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Hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU) a common metabolic disorder with far-reaching effects

Silke Nunner, Naturopath Patients often come to our practices with so many health problems that we, as therapists, struggle to know where best to start treatment. They not only present with multiple allergies and food intolerances but also exhaustion, weakness, thyroid problems, infections and adverse effects from numerous chemicals and synthetic products. Women with menstrual […]

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BICOM optima® and BICOM® BodyCheck before and during pregnancy

Esther Roder, Naturopath Introduction: In today’s presentation I would like to tell you about how over a period of about 4 years I have successfully treated patients using BICOM therapy – before, during and after their pregnancy. In addition to this therapy I also started to test these patients, as of June 2018, using the […]

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Less is often more: overtreatment, treatment rhythms and therapy breaks

Dr. med. Jurgen Hennecke, Specialist in General Medicine Introduction Medical intervention is largely results-driven, often making us impatient for success. We want to help (“helper syndrome”), but we also want to prove to the patient and to ourselves (“ego”) that we are good therapists. The tendency is to continue treating the patient for as long […]

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Tumours and growths: ways of combining individual therapy modules

Erika Kalbfleisch, Veterinary Naturopath The use of various BICOM hardware and software components enables me to do a test in a relatively short amount of time and allows me to draw on positively tested compo­nents and link these with one another during therapy. The saved tests act as the basis for therapy plans and, in […]

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Awareness and bioresonance

Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, specialist in general medicine; Olle Svensson, BICOM therapist Nowadays, our world view is largely materialistic. Although quantum physics has ex­isted for almost 100 years, it is still difficult for today’s scientific community to accept a world view shaped by quantum physics. Attempts are still being made to push ener­getic therapy methods […]

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Information — the universal building block of the Universe?

Hans Brugemann, founder REGUMED Dear congress participants, For the participants who have just started using the bioresonance method, here are a few words about me. At the start of the bioresonance method there were three peo­ple involved. First, it was Dr. Morell, who had the ingenious idea to use the body’s own vibrations for diagnosis […]

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Chlamydia — the chameleon of the pathogenic germs

Jurgen Hennecke, MD, specialist in general medicine Introduction When a therapist says to a patient, “I’ve run a chlamydia test on you!”, there are often two different reactions. Some say, “What is that? Never heard of it!” Others panic, im­mediately want to swallow antibiotics, and suspect their partner of infidelity. In any case, the therapist […]

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BICOM BodyCheck and bioresonance: An approach to treating multimorbid patients

Cordja Bothe, Alternative Practitioner The symptoms of a multimorbid patient The medical history of a multimorbid patient (suffering from multiple conditions simul¬taneously) tends to include diseases of the cardiovascular system such as hypertonia, heart failures, heart attacks and bypass surgeries at the top of the list. Associated met¬abolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or gout […]

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Recognize somatoform disorders with the BICOM BodyCheck and treat them successfully

Norbert Lindner, alternative practitioner Dear colleagues, in today’s speech, I would like to demonstrate to you how you can di¬agnose and treat somatoform disorders. First, let’s take a look at what the official description from the WHO reveals to us: Somatoform disorders are physical complaints that are not, or not sufficiently, at¬tributable to an organic […]

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Adrenal fatigue — the stress syndrome of the 21st century

Sibylle Arnold-Wissert, alternative practitioner The term “stress” can be derived from physics, where it is used in connection with the compressibility of materials. The term was first used in a medical context by Dr. Hanns Seyle in a study on the reac¬tion of the adrenal glands in humans and animals to unusual or heavy strains. […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership