When hormones get out of control: restoring hormonal balance
Brigitte Jocher, Naturopath, Osten, Germany
Aim of the presentation
Introducing a combination of bioresonance and hormone therapy which has proved highly effective in the management of socalled “bioresonance treatment failures”.
In cases where patients present with general symptoms such as exhaustion, joint and muscle pain, sleeping problems, depression and similar conditions, but no improvement is seen after several sessions of bioresonance therapy, we have found that hormone analysis and bioidentical hormone therapy based on these analytical findings will prove beneficial. Following successful hormone regulation, bioresonance can take full effect and trigger the improvements you would fully expect to see in “normal” patients.
This suggests the following hypothesis:
BICOM® therapy requires the presence of hormones in order to function effectively.
1st session
Complete the questionnaire / medical history (possibly submit before attending the appointment in the practice)
Bioenergetic testing of the patient within the scope of the Combined Test Technique (CTT).
In every case, the fire element, ampoule TW, male and female hormones (control level) and urinary tract/bladder (organ reference ovaries and adrenal glands).
If hormone imbalance is suspected, carry out/include a saliva test.
Support the intestine and lymph: The intestine has a major effect on the hormone system.
CTT: Metal and water with corresponding meridians
Test and treat using the BICOM® programs for intestine and lymph.
Substance complex honeycomb (intestine): linseed oil, comfrey
Honeycomb (lymph): geranium, lymphomyosot
Test the liver and support if required (important for hormone production and absorption of the following nutrient components):Plant hormones, enzymes, vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, trace elements and amino acids as the basis for hormone production and conversion (e.g. provitamin D, tryptophan, iodine, selenium).
Test and optimise nutrients (e.g. low magnesium levels are associated with high oestrogen levels).Test the nutrient balance according to Sissi Karz.Substance complex deficiency in … Stress from …Food supplement test set from the Greenleaves NL company or similar
Also test for chemical contamination, environmental toxins, inoculations/metals, E additives and food intolerance: Wheat, gluten.
Finally think about the thyroid gland.CTT: Fire element and related meridiansThyroid gland program, check thyroid gland medication, laboratory blood test: TSH, FT3, FT4.
2nd session
Discuss the hormonesaliva analysis
Basic therapy after the conductance reading
Check blocks
Test and open the eliminating organs
CTT test and therapy
Follow-up programs / substances and substance complexes
Food / food supplement test to support the hormone system
Input: Place the adhesive applicator or button applicator on the hormone imbalance.
Output: Modulation mat
Tensor test: Block (tensor up/down)

Location of acupuncture points CV 17 and TW 10

The progesterone point is located 1 cun superior to the olecranon process in a depression with elbow flexed.
Based on Dr. med. Wolfgang Rohrer (excess and deficiency seminar / hormone imbalance therapy).
Treatment setting A (Pr. 195, 171):
Scan food test set (also individual test set).
From the 3rd session
Which symptoms have improved?
Which symptoms remain?
Adjust or supplement the formula.
How did the thyroid gland react?
BICOM® CTT: Test/therapy according to usual procedure.
Ear acupuncture to stabilise and harmonise the hormone system
(Source: Lehrbuch und Repetitorium Ohr,Schädel, Mund, HandAkupunktur[Ear, Skull, Mouth and Hand Acupuncture Reference and Review Book] HansUllrich Hecker, Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart)
Menopausal Syndrome
Corpus luteum hormone point (Prog. 980, 1 min Oestrogen point (Prog. 900, 2 min)
Gonadrotropin point (Prog. 980, 1 min)
In the case of aggression, hot flushes, sweating and restlessness; also antiaggression point
(Prog. 900, 1 min)
In the case of sleep disorders: Jerome Point (Prog. 900, 1 min)
In the case of depressive moods: Antidepression point
(Prog. 900, 1 min)

BICOM® bioresonance therapy at fortnightly intervals until all the stresses have been eliminated
After three months treatment with BICOM® and bioidentical hormones
Application control
Saliva analysis (test set) Ms X, 54 years old
Case 1
Ms X, 54 years old
Case history:
Menopause (no bleeding for five years)Cysts, myoma, diminished libido,
hypertension, headaches, weak bladder and joint pain
Testing and BICOM® bioresonance therapy
Basic therapy after conductance reading,geopathic stress Scar interference field – energy blocks
CTT test and therapy
Initially disrupted element: Fire, female hormone, TW
Stress ampoules:
Fungal infestation, heavy metals Test set food supplements Greenleaves:Tryptophan AO: Kidneys Stabilisation: Pr. 900
Results of saliva hormone test
Estradiol 2.80 pg/ml (reference value 3.5 – 4.5)
Estradiol 2.80 pg/ml (reference value 3.5 – 4.5)
Estriol 3.90 pg/ml (reference value 15 – 30)
Progesterone 80.80 pg/ml (reference value 80 – 120)
Testosterone 21.50 pg/ml (reference value 35 – 40)
Estriol Cream D4 2-2-2, Sunday Pause
Estradiol Cream D4 1-0-1, Sunday Pause
Testosterone Cream D4 220, Sunday Pause
Tryptophan Food test on hormone point (TW 10 progesterone point) Setting A Milk, lactose, egg yolk, egg white, parsley and walnut (oil) Pr. 195 (substance on patient)
Diet recommendation
Additional course of treatment from the 3rd session at fortnightly intervals for the following three months
Ear acupuncture with bioresonance Oestrogen point (Pr. 900, 2 min) Corpus luteum point (Pr. 980, 1 min) Myoma and cysts: Pr. 934 / 970 Weak bladder: Pr. 390
Additional recommendation: Pelvic floor exercises, pelvic training Saliva hormone test after three months
Ear acupuncture with bioresonance
Oestrogen point (Pr. 900, 2 min)Corpus luteum point (Pr. 980, 1 min)Myoma and cysts: Pr. 934 / 970 Weak bladder: Pr. 390
Additional recommendation: Pelvic floor exercises, pelvic training
Saliva hormone test after three months
Estradiol 3.4 pg/ml (Reference value 3.5 – 4.5)Estriol 22 pg/ml (reference value 15 – 30)Progesterone 120 pg/ml (reference value80 – 120)
Testosterone 37 pg/ml (reference value 35 –40)
The patient felt balanced. Libido restored,joint pain improved by 80 %.
Antihypertensive medication adjusted and reduced by GP, considerably fewer headaches.
The aim of the presentation was
To introduce a combination of bioresonance and hormone therapy which has proved highly effective in the management of socalled “bioresonance treatment failures“.
In cases where patients present with general symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, bladder problems, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and similar conditions, but no improvement is seen after several sessions of bioresonance therapy, we have found that hormone analysis and bioidentical hormone therapy based on this analysis will prove beneficial. Following successful hormone regulation, bioresonance can take full effect and trigger the improvements you would fully expect to see in “normal“ patients.
This suggests the following hypothesis:
BICOM® therapy requires, according to my experience, the presence of hormones in order to function effectively.
Thank you for your attention and have a safe journey home.
Censa – Centre for Saliva Analysis, Elisabeth Buchner, www.censa.de
Bluttest kontra Speicheltest [Blood test versus saliva test], Dr. Ziemann, Doctor and Endocrinologist, Presentation at the Hormone Test Forum, Erlangen, 2009
Lehrbuch und Repetitorium Ohr, Schädel, Mund, HandAkupunktur [Ear, Skull, Mouth and Hand Acupuncture Reference and Review Book]
HansUllrich Hecker, Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart
Dr. med. Wolfgang Rohrer, Specialist FMH (Swiss Medical Association), General Medicine CH7250 Klosters – Seminar for Advanced Practitioners
„Vom Überfluss und Mangel: Die Therapie der hormonellen Störung“
[From Excess and Deficiency: the Treatment of Hormone Disorders] Jan. 2014
Hormone relationships in cancer can be found in the book entitled
„Krebs besiegen ohne Nebenwirkungen“ [Eradicating Cancer without Side Effects].
Websites of interest
Therapy programs (BICOM 2000 and BICOM BICOM optima®)
Therapy programs for hormone balance and assumed hormone relationship
Regulate adrenaline secretion (adrenal glands cortisol)
Prolapsed bladder (testosterone)
Lack of energy (adrenal glands)
Heart problems, neurogenic (testosterone)
Glaucoma (progesterone)
Stress from synthetic substances (estradiol)
Irritable bladder (estriol)
Depression (progesterone)
Lack of energy, debility (adrenal glands DHEA/cortisol)
Elephantiasis of the legs (estradiol)
Hot flushes (estradiol)
Hormone regulation, gonads
Hormonal regulation via the foot
Hormonal disorders
Puberty disorders, girls (also menopausal problems in women/men)
Stimulate release of hormones
Improve effect of serotonin
Menopausal problems (progesterone, oestradiol, adrenal glands)
Potency disorders (testosterone + estradiol + progesterone + estradiol + estriol + DHEA + cortisol)
Thyroid gland problems (testosterone + progesterone + estradiol + estriol + DHEA)
Pituitary gland regulation (control level)
Childlessness (estradiol, progesterone, estriol)
Menstrual disorders (progesterone)
Night blindness (progesterone)
Potency disorders (testosterone/estradiol)
Prostate complaints (progesterone)
Mucosal regulation (estriol)
Tinnitus (estriol)
Bedwetting (progesterone, adrenal glands)
Alopecia (estradiol)
Skin problems (estriol, estradiol, testosterone)
Susceptibility to infection/immune system (adrenal glands)
Joints (progesterone, estriol)
Allergies (overall hormone status)
Food intolerance (overall hormone status)
N.B. !!!
Bioidentical hormones are not used to treat cancer patients (breast cancer), women using hormone contraceptives (pill, hormone coil, 3month injections, patches, etc.).
It is important to understand the relationships in order to bring about hormonal balance.
The mind (also in children)
Strength of performance, memory and concentration (also in children)
Metabolism and weight (also in children)
Skin and hair (also in children)
Glands and organs (also in children)
Bone, muscle and connective tissue (also in children)
Reproduction and development
Sleep and the biological clock (also in children)
Hormone control
Our body’s hormone system is controlled, regulated and monitored from the brain via the pituitary gland.
A feedback system helps in this respect.

Hormone changes

Cholesterol is an extremely important basic substance for hormone synthesis. Higher cholesterol levels are an important mechanism. The body regulates the hormone balance by releasing cholesterol.
If vegans or vegetarians have a free hormone deficiency, cholesterol levels rise. Cholesterollowering agents inhibit this type of regulation in the body.
Hormone balance

Frequent causes of hormone imbalance
Excessive stress and demands
Priority is given to stress hormones in the body. This means that they are always used first of all – regardless of the time of life. Cortisol and adrenaline are “fight or flight hormones“.The body switches to an emergency program in order to ensure survival. Other hormones must wait for “better times“.
Cortisol levels increase in the following situations:
Too much stress in everyday life (especially when caring for others)
Too much emotional stress (conflict, bullying, trauma)
Too much stress on the immune system (chronic disease, piercing, coil)
Too much stress on the liver (diet, addiction, hormone overdose)
Too much physical exertion (sport, work, caring for others, profession)
Excessively high doses of cortisone derivatives (medicinal products, sprays)
Mental/physical exhaustion (burnout) can occur after prolonged, excessively high cortisol levels.
Hormone emergency program when the hormone glands feel the strain

Daily cortisol profile: considerable stress
Typical symptoms: High blood pressure, sweating, weight gain

Daily cortisol profile: fatigue
Typical symptoms: Diminished performance, burn-out, weight gain, depression and similar

Exhaustion not always triggered by Cortisol

Hormone preparations containing unnatural hormones
Contraception and hormone replacement therapy (pills, patches, hormone coil, hormone ring)
Types of cortisone that are alien to the body (prescribed in the treatment of allergies, asthma,eczema, colds and croup, etc.)
These types of hormone are foreign bodies and suppress endogenous hormone release.
The typical consequences of unnatural hormones are:
Extensive deficiency symptoms of endogenous hormones. This means an unpredictable
mental and physical emergency state.Early menopause
ovarian regression
weight problems
increased risks of thyroid 1 gland problems
cancer, dementia, embolism and stroke
bleeding disorders
weight problems, etc.
1 Thyroid gland abbreviated to TG hereafter
Skin care products with unlisted hormone additives or plant isoflavones

Skin care products containing natural hormones – essentially estradiol + estriol or /isoflavones
Hormone additions are not listed Skin care products for mature skin (“anti-aging“) – available even from chemist’s shops
Special cosmetic products (e.g. estradiol products)
Eye treatment products with rich ingredients
Many psoriasis creams purchased from pharmacies
Many lubricant gels
These concealed, unlisted types of hormone can trigger or intensify the following symptoms in the case of prolonged use:
Cyclic disorders
Problems conceiving
Thyroid gland stimulation (increase in TG medication)
Stress on the liver and pituitary gland
Increased blood coagulation (heart attack, thrombosis, stroke and embolism)
Weight gain
and many more
Inappropriate use or overdosing with natural hormone medication
Passive “use“ by family members of too many natural hormones from mother’s skin care range. This can cause behavioural problems, breast growth, precocious puberty and weight gain in children. The breasts and prostate can become enlarged in male partners and sperm quality diminishes. Pets can develop alien behavioural patterns.
Chemical contamination
The two most common and most harmful chemicals: Bisphenol-A (BPA)
BPA is a synthetic substance used as a plasticizer in polycarbonate plastics. It has been known to affect oestrogen receptors since the 1930s.
Phthalates are also industrial chemicals and are found in flexible plastics, nail varnish, shampoo, shower curtains, baby toys, vinyl flooring and medical supplies such as infusion bags.
Mercury also acts as a foreign oestrogen. It binds to oestrogen receptors.
Saliva hormone test or blood hormone test?
Synthetically altered hormones (progestins) are not detected in either the blood hormone test or saliva hormone test. Only the following can be detected in the endogenous hormone system through saliva hormone tests.
Therefore a test may prove interesting in the case of the hormone coil, pill, hormone ring or hormone patch. Only two to five percent of the active hormone is found in the saliva.

Bioidentical hormones are identical to endogenous hormones in terms of structure and effect. Yam root and soya beans are the usual base material. They contain diosgenin, a progesterone precursor, from which all other hormones are produced.
Synthetic hormones
are active substances that are produced artificially and do not therefore occur naturally.In order to exploit them commercially, synthetic hormones are altered in terms of their molecular structure compared with natural hormones. Only then are they patentable and of commercial interest for industry. As a result of this alteration, synthetic hormones have side effects that are not apparent in human hormones.
This chemical foreign matter also occupies the receptors for natural hormones with the result that production of the latter is reduced. Synthetic hormones cannot be converted into other hormones by the body and are not produced from cholesterol, so the body’s “emergency program“ – to maintain the hormone balance when disorders occur – is overridden.
Men + hormones
Prostate problems; diminished libido, poor performance, burn-out, fertility
Hormone differences between men and women:
Men release different quantities of hormones in the case of testosterone and estradiol and have different hormone ratios in terms of estradiol to testosterone and estradiol to progesterone.
Men and women share similar types of hormones. No hormone is entirely specific to males or females.
What causes male hormones “to fluctuate“:
Poor nutrition, alcohol, coffee (adrenaline), a large quantity of beer, inappropriate dietary supplements, too much soya, stress, anger, rage (cortisol), performance sport, endurance sport, doping, medication such as psychotropic drugs, TG medication, antihypertensives and cholesterol-lowering agents; lack of exercise, drugs (including nicotine), sexual overstimulation (porn addiction), overwork, shift work, hectic lifestyle, lack of balance (… and, very occasionally, women drivers!)
The causes or amplifiers must be found in order to regulate the situation sensibly.
What is the point of therapy if the causes or amplifiers cannot be eradicated? Settings must be checked by testing in order to guarantee age-appropriate, gender-specific regulation with a cyclical focus and to avoid overdosing.
There is no such thing as a standard treatment.
Sensible hormone regulation must always be tailored to the individual. Our experience has shown that many factors have to be taken into account in order to achieve hormonal balance. What’s good for the goose isn’t always necessarily good for the gander!
Direct, natural hormone administration: gel or cream in D4 with estradiol, estriol,progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, cortisol (hydrocortisone), various TG medicinal products T4+T3
Herbal support: Monk’s pepper, yam root, black cohosh, red clover, rhubarb, gypsywort in teas, ointments, tinctures, wraps and ready-made products.
Too many hormones can be just as bad as too few hormones in the long term.
Sex hormones through the saliva hormone test Thyroid gland hormones via the blood test Sleep hormone melatonin via the saliva hormone test Stress hormone cortisol via the saliva hormone test Prolactin, FSH, LH, PSA via the blood test Nutrients, toxins, etc., via BICOM®
Foods containing progesterone:
Cheese, chocolate, milk, eggs, butter, walnuts, cream, ice-cream and caramel
Food supplements: Vitamin E preparations, yarrow, mugwort, Lady’s Mantle and Monk’sPepper
Think about the thyroid gland

Thyroid gland relationships
Overactive TG
Underactive TG
Hashimoto’s and Graves’-Basedow auto-immune diseases
Symptoms of overactive TG
Anxiety, panic, severe cramp, restlessness, nervousness, tremor, poor concentration,diarrhoea, weight loss, sweating, oily skin and greasy hair (even in winter), sleep disturbances (therefore exhaustion), aggression (mood swings)
Symptoms of TG autoimmune disease
Alternating symptoms of overactive and underactive TG,sometimes within hours
For purposeful TG testing, TSH, FT3 and FT4 blood levels should be tested as a minimum and, in the case of an autoimmune disorder, also TRAb, TPO-Ab and Tg-Ab.
Example of “unexplained sweating”
Observations (typical times of day, days of the cycle?)
Explain causes: overactive TG or TG overdose?
Not enough estradiol? (combination with other E2 symptoms?)
Too much progesterone? Too much adrenaline (stress or flushes especially after eating?)
Possibly request a test (TG, saliva hormone test)
Discuss treatment options
Foods that support testosterone
Oats, chilli, parsley, pumpkin, maca, nettle, potency wood, saw palmetto
Food supplements: Sea-green, nettle, garlic, pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto
Also supporting: movement
Foods that support estradiol = E2 (oestrogen)
Eggs, hops, marzipan, almond oil, caviar, liquorice, pomegranate, lard, red clover, black cohosh and soya (N.B.: soya has a negative effect on the thyroid gland)
Food supplements: black cohosh, rhubarb root, isoflavones, red clover
Foods that support estriol
Egg white, linseed
TIP: Comfrey optimises the mucosa hormone estriol
Caution: hyaluronic acid (as joint injection, in capsule form, wrinkle treatment) increases estriol to incredibly high levels which then ends up in the oestrogen stores.
Vitamin D through copious amounts of sunshine
Vitamin D supplement in high doses (e.g. Dekristol 20.000 I.U.) – oestrogen dominance
Substitution more than 1,000 I.U. daily
Any surplus is synthesized into E2 and E3