Dr. rer. nat. Denis Pfister-Grune, Naturopath/Biologist, Braunsbedra OT RoBbach, Germany 1 Introduction1.1 Choice of topicWhen | was asked if | could give a presentation at our big congress, | quickly realized which topic | would choose. Together with my wife and our three children, we run an organic beekeeping business. With currently 40 bee colonies, […]
Category Archives: Congress Papers
Esra Kirsever, MD, Private specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, IstanbulGiilnihal Sisman, MD, PhD, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of MedicalBiochemistry, Bezmialem Vakif University, Istanbul Today, the concept of energy medicine has regained attention after being considered a “forbidden area” in the academic scientific community and Western medical practice for years. Current studies draw attention to […]
Dr. Cassandra Mougiakou, MD, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Athens, Greece Dear Colleagues,Before diving into the topic of my lecture, which is focused on using the meridian programs in our mission to help people and animals improve in their state of health, | would first like to take a step back and look into the history […]
Christoph Hinterseher, Veterinarian and Bionatural scientist, Munich, Germany “… the warrior, the warrior in us!”When discussing the immune system of mammals, it is important to discuss the connective tissue, more specifically the term “reticuloendothelial tissue.”Reticuloendothelial tissue, also known as reticular connective tissue, is part of the body’s immune system. It consists of specialized cells that […]
Dr. Reinald Schriiffer, General Practitioner, Wolfratshausen, GermanyFranziska Schriiffer, Systemic Therapist, Wolfratshausen, Germany Introduction We are all familiar with alcohol, nicotine, medication and drug addiction and, for many years now, even gaming addiction. To give you an order of magnitude: around a third of Germans are addicted to nicotine/smoking, at least a sixth of the German […]
Dr. Med. Ljudmila Vukosavljevié, MD, Al Das Medical Clinic, Dubai, UAE The modern way of life brings us many benefits but also burdens. An increasing number of people are exposed to stress, which they are not even aware of, because it is “understood” today. During my long-term work with patients, | realized the importance and […]
Irene Kolbe, Naturopath, Hanover, Germany Thank you very much for the renewed invitation to the bioresonance congress. This time in Furstenfeldbruck.In preparation of this congress topic, | looked back over the last three years and saw how strong the demand from patients was in searching for solutions to improve or even cure the consequences of […]
Dr. med. Antonina Rome, MD, Ljubljana, Slovenia IntroductionWith the development of psychoenergetic methods of treatment with BICOM® bioresonance, we have encountered one of the major conflicts in practice. On the one hand we have subtle energetic testing and identification of blockages and their treatment. On the other hand we have a patient who still takes […]
Dr. med. Britta Sonnenschein, Specialist in General Medicine, Nuremberg,Germany I am Dr. med. Britta Sonnenschein, a specialist in general medicine, chirotherapy and emergency medicine with a focus on holistic biological therapy methods including bioresonance therapy from Nuremberg. I took over the practice from my father, Dr. Peter Sonnenschein, 13 years ago and have continued to […]
Silvia Kimmerle, Naturopath, Pliezhausen, Germany Operations present patients and therapists with very special challenges. It is therefore helpful to draw up a list of questions so that the anamnesis and subsequent treatment can be carried out in a targeted, calm and structured manner.This creates trust and security on both sides. Generally speaking, and here with […]