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Early childhood developmental disorders and delayed speech development

Dr. Rolf Oesterle, MD, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Munich, Germany.

My experience with bioresonance therapy (BRT) I am particularly pleased that, on the occasion of the 60th BICOM Congress, I can and will once again talk to you about my experience with BICOM therapy. This is especially as I have been active with this extraordinary method of treatment since the very beginning.

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BICOM-Therapy® as Support for Somatic Symptom Disorders

Topics such as stress, exhaustion and burn-out are an integral part of everyday practice. The consequences of all this stress is often vegetative dystonia, which in turn can lead to somatic symptom disorders. Somatic symptom disorders are physical complaints that cannot be traced back to an organic disease or cannot be traced back at all. […]

Scars as an Interference Field

Scars can be the cause of a disorder as well as a therapy blockage. It is therefore very important to treat a patient ́s scars. Scars can be interpreted as an interference field if the scar area is numb, itchy, painful, very pale or red. Weather sensitivity of scars also indicates it as an interference field. The […]

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Electrosmog and 5G radiation: BICOM® Testing and treatment

What is electrosmog? Electromagnetic fields are increasing more and more. The population is exposed to radiation or in other words electromagnetism in many places in everyday life. Wherever electrical energy is consumed, electrical and magnetic fields arise. At high frequencies, these electrical and magnetic components fuse together and electrical and magnetic become electromagnetic. Natural fields […]

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Pre- and post-treatment of vaccinations with the BICOM Bioresonance Method

The topic of vaccinations is discussed very controversially in public. As a BICOM® bioresonance therapist, you are in a great position to prepare patients for the necessary vaccinations and to divert possible vaccination stress. Preparation 2 to 3 days before the vaccination 1. Basic therapy 2. Program sequence 10093 “Liver detoxification“ 3. Program 991.2 “Vaccination damage, correction/preparing […]

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Priority Testing within the Combined Test Technique (CTT)

Priority testing with the 5 Elements method enables the preparation of a therapy plan. The various interactions of the meridian system are recorded and a therapeutic concept is developed from these findings. Testing is done with therapy type A (Program 192 or 198). During the testing, it is not the impulse that is tested, but rather the […]

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What effects do drugs have on a patient’s micronutrient balance?

Kirsten Soltau, Naturopath, Glinde, Germany In 1900, average life expectancy was still about 49 years, today it is already over 80 years. This is certainly not just down to developments in the field of medicine, but this certainly has a significant part in it. In 2010, every person over 65 years of age with statutory […]

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Use of the “Degenerated cells” CTT test sets according to Riffel’s system of practice

Marcel Riffel, Naturopath, Ostfildern, Germany Dear colleagues, Firstly, I would like to point out that this year’s presentation at the 60th International BICOM Congress does not prevent me from attending the seminars “Degenerated cell diagnosis and therapy” by Dr. Wolfgang Rohrer and ”The holistic therapy of tumours and autoimmune diseases” by Dr. Sabine Rauch. This […]

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Treatment of Acute Lyme Borreliosis After a Tick Bite

With every tick bite, there is the danger of acute Lyme Borreliosis, also known as lyme disease, which if left unnoticed and untreated can lead to a variety of symptoms. Affected patients can suffer from unspecific pain, arthralgia and bursitis (joint pain), neuralgia (nerve pain), paresis (muscle weakness), damage to the parenchyma (brain) and exhaustion. […]

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Acute Pollen Allergy Therapy (Program Sequence 10317)

Step 1: Basic therapy according to conductance value test Step 2: Program Nr. 970.5 Input: Eye or flexible applicator on the problem area Output: Modulation mat on the back and two ball applicators Input cup: Saliva, tears, nasal secretion Change applicators Programs: 946.0, 945.2, 947.0 Input cup: Fresh pollen, some rain water and the corresponding […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership