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Parkinson’s Disease

Causes  Parkinson’s Disease occurs as a result of the cells that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine being destroyed. Some people may be more likely to develop this condition because of their genetics, as it can sometimes run in families. Damage to the brain occurs when a person has a stroke or another condition affecting the brain. […]

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Causes  Temporary pain may occur as a result of an illness or injury, while lasting pain tends to be a symptom of a long-term health condition. Dysfunctions in the nervous system may cause people to suffer from extreme and sometimes unexplained pain. Central Pain Syndrome can develop even years after an injury or other damage […]

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Nervous Diseases

Causes  Nervous diseases may have been triggered by a variety of factors such as poor nutrition, injury or infection. Certain conditions may have a genetic link and be caused by mutated genes. Some come about due to the way that the nervous system develops; cerebral palsy occurs when there has been some form of damage […]

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Myopathy Muscular Disease

Causes  Muscular dystrophy is triggered by a genetic mutation that affects muscle fibres and compromises the proper function of the muscles. The condition is often inherited from one or both parents who either have or are carriers of the gene. Sometimes, muscular diseases seem to develop without there being any family history of myopathy. Endocrine […]

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Multiple Sclerosis

Causes  Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory autoimmune disease where the immune system destroys the myelin sheath, which is a protective tissue around the nerves in the central nervous system, compromising nerve function. When antigens have a similar structure to healthy proteins in the body, the immune system can trigger a response against the invading proteins […]

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Menopausal Problems

Causes  The menopause is a natural period in a woman’s life that usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. During the menopause, oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate, which can cause unpleasant symptoms. These symptoms may be worse if the menopause has been brought on suddenly rather than gradually as a result of cancer […]

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Causes  Pain in the joints is most often as a result of an injury, wear and tear or arthritis. It may also occur as a result of a viral infection, connective tissue disease, cancer or a lack of blood supply or blood vessel inflammation. A person may be more susceptible to joint problems if their […]

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Jaw Problems

Causes  Jaw misalignment may occur if there has been an infection, injury or trauma to the area or as a result of problems with the teeth such as tooth loss or loose teeth. There could also be damage to the cartilage. Chewing hard foods can cause there to be excessive pressure on the jaw. Stress […]

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Causes  Men and women can both have hormonal problems which may compromise their ability to conceive. Certain types of chemicals, medication and illicit drugs can also have a negative impact. The woman may have a physiological obstruction or another problem that is preventing pregnancy. Various health conditions, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis […]

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Hypo and Hyperglycaemia

Causes  Eating sugary foods, junk food and caffeinated drinks causes the release of adrenalin which tricks the body into thinking that it needs to release glucose into the blood stream, causing blood sugar levels to rise rapidly and unnecessarily. This leads to excessive insulin production by the pancreas, causing a rapid decrease in blood sugar […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership