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Bile acid and Thallium Copy


The point for Bile acid is to the right in the corner between the atlas occipital joint and the back of the head (directly at the cervical spine). It is formed by liver cells.

This is the region for the rotation of the head. If there is an obstruction to the movement, the Bile acid point should be massaged.

Bile acid is an important end-product of the cholesterol metabolism — which means: whenever this metabolism does not occur properly, the muscle test will be weak or the point will be numb rather than painful. This often occurs in migraine patients.

Bile acids have a certain mass proportion to Lecithin and cholesterol — so the Lecithin point is also often weak when this point is weak.

In patients with gall stones and after gall bladder surgery this point must be particularly watched.

For massaging use Fluorite, Spinel, Amber, Prehnite or Chrysocolla.

Two fingers to the right is another important point, namely Thallium, an area, where the body can handle this element.

The organism does not need this trace element, but it gets it in the body with food which is contaminated with pesticides.

Thallium belongs to the Boron group, is a nerve poison and contained also in insecticides and especially rat poison.

The symptoms of poisoning through Thallium-containing substances in the air is vomiting and/or diarrhoea, as well as hair loss and liver damage.

In homeopathy it is used for dithering and external tremors, paralysis, hair loss and night sweat.

Internal dithering may be treated by massaging the point, and there is a greater readiness to act (even if one breaks out in sweat). Stimulation of this point (particularly in numbness or lack of feeling) balances a preponderance for physical-emotional-mental self-poisoning.

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