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The First EVER University Master’s Degree in Bioresonance

The 1st Level University Master’s Degree in Bioresonance: Application Methodologies” offered by SafesPro is a comprehensive program designed for health professionals. It aims to provide deep insights into bioresonance, covering various modules from molecular biology to clinical biochemistry and quantum physics. The course is delivered in multiple languages, including English and Chinese, and focuses on the critical evaluation and research in bioresonance to enhance patient care in various medical fields



  • Acquire comprehensive knowledge of bioresonance, integrating it with various medical disciplines.
  • Develop practical skills through hands-on experience with clinical cases.
    Engage in research to explore and contribute to the latest advancements in bioresonance.
  • Enhance patient care by applying bioresonance in different medical fields.
  • Stay at the forefront of medical innovation with cutting-edge knowledge and techniques.

The development of the medical sciences has, in recent decades, had a great impetus from the acquisitions coming from Biochemistry – which remains unquestionably a mainstay – gradually, however, another branch of science is emerging in all its importance in the Sciences Health, Quantum Physics, so much so as to generate a “Quantum Medicine,” which certainly does not stand in an alternative but fundamentally and essentially complementary way, being able to offer to medical practice new and sophisticated “Bioresonance” instrumentation, both diagnostic and therapeutic, capable of enabling targeted interventions, “precision” on individual patients, assessing their electromagnetic status that affects the communication between cells, tissues and organs, which in a variety of pathologies can be compromised.



Please read the FAQ section to understand the 2 programs

1. Molecular biology -Biochemistry
2. Physiology – Pathophysiology
3. Water, this unknown
4. Biochemistry topics
5. Quantum physics and health sciences
6. Theory of the interactive effect of biological and cosmic fields
7. Food science, bioresonance. Analysis and integration
8. Bioresonance
Final examination

What is the purpose of the Master ́s degree?

The Master ́s degree in “Bioresonance: application methodologies” enables the acquisition of European and international skills certification to be able to apply Bioresonance methodologies.

The Master ́s degree consists of 8 online modules: 1) Molecular Biology – Biochemistry, 2) Physiology – Pathophysiology, 3) Water, this unknown, 4) Basics of Clinical Biochemistry, 5) Quantum Physics and Health Sciences, 6) Theory of the interactive effect of biological and cosmic fields, 7) Food science, 8) Bioresonance, plus a final thesis/project work.

Teaching for the Master will be in e-learning mode. Each student will be provided with login credentials to the platform (username and password) that will enable him/her to follow the video lectures. Students will have at their disposal handouts, bibliography, and multiple-choice self-assessment questionnaires. After completing each module, students must take online exams before proceeding to the following module. Students can achieve university credits (CFU) by passing the final exam, considered as an assessment of the skills acquired during the lessons. The final exam consists in writing and presenting a thesis.

The Master ́s program lasts one year and has a total duration of 1500 hours. It consists of 8 modules each with about 20 hours of lectures, plus the creation of a final thesis/project work.

It is possible to register and start the program at any time. It is a master’s degree with online classes that can be taken anytime, 24/7, without any day or time limit. The program must be completed in one year.

UniCamillus – International Medical University in Rome, is an Italian private University that is part of the national University system and issues legally valid degrees, valid in the EU according to the 2005/36/CE and the 2013/55/UE Directives. Completion of the Master ́s program delivers 60 CFUs.

The Master’s Program is available in 3 languages: Italian, English, and German. Online videos are provided in Italian with subtitles in English or German.

In order to participate in the Master ́s Program a minimum of a Bachelor ́s degree is required. The Bachelor ́s degree must be accepted as such according to Italian Ministerial Degree.

For participants who do not have a Bachelor’s degree, participation in the course to obtain a Certificate of Master ́s Quality is possible. Participation in the Certificate of Master ́s Quality costs 2,500 EUR and no final thesis/project work is required.

Yes. The Master ́s course is designed for health practitioners of all kinds. For participants who do not have a Bachelor’s degree, only participation in the Certificate of Master ́s Quality is possible.

The Master ́s program costs 3,600 EUR plus 70 EUR administration fees.
Participation in the Master ́s program to obtain a Certificate of Master ́s Quality costs 2,500 EUR plus 70 EUR administration fees.

Module 8 is focused on bioresonance specifically and looks at BICOM as a method. The theoretical background of bioresonance is taught, alongside using bioresonance in a holistic treatment concept. The modules of the BICOM device are discussed as well as treatment with the device and an introduction to allergies and intolerances. It provides a theoretical introduction to working with the BICOM device, which can then be built upon through the various practical seminars of the Academy of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, should you decide to integrate a BICOM into your clinic.

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