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There are four key types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, primary osteoarthritis, secondary osteoarthritis and gout.   Causes The main culprits for this condition are wear and tear, animal-based diets, severe dehydration, chronic vitamin D deficiency and unbalanced gut flora. Animal-based diets can be to blame because of the heavy metals, toxins, hormones, fats and cholesterol […]

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Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a key symptom of multiple disorders including Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Syndrome (PTSD/S) and schizophrenia.   Causes Some anxiety disorders seem to stem from a single past traumatic event but most are caused by a combination of factors. Contributory elements can include low histamine, zinc […]

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Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s and Dementia are both examples of degenerative neurological conditions. Causes Lack of mental stimulation, dehydration, malnutrition, salt deficiency and toxins are all potential contributory factors. There is also the possibility of poisoning from mercury, aluminium, lead, cadmium and copper. Given that nerve cells stop working when they are starved of oxygen, lack of blood […]

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Causes Some allergies are hereditary, while others are acquired. Acquired allergies usually occur as a result of a weak immune system, which can be caused by inadequate nutrition, stress or dehydration. An allergic response occurs when a person becomes in contact with an allergen through inhalation, food or their environment.   Symptoms An inflammatory response […]

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Causes Alcohol addiction usually starts off with the person drinking to switch off from the stresses of life and temporarily improve their mood. This gradually develops into a dependence on alcohol in order to relax. Yeast and fungal infections can cause a person to crave alcohol.   Symptoms Smell of alcohol on the breath, isolation, […]

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Causes Contributory factors can include inadequate nutrition and severe dehydration as these disturb the digestive system, insulin and blood sugar levels. Stress and blockage that occurs after vaccination can impact strongly on the metabolism, leading to restlessness and difficulties concentrating. A lack of vitamins, namely B-3, B-6 (niacin), biotin, zinc and magnesium, can prevent the […]

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Causes Stress caused by financial or emotional problems can lead to a person smoking and abusing drugs and alcohol as an escape. If this happens repeatedly, becoming a pattern of behaviour, an addiction can be established, causing the person to crave the substance. Also, if a person has a weakened immune system, they may be suffering from […]

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Acne There are three main types of acne: Acne vulgaris – the most common form Acne conglobata – a severe form Acne rosacea – the form that affects middle age people Causes Acne is usually caused by an excess of secreted oils on the skin and keratin blocking the pores as a result of increased […]

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Usefulness of Bi-Digital O-Ring Test in BICOM Resonance Therapy

Yoshiro Fujii D.D.S., Ph.D., Shin-Kobe Dental Clinic, JAPAN International College of Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics, NY, USA Abstract While modern western medicine has developed, many kinds of allergies, chronic sicknesses etc. are difficult to be cured by it. To treat these sicknesses, integrative medicine considering the whole-body conditions may be necessary. Oriental medicine is similar to […]

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The world of micronutrients

Dr. Jörg Schweikart, Founder & CEO Sunday Naturals Products GmbH, Berlin, Germany About the importance of an optimal nutrient supply for health, the potential of micronutrients in prevention and therapy, and the most important quality characteris­tics of high-quality dietary supplements. What is an optimal supply of nutrients? Our body is a finely balanced and extremely […]

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