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Fears, worries, panic attacks – possibilities for effective testing and successful treatment

Torsten Hartmeier, Naturopath, Lübbecke, Germany All of us are afraid sometimes. Fear can actually help protect us by alerting us to potentially dangerous situations. There are times, however, when fear runs amok and permanently disrupts our daily lives long term. Take a moment and imagine what life would be like for anxiety sufferers if they […]

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Vitamin D – central pillar for the immune system – latest research findings

Dr. Jörg Schweikart, Economist, Nutritionist, Alternative Practitioner, Berlin, Germany Introduction Vitamin D deficiency is perhaps the most widespread vitamin deficiency in the world. Leading researchers in the field refer to this as a hidden epidemic that may lead to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths worldwide each year. A study conducted in Germany came to […]

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Cystitis – successful combination of bioresonance therapy, naturopathic ready‐to‐use drugs and micronutrients

Marcel Riffel, Naturopath, Ostifldern, Germany Dear Colleagues, Acute or chronic cystitis is a frequently encountered clinical picture in the practice of complementary medicine. Patients can virtually always look back on a long history of antibiotics and come to our practice in a state of deep despair. Today I would like to give you a few […]

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Possibilities in prevention and therapy of acute viral diseases

Sabine Rauch, MD, Deggendorf, Germany General information about viruses Viruses are the smallest known “living beings” with a diameter of between 15 and 300 nm. Great adaptability: heat stable, cold stable and even survive drying processes. They have no metabolism of their own; their reproduction can only take place in living cells. They contain only DNA […]

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Styes and Chalazions (Inflammation of the eyelid)

Styes and Chalazions are glandular inflammations of the eye and are differentiated as follows: Stye: bacterial infection in the sweat / sebaceous gland on eyelid Chalazion: non bacterial infection, cyst due to blocked sebaceous gland on eyelid They are generally considered harmless, but are bothersome and can recur repeatedly if not treated properly. Styes are […]

Baker ́s cyst – Treatment with the BICOM® method

Baker ́s-cyst (also known as a popliteal cyst) It is a protrusion at the dorsal (back) side of the knee joint between the gastrocnemius muscle (medial head) and the semimembranosus muscle. It usually develops in connection with damage within the knee joint, for example in the case of a lesion of the medial meniscus, arthritic cartilage changes […]

Bioenergetic Testing of Scar Interference Fields

Scars can be both a cause of disease and a blockage to therapy. It is therefore necessary to treat the patient’s scars. How does the therapist know that the scar is an interference field? Through bioenergetic testing it is possible to determine if a scar is interfering and if it has already been treated, whether the treatment […]

Diagnosing & Treating Intracellular Pathogen Loads

Viruses, bacteria or parasites can attack and invade cells of the body. These cells then act as host cells for these intracellular pathogens. This has enormous advantages for the pathogens, including protection from the host’s immune system, partial protection from antibiotics as well as nutrient supply. The invasion of cells also enables the pathogen to […]

Wound Healing

wound healing cross section of skin

Causes Wounds may be caused by injury, infection, surgery, or severe burns. Underlying medical conditions such as diabetes can make a person more susceptible to having chronic wounds that take a long time to heal. Being immobile can lead to a person developing bed sores due to constant pressure impacting on circulation. People who are […]

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Weight Gain

Causes Poor diet is a primary reason for putting on weight and being obese, particularly if a person is taking in more energy than they are using up or if they are consuming a large proportion of carbohydrates and sugars. They may also not be getting a sufficient amount of exercise. As a person ages, […]

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