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Burnout – not just a problem for our patients

Norbert Lindner Naturopath, Zeuthen, Germany Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to present to you today a topic that has now become the subject of much discussion. Burnout. Why is burnout such an important topic? Let’s take a closer look at a couple of facts. A survey conducted by Pronova BKK in 2018 revealed the following […]

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Autoimmune diseases – is healing possible? Laboratory-based medical evidence from practice

Dr. Jila Maki, MD, Specialist in General Medicine, Datteln, Germany Introduction “Autoimmune diseases and autoimmune disorders are umbrella terms in medicine for diseases with reactions of the body that are based on a disturbed tolerance of the im­mune system to the body’s own substances and which lead to the formation of antibo­dies. In the broadest […]

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When the black clouds come – help with Alzheimer’s and dementia

Torsten Hartmeier, Naturopath, Lübbecke, Germany   We all know someone who has defeated cancer. But no one knows anyone who has defeated Alzheimer’s.   Would you like to be in great health when you are over 80? I’m sure we all want to reach a ripe old age. Look into the future and envision yourself […]

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Leaky gut syndrome – The leaky gut: myth or reality?

Dr. Sinan Akkurt, MD, Izmir, Turkey CASE 1 Yusuf P., 47-year-old male software engineer Complaint: painful joints, rash in the joints Story: 15 years of experiencing these troubles. Came to improve the quality of life and comfort. Measles, mumps and chickenpox Vaccines in full Allergies: pollen, environmental dust No Smoking, no alcohol Drugs used: methotrexate, NSAID […]

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Interfering fields in the sleeping space: Investigation and solutions

Dr. Hans Schwarz, MD, FMH for General Medicine, Luzern, Switzerland Introduction      1.1.    The significance of interference fields for chronically ill patients In our patient population, 56 % of the chronically ill patients have a geopathic and/or e-smog exposure at their place of sleep. If we take into account that we are in repair mode […]

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Chronic renal insufficiency in animals and humans

Alain Christen, Veterinarian, Brügg, Switzerland In this presentation, I would like to highlight a very important aspect of veterinary medicine. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) currently affects a third of cats over 9 years old! Therefore, it is very common and considered the most common cause of cat mortality. In 2014, the number of cats affected […]

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From the practice for the practice

Esther Röder, Naturopath, Hofbieber/Schwarzbach, Germany Introduction Today I will present four different cases from my practice whereby patients were able to experience noticeable improvements after treatment(s) with the BICOM optima after a short amount of time. Testing/treatment procedure Determination of the energetic status, tensor test (printout in the RTI booklet) …where is the limit of […]

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The family of herpes viruses – a therapeutic challenge

Dr Sabine Rauch, MD, Specialist in General Medicine and Olle Svensson, Simlångsdalen, Sweden 8 human-pathogenic herpes viruses belonging to the Herpesviridae family are so far known: Virus – Primary infection – Reactivation Herpes simplex virus 1 (HHV 1) – Gingivostomatitis herpetica – Herpes labialis Herpes simplex virus 2 (HHV 2) – Herpes genitalis – Herpes […]

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New possibilities for the treatment of eye diseases

Dr. Ljudmila Vukosavljević, MD, Belgrade, Serbia I am glad to share some of my experiences and delight with BICOM devices. From day to day, working on this device, made me understand how great its capabilities are and how interesting and creative it is for working with patients. I would like to present to you two […]

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Permeability – A new way of dealing with environmental pollution?

Jürgen Hennecke, MD Specialist in General Medicine and Simone Maquinay, BICOM Therapist, Aachen, Germany Increasing environmental pollution in recent decades and the subsequent rise in chronic diseases both pose a great challenge for conventional medicine, naturopathy and bioresonance therapy. Therapy programs and test ampoules are constantly being developed to counter exposure. However, there isn’t always […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership