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Causes  Chemotherapy uses various cytotoxic drugs to help reduce tumour size and destroy cancerous cells in the body. Unfortunately, this can create side-effects that are very unpleasant for the patient.    Symptoms  Side effects of chemotherapy can include difficulty sleeping, fatigue, nausea, stomach ache, muscular pain, headache, loss of fertility and damage to the peripheral nervous system. It can […]

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Causes  Candida is a type of yeast that is usually kept under control and therefore doesn’t cause any problems in the body. However, certain factors can cause this fungus to multiply rapidly and produce toxins, attacking the immune system and damaging healthy cells in the body by depriving them of oxygen. The major cause of […]

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Causes  Some types of cancer can be age-related or caused by environmental factors or parasites. Diet is a major factor, especially when a person eats many animal-based foods, processed foods and sugary foods, without enough antioxidants. Dairy introduces excess oestrogen into the body. When cells are not getting enough oxygen, sugar fermentation occurs, which candida […]

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There are four primary types of burn, depending on the symptoms and which layers of skin are affected: 1st degree superficial epidermal burn; 2nd degree superficial dermal burn; 3rd degree deep dermal or partial thickness burn; 4th degree full thickness burn.   Causes  Superficial burns may have been sustained from scalding water or exposure to […]

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Bone Disorders

Bone disorders can include osteomalacia, rickets and osteopenia (low bone mineral density), which can develop into osteoporosis (meaning porous bone).   Causes  For some people, ossification problems had occurred before they were even born, particularly if the mother was nutritionally deficient. Vitamin D deficiency and a poor diet, lacking in vegetables, are significant factors in […]

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Behavioural Disorders

Behavioural Disorders can include Conduct Disorder (CD), Opposition Defiant Disorder (CDD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).   Causes  Statistics show that boys are more likely to develop a behavioural disorder than girls. Some people could be more likely to develop a disorder because of genetics or brain defects. Mental health problems, either of the […]

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Bee Stings

Causes  Many people experience some sort of allergic reaction after they are stung by a bee. Apitoxin makes up a major part of bee stings. Some of the peptides and enzymes that it contains cause histamine and cortisol to be produced and damage cell membranes. They increase inflammation by speeding up the pulse and dilating […]

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Bed Wetting

Causes  Possible factors include, having drinks too closely before going to bed, particularly if these are caffeinated, and not waking in the night due to deep sleep. The bladder could be overactive or not able to cope with the amount of urine produced. Children who wet the bed may not be getting enough attention or have a […]

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Autism is a spectrum disorder that affects different people to varying degrees and includes Asperger’s syndrome and Kanner’s syndrome (early infantile autism).   Causes This condition can be triggered by dietary factors, immune dysfunctions, injections, electromagnetic radiation and toxins. Those with autism often have chronic infections which damage the brain and immune system and can […]

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Asthma can be divided into two categories: extrinsic, which is triggered by an allergic reaction and intrinsic, which is induced by other factors including chemicals and exercise.   Causes Genetics and environmental factors are both involved in the development of asthma. Severe dehydration leads to excess histamine production, causing bronchial spasms. Stress on an already […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership