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Psoas muscle as a key to physical and emotional wellbeing

Wilma Meuwissen, BICOM® Therapist, EchtPey, Netherlands Thank you! I am very grateful to have the opportunity of speaking here at this Congress.Bioresonance therapy has completely changed my life and that of my family. Since I first came to the Congress in Fulda I have become even more interested in all the options bioresonance therapy offers.A big thank you to all […]

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When hormones get out of control: restoring hormonal balance

Brigitte Jocher, Naturopath, Osten, Germany Aim of the presentation Introducing a combination of bioresonance and hormone therapy which has proved highly effective in the management of socalled “bioresonance treatment failures”. In cases where patients present with general symptoms such as exhaustion, joint and muscle pain, sleeping problems, depression and similar conditions, but no improvement is […]

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Male menopause: fate or opportunity?

Norbert Lindner, Naturopath, Zeuthen, Germany Ladies and Gentlemen, I am especially pleased to be able to talk to you today about a subject that has interested me personally for some time. We should perhaps think about whether only the men should be allowed to listen from this point, for the male menopause has been something […]

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Environmental toxins and nanoparticles: tiny cause but major effect

Dr. med. Michael Wagner, Specialist in General Medicine, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany In the current industrial era it is no longer acute intoxication, such as lead oxide poisoning suffered by workers in the early days of the industrial revolution, which is at the top of the agenda. It is insidious, chronic intoxication and its cumulative effects which […]

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Mobility problems: when the musculoskeletal system is blocked – in dogs, cats and humans

Erika Kalbfleisch, Veterinary Naturopath, Darmstadt, Germany Good morning Dear BICOM® Therapy Colleagues, Many thanks for inviting me to this year’s BICOM® Congress, the first I have attended as both speaker and delegate. Today,I would like to share some of my experiences with you. This may prove useful to other BICOM® therapists in the future, or could provide you with some food […]

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Raised blood sugar: Diabetes mellitus – autoimmune diabetes

Irene Kolbe, Naturopath, Hanover, Germany Dear Colleagues and Senior Management, Mr Sinn and all colleagues at Regumed How a working hypothesis became a certainty I began my lecture last year with these words and presented you with the changes in blood seen in dark field using bioresonance. I also made further comparisons in order to […]

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Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) – the chameleon of dental medicine

Dr. med. dent. Cornelia Wolschner, Dentist, Berlin, Germany Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD), an umbrella term covering structural, functional, biochemical and psychological dysregulation of the muscle and joint function of the temporomandibular joints, has been “on everyone’s lips” for some time, to the extent that it could incorrectly be considered a new fashionable complaint. Yet, even in […]

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Is there a more easily understood and accepted term to explain how bioresonance therapy works?

Hans Brügemann, Alling, Germany Dear Congress participants, Why have I asked this question? As you know, it is not always easy explaining how bioresonance works, especially to those who may be sceptical. Understandably, many find it difficult to interpret the explanation that it is all to do with “electromagnetic oscillations” in terms of human and […]

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Nocebo effect: Every word is important

Dr. med. Thomas Heller, Medical Practitioner, Bad Schwalbach, Germany In my role as a medical psychotherapist I only work with words as a rule, so it goes without saying that I am always mindful of words and what is said. However, my patients regularly relay to me comments and quotes made by my medical colleagues […]

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An emotional rollercoaster: ADHD in children and adults

Esther Röder, Naturopath, Hofbieber/Schwarzbach, Germany First of all, let me tell you how I came to bioresonance and became a naturopath. During the summer holidays of 2003, my daughter, husband and myself got to know the therapist Elvira CattuzzoObrist, a total stranger at the time, who runs a bioresonance therapy practice from her home in […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership