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Harmfull effects and blockages of psychiatric medications in our BICOM® Practices

Dr. med. Antonina Rome, MD, Ljubljana, Slovenia IntroductionWith the development of psychoenergetic methods of treatment with BICOM® bioresonance, we have encountered one of the major conflicts in practice. On the one hand we have subtle energetic testing and identification of blockages and their treatment. On the other hand we have a patient who still takes […]

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Holistic treatment success with bone healing Disorders after Fractures

Dr. med. Britta Sonnenschein, Specialist in General Medicine, Nuremberg,Germany I am Dr. med. Britta Sonnenschein, a specialist in general medicine, chirotherapy and emergency medicine with a focus on holistic biological therapy methods including bioresonance therapy from Nuremberg. I took over the practice from my father, Dr. Peter Sonnenschein, 13 years ago and have continued to […]

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Practice Oriented approaches to Post Operative Treatments

Silvia Kimmerle, Naturopath, Pliezhausen, Germany Operations present patients and therapists with very special challenges. It is therefore helpful to draw up a list of questions so that the anamnesis and subsequent treatment can be carried out in a targeted, calm and structured manner.This creates trust and security on both sides. Generally speaking, and here with […]

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Environmental toxins and their influence on mitochondrial function

Dr. med. Jila Maki, Specialist in General Medicine, Datteln, Germany New diseases – gene polymorphism, mitochondrial dysfunction, mental andendocrine disorders — and the therapy protocol with BICOM® bioresonancetherapy Environmental toxins and stress medicineClinical pictures have changed drastically in the last 20-30 years. We are no longer talking about common clinical pictures that are the result […]

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Bioresonance Unlimited

Olle Svensson, Therapist, Educator and Representative BICOM® in the Nordic countries Introduction Since | started with the allergy clinic in Halmstad, Sweden in 1999, there has been a huge development both in the world in general and in the BICOM® world specifically. There is a big difference between working with a BICOM® 4.1 without low […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership

Bioresonance instead of Antibiotics in Dental Surgery

Dr. Jolanta Broistedt, Dentist, Buchholz i.d.N., Germany Bioresonance instead of antibiotics in dental surgeryThe subject of bioresonance is very broad and also profound. It is also always a question of what | believe in. Accordingly, patients often ask me whether | believe in it. In slightly less emotional terms, the general question is whether | […]

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Itching — Allergy-related skin diseases in the small animal practice Marco Spychala, Veterinarian, Diisseldorf, Germany Itching symptoms of allergies are caused by 2 factors:1. The presence of incriminating information from the allergen and2. The resulting misinformation of the immune system. It is therefore important to include both factors in the therapy. This includes strengthening the […]

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Addressing Dysregulation in the Autonomic Nervous System

Addressing Dysregulation in the Autonomic Nervous System — a Blockage to HealingJenny Blondel, Naturopath, Queensland, Australia IntroductionThank you to AKI for providing me with the opportunity to discuss my paper on ‘Addressing Dysregulation in the Autonomic Nervous System — a Blockage to Healing.’ The rationale behind choosing this topic lies in the need for us, […]

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Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS): Symptoms and treatmentKatharina JanBen M.Sc. – Osteopathy, Naturopath, Rastede, Germany Dear colleagues,| am Katharina JanBen, naturopath, and | studied osteopathy at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Idstein. | completed my master’s degree in 2021. | have been self-employed since January 2023 and work with the BICOM® bioresonance method […]

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Gastritis involving Helicobacter Pylori

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,Today | would like to introduce you to the diagnosis of gastritis with Helicobacter pylori using the BBC Advanced. Let’s first take a look at the medical presentation of this disease:Helicobacter pylori can colonize or multiply if the gastric mucosa is impaired in its function. This is facilitated by stress, an […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership