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A very successful treatment for chronic udder inflammation in cows

Mag. Anton Glantschnig, Obervellach, Austria CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE Acute inflammation: Antibiotics high rate of success in healing But: long waiting period! Chronic inflammation: According to antibiogram Very little resistance But: Practice shows otherwise! — long waiting periods — low rate of success in healing — milk cannot be used because of high cell count THE TREATMENT […]

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Practical tumour therapy with consideration for the internal milieu using BRT

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Ladies and gentlemen, I should like to report a number of fundamental observations made over the past year while dealing with tumour therapy and in my daily work with tumour patients. CANCER: THE DIFFICULTIES OF DIAGNOSIS I have to say right at the outset that the notion which had already emerged from testing […]

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New ways of looking at allergic diathesis and establishing links with our allergy therapy, autoaggression diseases and tumours

Martin Keymer, Naturopath, Emsdetten Dear friends of bioresonance therapy, In my paper this year I would like to summarise our findings over the past year regarding our body’s immunological deficiencies as defined using Crosslinked Test Technique. This paper will mainly focus on the subject of allergic diathesis, allergic responsiveness. New structures are evident here which […]

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Simplified application of proven therapy programs with the Bicom 2000

Dr. med. Jiirgen Hennecke, Aachen INTRODUCTION BICOM® resonance therapy can be applied most beneficially when the applicators and therapy parameters are adapted to suit the current energetic condition of the patient, both in terms of their individual needs and their reactivity. This means that at the beginning of every therapy session the therapist must test […]

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Frequently overlooked possibilities to successfully help with Bicom bioresonance therapy

Sissi Karz, Naturopath, GR 72100 Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece PRELIMINARY COMMENTS Since my seminar activities have been greatly reduced in the past year and now I virtually only hold individual seminars for 1-8 people in my own rooms in Crete, I do not know how many of my colleagues still actually use my therapy system, […]

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Recent findings in modern physics and a possible connection with bioresonance therapy

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Fritz Albert Popp, Internationales Institut air Biophysik (JIB), Neuss SUMMARY Recent years have been characterised not only by epoch making technical advances (for example in electronic data processing and in so called genetic engineering), but also — and no less spectacularly for the specialists involved — in optics and quantum electrodynamics. […]

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The people’s illness, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — Pathophysiological context of causes of IBS — Treatment of IBS using bioresonance therapy, Bicom

Dr. med., Dipl.Ing. Klaus Jiirgen Mielke, Hanover Chronic overloading of the gastrointestinal tract due to an ‘unhealthy diet’ often results in functional problems which can lead to disease. One such condition is irritable bowel syndrome which is now widespread among the populations of affluent industrial countries. Patients suffering from the condition complain mainly about abdominal […]

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Employing orthomolecular substances successfully in the fight against infectious diseases, chronic inflammation, allergic disorders, arteriosclerosis and cancer

Dr. med. Gottfried Lange, Elmshom Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, The REASON I am giving this lecture is the following: VITAL scientific information is available which has been largely withheld from us in the past — simply because its dissemination is not driven by commercial interests. What is this vital information? How can it help us […]

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Latest findings on the causes of hyperkinetic syndrome (ADHD) and the importance of a holistic naturopathic approach to treatment

Roland Schroeder, Naturopath, Schleswig Increasingly often mothers (particularly of sons) are coming to our practice bemoaning their children’s uncontrollable behaviour and poor performance at school which often prevents them attending secondary school. After observing the child briefly and analysing the Conners questionnaire completed by the mother, the therapist can already make a tentative diagnosis of […]

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Biophysical basis for separating physiological and pathological frequency patterns

Ludger Mersmann, Wassenach New observations about the filter system used in bioresonance therapy are presented from the point of view of modern biophysics. On the basis of this aspect, a new understanding of the active interconnections emerges. A new term for naming the filter system arises from current results. The active interconnections between the therapeutic […]

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