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Multiple sclerosis: Drug-free — a possibility with bioresonance?

Esther Roder, Naturopath What is multiple sclerosis (MS)? Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the central nervous system (CNS), through which the components of the nerve fibres are destroyed — as well as myelin, also known as the myelin sheath. They become inflamed and can harden permanently, so that the nerve’s function —namely, […]

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Therapy options for severe spinal disk prolapses

Sven Peters, Naturopath In order to ensure that the treatment of herniated discs with BICOM is successful, we need to address a few structural basics. A good level of background knowledge is im­portant for the subsequent placement of applicators. In conventional medicine, pro­lapses are generally separated into 6 degrees of severity. Degree 1: Clear pain […]

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Vasculitis — new findings and therapy options

Irene Kolbe, Naturopath 1. Introduction  Dear colleagues, dear management, dear Mr Sinn and all of the REGUMED employees, When I got the request to do another speech this year, I was keen to introduce to you a small sensation from the latest findings on the topic of vasculitis, that originated in a very different area […]

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Strengthen the center — the stomach and its key position for health

Cassandra Mougiakou, MD, Specialist in Internal Medicine Dear colleagues, Today, I face the challenge to address the quite common subject of stomach problems and I will hopefully give you some new and useful information. My goal is to relate to the stomach, not only as a very important organ, but also to the metaphorical stomach, […]

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Events in the invisible realm. An approach to explaining holistic biology theory

Dr med. dent. Helmut Huf Chronic diseases have been on the increase for years. Conventional medicine has so far proved powerless to diagnose and treat the cause of these conditions. With ever greater frequency we find that explanatory models rooted in the natural sciences have their limitations since diseases rarely develop in textbook fashion. Consequently […]

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Adrenal fatigue — the stress syndrome of the 21st century

Sibylle Arnold-Wissert, alternative practitioner The term “stress” can be derived from physics, where it is used in connection with the compressibility of materials. The term was first used in a medical context by Dr. Hanns Seyle in a study on the reac¬tion of the adrenal glands in humans and animals to unusual or heavy strains. […]

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BICOM BodyCheck and bioresonance: An approach to treating multimorbid patients

Cordja Bothe, Alternative Practitioner The symptoms of a multimorbid patient The medical history of a multimorbid patient (suffering from multiple conditions simul¬taneously) tends to include diseases of the cardiovascular system such as hypertonia, heart failures, heart attacks and bypass surgeries at the top of the list. Associated met¬abolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or gout […]

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Chlamydia — the chameleon of the pathogenic germs

Jurgen Hennecke, MD, specialist in general medicine Introduction When a therapist says to a patient, “I’ve run a chlamydia test on you!”, there are often two different reactions. Some say, “What is that? Never heard of it!” Others panic, im­mediately want to swallow antibiotics, and suspect their partner of infidelity. In any case, the therapist […]

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Information — the universal building block of the Universe?

Hans Brugemann, founder REGUMED Dear congress participants, For the participants who have just started using the bioresonance method, here are a few words about me. At the start of the bioresonance method there were three peo­ple involved. First, it was Dr. Morell, who had the ingenious idea to use the body’s own vibrations for diagnosis […]

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Awareness and bioresonance

Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, specialist in general medicine; Olle Svensson, BICOM therapist Nowadays, our world view is largely materialistic. Although quantum physics has ex­isted for almost 100 years, it is still difficult for today’s scientific community to accept a world view shaped by quantum physics. Attempts are still being made to push ener­getic therapy methods […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership