplasia, arthrosis but no splitoffs or bone fragments. Both vets and the clinic recommended immediate surgery and/or arthroscopy.


The owners wanted a second opinion and any suggestions on an alternative course of therapy.

Their thinking was based on the fact that I

  1. had already treated several dogs with this same diagnosis / surgery in my practice for pain relief and had to admit that longterm pain relief was no longer plausible on the one hand and,

  2. on the other hand that it is a generally wellknown fact that, within a relatively short period, this kind of surgery can lead to severe arthrosis and subsequent pain in dogs.

  3. Since the Xrays and MRI scans did not highlight advanced ED, I suggested initially trying the BICOM® bioresonance method. Surgery would still be an option should bioresonance prove unsuccessful.

Medicinal treatment on presentation: NSAID (Metacam), Schüssler salts Diet: BARF without carbohydrates, herbal supplements for joint diseases Worming was carried out immediately as parasite infestation was detected during testing.

BICOM® bioresonance testing on 10.12.2012

Multisoft – substances:severe bacterial contamination, chemical contamination, parasite contamination, heavy metal contamination

Multisoft – stressed organs: Colon, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys

Extremely severe stress: Ligaments, connective tissue, large and small joints,musculature, spine

Multisoft – substances: Spondylosis/thoracic spine/lumbar spine syndrome, tendovaginitis, tennis arm, scarring (skin/organs), scarring (bone)

BICOM Pilot:

3133, 133 basic programs blocked reactions 3132, 132 basic programs Yin state

830, 930, 610, 3066, 200, 201, 3036, 3126

560, 561, 460, 930, 461, 518, 562, 822, 3028, 3127, 3128

482, 3078, 3079, 3080

430, 431, 3063, 3064

999, 3041, 3042, 3089, 3043, 3044, 3047 480, 930, 934

toxin contamination:
970, 331, 2032, 3077

postvaccinal blockages:
991, 428, 3095

blood flow/circulation:
3032, 502, 281, 3022

blockages tissue:
927, 951, 925, 3040, 922, 923

abnormal scarring:
341, 900, 927, 910

lumbar spine / sacrum/coccyx:
560, 3065, 422, 822, 921, 211

back of neck / thoracic spine:
502, 531, 532, 533, 3072, 3073, 3046, 381

elbow joint:

ankle joints:

3090, 3091

burning sensation in the legs:
3023, 3024

muscle coordination/muscle wastage:

423, 3076, 3077

contusions / bruising:
3082, 3083, 630

blocked reactions:
915, 918, 3017


934, 3049, 3050, 121, 851, 591

3013, 978

acute foci/inflammation:
3004, 3037

pain treatment:


Treatment 1 – 14.12.2012

10132 Basic program patient in Yin state:
3132 Low deep frequency Yin state
132 Basic program patient in Yin state,substance complex: Fortifier for the elderly female

425 pain therapy, substance complex: liver support

425 pain therapy, substance complex: improve intestinal flora

10044 Problems with elbow joint

3040 tissue regeneration

311 problems with elbow joint

425 pain therapy, substance complex: improve intestinal flora, colon support

425 pain, therapy substance complex: colon support, scarring skin, organs, bones

Honeycomb: Vitamin B complex, Traumeel, Zeel, Lympthomyosot, NeyAthos, NeyGero, NeyChon, Coenzym Comp., Ecchinacea

Input cut: Fur, saliva, faeces, urine

Input electrode: back of the neck and elbow joints

Output: modulation mat

Storage device: Globules

DMI: amplifying, attenuate in the case of pain therapy


infections in Animals

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