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The cholesterol problem and its treatment

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich INTRODUCTION Ladies and gentlemen, By chance, a well-known journalist came to me for treatment. Amongst other things, his cholesterol level was high. However, once he had undergone a course of liver cleansing, this completely returned to normal. When the scandal of the cholesterol-lowering agent “Lipobay” broke soon afterwards, I was […]

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Successful treatment with the BICOM 2000 supported with dark field images

Liliane Asbach-Gawenda, Naturopath, Cologne INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, dear users of BICOM resonance therapy, Many of you will already know me as I have been an enthusiastic user of bioresonance therapy for nearly 20 years through several generations of the device and have also presented papers at a number of colloquia. I have been in practice […]

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BICOM therapy – keeping it simple and notes on macular degeneration

Bert T. Hanicke, D.C., D.I.B.A.K., St. Louis, Missouri, USA INTRODUCTION Honoured friends and colleagues, It is a distinct pleasure to appear before this distinguished group. I hope I can add a little information that will be of use to you in your practice and encourage you to test various ideas and to use the BICOM […]

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Drug allergies and intolerance – neglected aspects

Dr. med. Rolf W. Sextro, Ober-Olm INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, Each day we are confronted with assertions and claims of varying quality which we either accept or reject a) based on our confidence in or mistrust of the person or media involved b) based on our assessment of the accuracy, likelihood or feasibility of their content. […]

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The HCl (hydrochloric acid) point and its significance for metabolism and immunity

Ulrike Nigmann, Naturopath, Wetter THE PROBLEM OF ACID ACCUMULATION Dear colleagues, For years we have listened to interesting papers on mycoses, parasitosis, viral infections, rheumatism even cancer, where chronic acidosis constituted the underlying condition. Additional symptoms may include: lack of concentration, chronic fatigue and even exhaustion, neuralgia, herpes of varying severity, chronic conjunctivitis, “allergies”, inflammatory […]

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Diagnosis and BICOM therapy of rheumatic disorders – case histories, dealing with initial exacerbation

Dr. med. Christa Lund, Bad Schwartau Diagnosing rheumatic disorders 1. Clinical: symptoms, location, time 2. Multi-factorial causes 3. Resonance diagnosis Toxins: Aflatoxin, Bacterial fragment, Botulinum, Parasitic toxins (trichinosis nosodes!) Other fungal toxins Bacteria: Clostridium, Staphylococci, Yersinia, Borrelia fields: Dental – maxillomandibular area (also malocclusion), Tonsils (scar interference field), Intestine Focal stress! Acid-base balance! Treating rheumatic […]

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A very successful treatment for chronic udder inflammation in cows

Mag. Anton Glantschnig, Obervellach, Austria CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE Acute inflammation: Antibiotics high rate of success in healing But: long waiting period! Chronic inflammation: According to antibiogram Very little resistance But: Practice shows otherwise! — long waiting periods — low rate of success in healing — milk cannot be used because of high cell count THE TREATMENT […]

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Practical tumour therapy with consideration for the internal milieu using BRT

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Ladies and gentlemen, I should like to report a number of fundamental observations made over the past year while dealing with tumour therapy and in my daily work with tumour patients. CANCER: THE DIFFICULTIES OF DIAGNOSIS I have to say right at the outset that the notion which had already emerged from testing […]

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New ways of looking at allergic diathesis and establishing links with our allergy therapy, autoaggression diseases and tumours

Martin Keymer, Naturopath, Emsdetten Dear friends of bioresonance therapy, In my paper this year I would like to summarise our findings over the past year regarding our body’s immunological deficiencies as defined using Crosslinked Test Technique. This paper will mainly focus on the subject of allergic diathesis, allergic responsiveness. New structures are evident here which […]

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Simplified application of proven therapy programs with the Bicom 2000

Dr. med. Jiirgen Hennecke, Aachen INTRODUCTION BICOM® resonance therapy can be applied most beneficially when the applicators and therapy parameters are adapted to suit the current energetic condition of the patient, both in terms of their individual needs and their reactivity. This means that at the beginning of every therapy session the therapist must test […]

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