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The Temporomandibular Joint – New Treatment Options

Sven Peters The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) merits special consideration in pain therapy. Jaw malposition and dysfunction are often attributed to one or more causes. In addition to psychological stress, malposition in the pelvis, joints and cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines coupled with hardening of the muscles can trigger craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). Therefore, it is very […]

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Low-deep frequencies for shock and trauma cases – treating post-traumatic stress syndrome

Sibylle Arnold-Wissert My path to discovering the low deep frequencies More than 20 years ago I was suffering from multiple allergies-neurodermatitis, hay fever, asthma and food allergies and was successfully treated with bioresonance by Dr. Thomas Allgeier. From that point on I was captivated by naturopathy and so in 2004 I took my examination to […]

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Eye-related conditions: Macular degeneration, impaired vision & herpes zoster ophthalmicus

Irene Kolbe Dear Colleagues, Management, Mr Sinn and all employees in the company REGUMED. Upon the request for a presentation this year I quickly realised that I would very much like to introduce the subject of the EYE. I have had what have been for me two very impressive experiences here over a long period […]

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Chronic illness caused by the Varicella zoster virus

Dr. med. Sabine Rauch The Varicella zoster virus (VZV) belongs to a group of eight Herpes viruses known to infect humans and is also known as Human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3). Besides the Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2, VZV also belongs to the alphaherpesviruses, and is the smallest Herpes virus having a close structural […]

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Chronic borreliosis — a multisystem condition

Eva Pauly Quote from one of my patients: “Ms Pauly, it has not been easy to find you …” You will all know patients with a long history of suffering, a bulging patient record file, many consultations with specialists, general exhaustion with symptoms of unclear aetiology. Ladies and gentlemen, Firstly I would like to thank […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership

Cancer — a successful alternative therapy approach

Dr. med. Uta Schmieden-Lindner I have been working with my practice team for 16 years offering a combination of mainstream medicine and naturopathic treatments, including for the last 15 years bioresonance therapy. When carrying out diagnosis and particularly when evaluating the success of treatment, I draw on the full range of classical medicine tools including […]

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Treatment of endocrine disorders in dogs and horses using the Regumed Bicom optima device

Dr. Christina Eul-Matern My name is Christina Eul-Matern. I am a veterinary surgeon and run a naturopathy practice with three key areas of treatment – acupuncture, osteopathy and bioresonance therapy. Since these areas work well together and complement each other, we tend to use conventional medical procedures infrequently. Today, I would like to present details […]

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The “Life” missing since Descartes

Prof. Dr. Herbert Pietschmann A framework of thinking based on Aristotelian either/or logic emerged in the West in the 17th century and it still shapes our society today. With Galileo we require everything to be measured, with Descartes everything has to be broken down into its smallest elements and, with Newton, a cause has to […]

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Gained in practice, for use in practice: Tips and tricks for practitioners

Dr. med. Wolfgang Rohrer 1 Introduction This presentation draws on my twenty years and more of experience using the BICOM and is designed to provide both general and specialist tips to beginners and more advanced therapists alike. I shall attempt to present the following tips in a logical order. 2 General tips, context 2.1 Write […]

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Fibromyalgia, a chameleon among diseases

Dr. med. Annette Johnson General Practitioner for Naturopathy and Rescue Procedures, additional designation for Acupuncture; Focus on fibromyalgia, borrelia infection and food intolerances. FIBROMYALGIA “Imagined and incurable” or a palpable fascia disorder of unknown aetiology? Fibromyalgia, a chameleon among diseases This disorder hides behind a whole range of symptoms: Is it simply an “imagined and […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership