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Experience of using bioresonance therapy in veterinary practice

Dr. med. vet. Claudia Goebbels, Veterinary Practitioner, Munich INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, It was my own case history which brought me to bioresonance. As a small child I was plagued by allergies which unfortunately got visibly worse as the years went on; so bad that, during the final years of my studies, I had to take […]

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Highlights of my 20 years’ experience with bioresonance therapy; then and now

Sissi Karz, Naturopath, GR 72100 Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece Dear colleagues! It’s not only when we look at children that we realise we are getting older or have grown old — in medicine too time never stands still and progress is being made all the time. Fortunately, we have no way of knowing at the […]

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The common complaint of heartburn — Pathophysiological context of the causes of the dominant symptom of reflux disease, heartburn — Therapy for reflux disease using bioresonance therapy, Bicom

Dr. med., Dipl.Ing.Klaus Jiirgen Mielke, Hanover INTRODUCTION In recent years a drastic increase in reflux disease with the dominant symptom of heartburn has been noted among the populations of the industrialised nations. The prevalence of this set of symptoms has increased tenfold over the course of 3 decades and shows no signs of abating. The […]

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Bioenergetic diagnosis for therapy using the Bicom 2000 — A practical case with autoaggressive disease as an example

Harald Sievert, Naturopath, Hannover INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, dear friends of BICOM® resonance therapy, the talk I am giving today has to be understood as a followup to the talk I gave last year in which I described the fundamental concepts behind the origins of autoaggression disease. I will give a brief summary of the core […]

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Building biology as a condition of successful bioresonance therapy?

Alfred Schwarze, Naturopath, Bad Segeberg INTRODUCTION The last time I stood here was eight years ago in June 1993. Even then I knew that I would be taking a back seat for a while. At that time, I asked myself the question: „ Why doesn’t bioresonance therapy work on all patients with the same energetic […]

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Which previously unheeded factor plays an outstanding part in cow’s milk allergy?

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, It is a great pleasure for me to be able to give this lecture. It is not every day that a new discovery in therapy represents not an isolated finding but 1. makes connections even easier to understand, 2. resolves contradictions and 3. makes therapy easier […]

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Previously overlooked components of bioresonance therapy in physical and rehabilitative medicine

Dr. med. Matthias Kaul, Usingen Dear Mr. Briigemann, Dear colleagues, Dear ladies and gentlemen! What has bioresonance therapy got to do with physical and rehabilitative medicine? Since 1996, I have been a specialist in physical and rehabilitative medicine, at that time the first and only one in Hessen, in my own practice. Previously I was […]

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A very successful treatment for chronic udder inflammation in cows

Mag. Anton Glantschnig, Obervellach, Austria CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE Acute inflammation: Antibiotics high rate of success in healing But: long waiting period! Chronic inflammation: According to antibiogram Very little resistance But: Practice shows otherwise! — long waiting periods — low rate of success in healing — milk cannot be used because of high cell count THE TREATMENT […]

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New documentary evidence for biophysical diagnosis and therapy

Anja Gatzweiler, Naturopath, Willich INTRODUCTION Today I am going to talk about new discoveries on the background to heavy metal contamination and heavy metal intolerance in patients. I am keen to pass on this information as it marks a significant step forward in the diagnosis and therapy system, one which patients gladly accept. ne which […]

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Veterinary practice findings

Jorg Fiedler, Veterinary Practitioner, Baunatal SOME CASE STUDIES FROM MY FIELD OF WORK Small animal practice Siam tomcat Tobi, 13 years old Icteric mucous membranes, anorexia, apathy and internal body temperature of 36.4° C. Laboratory diagnosis: GOT, GPT, AP and bilirubin extremely high. Differential count: leucocytosis with thrombocytopenia. Bioresonance test following consultation with the owners: […]

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