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Nutrient point therapy for susceptibility to infections and colds

We recommend the following tried and tested programme settings to increase the resistance to infections: 1. Basic therapy 2. Possibly treatment of the elimination organs and therapy blockages 3. Program sequence 10005 “Resistance, increase the powers of” possibly also 3003.0 und 570.1 (for stabilizing the immune system) + substance complex “Increase the powers of resistance” […]

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Tick bites in Humans

Tick head removal tool

Anyone can be affected by a tick bite. However, people who spend a lot of time outdoors in summer or in tall grass, are particularly at risk. Tick bites are quite common but are also something to not underestimate, as ticks can transmit diseases through their bites. Step 1: Basic therapy according to energetic state […]

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BICOM® therapy for school and exam stress

helping with exam stress

Every child and adolescent reacts individually to stress. Symptoms can be physical and/or psychological. The most common physical stress symptoms include: Headache Stomach ache Nausea Diarrhoea Sleep disturbances Eating disorders (loss of appetite or overeating) The most common psychological stress symptoms include: Anxiety Nervousness Irritability Aggressiveness Dejection These symptoms are often accompanied by a conspicuousness […]

The Large Intestine Meridian

1. Flooding of the meridian Recommended for shoulder pain, toothache in the lower jaw, trigeminal neuralgia, facial headache, facial nerve paralysis, paralysis of the upper body, bronchial asthma, gastritis, Crohn’s disease, duodenal and ventricular ulcers, eczema, atopic dermatitis, febrile illness, constipation, rhinitis or sinusitis. In flooding the meridian, the start and end points of the […]

Addressing psychological health challenges

Andrew Craft, Non‐medical practitioner, Kempsey, Australia Introduction Hello, my name is Andrew Craft, and I am a Non‐Medical practitioner working in Kempsey, Australia. Thank you to Regumed for inviting me to present at this year’s international congress, and thank you for taking the time to listen to my presentation today. According to WHO statistics approximately […]

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Application of meridian therapy in practice

Jana Maškova (Ing. Bc.), BICOM Therapist, Czech Republic Acupuncture pathways, or meridians, are the connections of acupuncture points in the body. They originate in Chinese medicine. Despite their existence, they have not been recognised by conventional medicine. Although it is evident that these energy pathways work, science has not gone so far as to prove […]

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The impact of heavy metals – aluminium on the blood test

Zdravka Svetličić, dr. med. vet., Homeopath, Bioresonance therapist, Zagreb, Croatia Introduction: We are surrounded by aluminium and the increasing number of experts believe that too much of it enters and stays in our bodies. The consequences are by no means harmless. The fact is that we ingest it in excessive amounts, most often unknowingly, partly […]

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Practical approach to handling infections

Cassandra Mougiakou, MD, specialist in Internal Medicine, Athens, Greece Infection is the state when germs like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites invade and grow by multiplying in the body. Infections by prions (e.g. Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease), which are a type of protein that can trigger normal proteins in the brain to fold abnormally, will not be […]

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Enhanced diagnostic possibilities and causal therapy approaches on the way to psycho‐energetic balance

Silvie Kimmerle, Naturopath, Germany Influences from many approaches to treatment were taken into account in the development of these two test sets, so that not only pure BICOM® therapeutics can be found here. This was particularly important to us during the development, especially in view of the new foundation of the AKI (Akademie für Komplementär‐ […]

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The missing link: Osteopathy and BICOM in treating chronic lower back pain

Jorge Costa, Osteopath, Aerospace Physiologist Dear colleagues, in today’s speech, I would like to give a new and complementary perspective on how to approach those extremely difficult cases regarding CHRONIC LOWER BACK PAIN (CLBP) Epidemiology Lower back pain is known worldwide as a public health problem, and is one of the main reasons patients resort […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership