
The impact of heavy metals – aluminium on the blood test

May 14, 202112 min read

Zdravka Svetličić, dr. med. vet., Homeopath, Bioresonance therapist, Zagreb, Croatia


We are surrounded by aluminium and the increasing number of experts believe that too much of it enters and stays in our bodies. The consequences are by no means harmless.

The fact is that we ingest it in excessive amounts, most often unknowingly, partly through food, partly through the skin or by inhaling it. The health hazard was confirmed by the report submitted by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) to the European Commission.

The book “When Aluminium poisons us”, by Virginie Belle, talks about the problem of excessive intake of aluminium. This book caused the commotion a few years ago in France, but also in other EU countries. It is a book that deals with the toxicity and harmfulness of Aluminium, a most abundant metal on our planet.

Where can you find aluminium?

While fifty years ago we ingested minimal amounts of aluminium from vegetables and maybe some from the dishes in which food was prepared, today aluminium is present in almost everything around us. In the stuff we use, in food, and in what we drink. In the form of a salt, aluminium has properties that make it widely applicable and an effective additive. Aluminium sulphate, for example, is added to the water we drink to increase its purity and clarity. All foods that need volume‐boosting additives, such as cakes, pastries, and biscuits, contain aluminium. Sweets for children contain dyes reinforced with aluminium, and it is also present in tea, cocoa drinks, some wines and sparkling wines, as well as in most processed foods.

It is found in cosmetics, primarily in sunscreens, clay‐based masks and deodorants, and antiperspirants, which, precisely because of the presence of this metal, were once accused of causing breast cancer. The French safety agency recommends that aluminium‐containing deodorants and antiperspirants are not to be used on irritated or newly depilated skin, and that you should purchase products containing less than 0.6% aluminium. Damaged skin absorbs aluminium faster and in larger quantities. In any case, due to frequent multi‐year use, it would be best to avoid products that contain aluminium, but also other harmful chemicals.

It is also used as an addition in medications such as aspirin and antacids and even as an addition in vaccines. In the form of salt, it is naturally present in food because plants absorb it from the soil and water. Unprocessed foods can contain from 0.1 to 20 mg of aluminium per kilogram, and tea and leafy green vegetables can have it even more. But it can also end up in your food through foil and other aluminium packaging.

Of particular concern is that it is also present in infant formulas. One of the world’s most influential experts on aluminium, prof. Chris Exley from Keele University, conducted a study in which he tested 16 most widely used British milk formulas for children up to 1 year of age. He and his team found that traces of aluminium in milk formulas exceed the allowed level for drinking water, in some cases there was as much as 40 times more aluminium in formulas than there is in breast milk. This is extremely dangerous since 6 months old babies absorb aluminium very easily, but their body is unable to get rid of it.

There is also aluminium in wall paint, wires that conduct electricity, or car parts. Aluminium is used both as a wetting agent in dyeing and for impregnation in the production of waterproof fabrics, so we often have it in the clothes we wear.

Aluminium is everywhere, and when it comes to food, we mostly get it through pasta, bread and, in general, cereal and flour products (couscous, biscuits, crackers, rusks, pizza, cornflakes …) since these products represent the biggest part of our diet. Aluminium is present even in some types of vegetables (for example in mushrooms, spinach and lettuce) which absorb it from the soil more easily than other types of vegetables.

Aluminium foil, utensils, cans as well as containers for storing and transporting food, can release particles of this metal into food. The percentage of aluminium released by these items is minimal, but it also depends on how long the food has been in contact with the metal. After 24 hours, the release of aluminium becomes more intense and is especially intense in contact with acidic foods, such as wine, tomatoes or lemon juice, so it is not wise to prepare such foods and keep them in aluminium containers.

Today, a new variant of this metal is increasingly used to make dishes ‐ the so‐called anodized aluminium, which is non‐reactive and long‐lasting compared to the ordinary. However, if anodized aluminium is damaged, it becomes reactive again, so it is not recommended to mix food in such dishes with metal and sharp utensils, likewise it is not smart to use wire for cleaning.

If we think about the amount of aluminium we come in contact with every day through food, drinks, clothes, by living in spaces made of aluminium‐containing parts and painted with aluminium filled paint, by beautifying ourselves with cosmetics that contain it or by taking drugs and vaccines that contain it, it is clear that after many years of consumption we can no longer talk about the harmless amounts that accumulate in our body. We live in the aluminium age.

Symptoms of aluminium over‐exposure

Too high doses of aluminium can cause serious health problems such as:

  • Bone deformities (reduced ability of the body to digest and utilize fluoride, phosphorus and calcium resulting in reduced bone growth and bone density. But that’s not all: high amounts of aluminium in the body extract calcium from bones, resulting in brittleness and bone deformities)

  • Contact dermatitis

  • Muscle pain

  • General weakness

  • Bone pain

  • Speech problems

  • Anemia

  • Premature osteoporosis

  • Weakened immune system

  • Impaired kidney function

  • Poor iron absorption

  • Digestive problems

  • Nervous system problems: confusion, headaches, memory loss, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, emotional instability, sleep disturbance, decreased intellectual ability, loss of coordination

Through twenty years of experience in homeopathy and ten years of bioresonance practice, I have noticed that heavy metal loads can cause serious health problems. I was able to discover that blood tests of patients with detected aluminium load through BICOM® analysis had some abnormalities. I will present two cases, one of which is from 2016 with elevated ferritin values, and the other from 2020 (October and November) with elevated platelet (thrombocyte) count.

Case 1


  • NAME: Perica H.

  • AGE: 49 (2016)

  • GENDER: male

  • OCCUPATION: electrical technician


The patient arrived on 24th May 2016 with the problem of high value of ferritin. This condition has been present since 2013. He felt chronic fatigue, exhaustion, problems with digestion, bloating and was overweight. He grew up and lives in the vicinity of the aluminium factory that closed 20 years ago. It took time for the client to remember that there used to be an aluminium factory. They have a small vegetable garden where the family grows vegetables for personal use. He drinks 3 litres of cow’s milk a day. The feeling of heaviness occurs especially when he eats lettuce.

In laboratory findings ferritin value is 644 µg/L, reference values are 20 do 250 µg/L. Red blood count, Fe, TIBC and UIBC have normal values.


Ferritin is a protein that is synthesized in the liver and is an indicator of iron reserves.

Elevated value

Ferritin concentrations can be elevated due to various diseases such as infections, chronic inflammatory disease (rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease), heart and malignant diseases.

In liver damage (viral hepatitis, toxic liver damage, alcoholism) ferritin is released from the cells and its level in the blood rises although the total amount of iron in the body may be normal.

Reduced value

Decreased ferritin levels occur due to iron deficiency (acute or chronic bleeding, pregnancy, insufficient iron intake from the diet or reduced absorption).


The BICOM test discovered the following loads:

  • Candida Albicans and other fungi

  • Parasites – blood parasites and blood worms

  • Heavy metals – aluminium, amalgam, mercury and Teflon

  • Allergens – wheat, gluten, metals (aluminium, amalgam, mercury and Teflon), histamine, fish, milk, lactose, propolis

At the energy level, the test is positive on polyps.

The causes of allergies are:

  • Food chemistry

  • Influence of heavy metals

  • Fungal infections

  • Stress

Functional state of the organism shows the following energy blockages:

  • Circulation

  • Small and large intestine

  • Stomach

  • Spleen

  • CNS

  • Skin

  • Kidney

  • Lymph

  • Sinuses

  • Allergic reaction

  • Joints and spine

  • Liver


First therapy 24th May 2016, last therapy 12th July 2016, in total there were seven therapies.


During all seven therapies, the patient was on a diet (according to test results for food intolerance), drinking probiotic tablets as well as zeolite. After two therapies, the patient reported to be feeling better, he began to lose weight and his general condition improved.


Laboratory findings made after bioresonance treatment, show a normal ferritin value

217µg/L. Both laboratory tests were made in the same laboratory.



After bioresonance therapies I feel much better. Ferritin values are normal. I lost weight, regained energy and my general condition has improved. I’m still on a diet according to the results of the test for food intolerance. I am very pleased with the results of the therapy.

Case 2


  • NAME: Anita C.

  • AGE: 43 (2020)

  • GENDER: female

  • OCCUPATION: economist


October 5th, 2020. The patient came in with problems of high platelet (thrombocyte) count and alopecia areata. The client had no symptoms. Everything was revealed by a random systematic exam in May 2017. However, in May 2020 alopecia areata appeared in several places on her head. At the beginning of the year, COVID 19 crisis started and on March 22nd there was an earthquake in Zagreb. She is usually very cheerful, happy and constantly smiling. At first glance, it would be hard to say that she is suffering from any kind of stress. As a part of her prescribed therapy she takes 100mg of cardiopirin (acetylsalicylic acid‐ ASA) every other day to prevent thrombosis.

31.08.2017. In laboratory findings thrombocyte value was 542 (x109 / L), reference values 150‐400×109 /L

Other blood tests were normal. The doctor’s diagnosis was essential thrombocytosis. Increased platelet (thrombocyte) count: thrombosis (spontaneous blood clotting) therefore Cardiopyrin was prescribed.

In May she started losing her hair. Photos are from 09.10.2020.



BICOM® test was positive on Candida, fungi, bacteria, heavy metals and other burdens of primary and secondary allergens.

Positive allergens: wheat, gluten, additives for food preservation, metals (aluminium, mercury, silver), acetyl salicylic acid, histamine.

On the energetic level test was positive on Hashimoto. Thyroid hormones are of normal values.

Causes of allergies: food additives, heavy metals impact, fungal infections and stress.

Intoxication by heavy metals: Aluminium, Mercury and Silver.

At the energy level, the test was positive on the following blockages:

  • Allergies

  • Chakra

  • Acidity

  • Sinus

  • Detoxification

  • Hormonal

  • Intracellular load

  • Metabolic

  • Negative radiation

  • Heavy metal load

  • Cerebral (Hamer focus)

Lack of the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin E

  • Omega 3

  • Copper

  • Manganese

  • Zinc


  • Thyroid

  • Blood

  • Sinuses

  • Stomach

  • Gall bladder

  • Small and large intestine


First therapy was 8th October 2020. Last therapy was 26th November 2020. In total there were eight therapies.


During all eight therapies, the patient was on a diet (according to test results for food intolerance), drinking probiotic tablets and zeolite. After four therapies, the patient reported to be feeling better, much calmer and happier. The blood test showed a significant improvement (results from 2nd November 2020)

The hair began to grow significantly (photographs from 16th November)


Laboratory findings during bioresonance therapies show a much better thrombocyte value 490 x109/L.


(Photographs are from 16th November 2020)



After the lockdown and the earthquake in Zagreb, on my previous diagnosis, thrombocytosis, alopecia also emerged.

All standard test for alopecia were normal for me, the dermatologist prescribed corticosteroids, but the results were missing. After the summer, I decided that I must address the cause, and not just treat the problem locally, because the hair kept falling out and I was soon going to become bald.

I heard about Zdravka and bioresonance from a very dear friend. I came a little bit doubtful and insecure in a wonderful and relaxed space, full of affirmative messages. Zdravka and her smile bought me at the first glance and that’s where my bioresonance journey started.

Already, after the first treatment, I noticed that my hair loss decreased, but Zdravka didn’t believe it.

Zdravka concluded that it was the thyroid gland and aluminium, and that I needed to get rid of gluten.

Now, after almost 2 months of bioresonance treatment, my hair stopped falling out. On the contrary, it started to grow, and my blood test got better too.

For me, visiting Valera Vita centre is like wellness, because those 60 minutes are mine, just for me, where I lie, listen to relaxing music, talk a little bit with Zdravka and her son Antonio, recharge my batteries and heal my body.

Case 3

December 12th, 2020: A child with a severe allergic reaction on the skin, elevated levels of ferritin and liver enzymes, joint pain and atypical fatigue for a five‐year‐old came to my centre. Classical medicine has no conclusion. By using BICOM diagnostics I found the following: Candida, fungi, EB virus, aluminium, mercury, negative effects of vaccines, allergies to gluten, wheat, and sugar. Fortunately, this child has a chance to solve above‐mentioned conditions because the parents recognized the potential of BICOM® bioresonance therapy.


To conclude, there is an increasing number of cases associated with aluminium load because aluminium became ubiquitous. Its influence is shown in various clinical pictures. Its affinities are different, and it easily binds to pathogens, food, and other toxins in the body. Remember to suspect aluminium if your clients come to you with an abnormal blood test.


  • ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry : “Public Health Statement for Aluminium” chapter from the Toxicological Profile for Aluminium – September 2008

  • VALERA VITA franchise – personal archive of therapeutic programs with patients permission for public disclosure (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation)

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