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Stem cell diagnostics using the BICOM® BodyCheck and possible applications in bioresonance therapy

Norbert Lindner, Naturopath Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to talk to you today about a special topic, namely diagnostics using stem cells and its related application in bioresonance therapy. Let’s take a look first of all at the development of the stem cell and its significance in medicine today. In human embryo development the morula […]

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The use of cell cultures in medical research

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter C. Dartsch, Dipl. Biochemist Introduction and background Since its establishment in 2002 close to the university town of Tubingen in south west Germany, Dartsch Scientific GmbH has conducted research and development without animal testing solely using organ-specific cell cultures. Alongside standard procedures the company has also developed numerous test […]

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Chronic infectious diseases as both the cause and result of mitochondrial damage

Dipl.-Med. Birgit Fleischer, Specialist in General Medicine Correct functioning of the mitochondria is an important criterion for health and for preventing and overcoming disease. Conventional medicine focuses almost exclusively on the topic of “mitochondrial disease” in connection with the most severe congenital disorders. In my paper I would like to draw attention to mitochondrial damage […]

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When healing is no longer the primary aim — BICOM® therapy in palliative care

Dr. med. Wolfgang Rohrer, Specialist FMH, General Medicine After nine years of working in hospitals and in the rescue and emergency helicopter service it was finally time: in 1991 I took over the practice of a colleague who was retiring and opened my own. Full of enthusiasm, I started work as a general practitioner. After […]

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In-vitro study of house dust mite allergy

Dra. Med. Linda Rahadian Background House dust mite is a source of allergens that can cause allergies’. From the biophysical aspect, the occurrence of allergies in the human body is the result of the development of allergy imprinting which comes from human body contact with a substance; printing in the form of information of the […]

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Case studies for use in practice

Angelika Prigge-Jugsch, Naturopath Welcome ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, My topic for today is new insights and success stories using the BBC (BICOM Body Check). I am delighted to talk to you here in Fulda again today. I would like to relate to you how I have been able to achieve even greater success by deploying […]

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Low back pain and bioresonance therapy: Personal experience of a neurosurgeon

Murat Goksel, MD, Prof. of Neurosurgery, Isparta, Turkey The WHO describes health as: “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well­being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” in 1948. Beyond the contro­versies on this definition; I try to fulfill my responsibilities with “all my hats” to treat, care and protect people […]

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Hidden bacteria diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma

Introduction Dear Colleges, my name is Ron Havenaar, living in the south of Holland near Eindhoven, where I have my practice. I work with the BICOM since 2009 when my sister got breast cancer. At that time I got my degree in Natural Science at the Open University Netherlands, with a section of interest in […]

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BICOM optima® and BICOM® BodyCheck before and during pregnancy

Esther Roder, Naturopath Introduction: In today’s presentation I would like to tell you about how over a period of about 4 years I have successfully treated patients using BICOM therapy – before, during and after their pregnancy. In addition to this therapy I also started to test these patients, as of June 2018, using the […]

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Hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU) a common metabolic disorder with far-reaching effects

Silke Nunner, Naturopath Patients often come to our practices with so many health problems that we, as therapists, struggle to know where best to start treatment. They not only present with multiple allergies and food intolerances but also exhaustion, weakness, thyroid problems, infections and adverse effects from numerous chemicals and synthetic products. Women with menstrual […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership