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Viral stress in cancer: presenting a complementary therapy concept

Jana Böseler-Adler, Naturopath, Travemünde, Germany Viruses and cancer risk A. Can viruses trigger cancer? Scientists believe that one in six of all cancers worldwide can be attributed to infections caused by viruses. This was revealed in an analysis by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialised cancer agency of the World Health […]

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Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) – the chameleon of dental medicine

Dr. med. dent. Cornelia Wolschner, Dentist, Berlin, Germany Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD), an umbrella term covering structural, functional, biochemical and psychological dysregulation of the muscle and joint function of the temporomandibular joints, has been “on everyone’s lips” for some time, to the extent that it could incorrectly be considered a new fashionable complaint. Yet, even in […]

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Raised blood sugar: Diabetes mellitus – autoimmune diabetes

Irene Kolbe, Naturopath, Hanover, Germany Dear Colleagues and Senior Management, Mr Sinn and all colleagues at Regumed How a working hypothesis became a certainty I began my lecture last year with these words and presented you with the changes in blood seen in dark field using bioresonance. I also made further comparisons in order to […]

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Pain-free: Using the Golgi points to treat heel spur, coxarthrosis and tennis elbow

Sven Peters, Naturopath, Kempten, Germany The current situation is serious, with around 21 million people in Germany suffering from acute or chronic pain. Despite considerable medical advances, the conventional treatment of back and joint pain has deteriorated rather than improved. Pain is the number 1 reason for sickness absence. The risk of suicide is high […]

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Modern Chakra therapy – new aspects of therapy for chronically ill patients. In cases of lack of energy, lowered resistance and hormonal imbalance

Dr. med. Jürgen Hennecke, Specialist in General Medicine, and Simone MaquinayHennecke, BICOM® Therapist, Aachen, Germany Introduction Does this sound familiar? You have been treating a chronically sick patient for months. You have been able to rid him of all his ailments and his symptoms have improved. But now you cannot seem to make any progress. […]

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Life – resonating theatre

Dr. phil. Ludwig Hasler, Philosopher, Zollikon, Switzerland Some time around 1950 Wolfgang Pauli, the prominent physicist, was visiting Niels Bohr, the even more prominent physicist, at his home in Denmark. He noticed a horseshoe hanging over the door. “Professor!” he exclaimed. “You? Surely you don’t believe in that sort of thing? “Of course I don’t […]

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Preparing Horse for race

Protocol to prepare horses for competition: Support circulation, heart, muscles with 5 Element Test Set, so that the weaknesses are taken care of. On a hot day, running the circulation program is very helpful.  In the preset programs, increasing the oxygen is also good for a racehorse.  It also helps to talk to the Jockey, […]

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Tick repellant recipes

BICOM repellant recipe for ticks: Program 999 Input beaker:   Ledum X200, Sulfur X30 and ticks from this season from the different areas Output beaker:            bottle with liquid where you can count drops If you need at the same time drops also against fleas, mosquitoes, etc. simply add those animals into the input beaker.

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Horse programs – Respiratory problems & Joints

It is OK for the horses to have the “Gauss / Hertz” mats every day when they receive BICOM therapy. Respiratory problems upon arrival: Avoid steroids, because they can suppress the immune system and cause a block for the BICOM therapy. 1 day prior to departure the horses need to have under the harness a […]

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Animal protection – holiday season

Animals during holidays Every pet owner knows how difficult it can be when the holidays are approaching. Can the animal be taken on the trip, would it be better to leave it at home or rather in a boarding kennel? BICOM practitioners can solve that problem by offering various tried and tested programs, which will […]

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