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Identifying and removing therapy blocks caused by radiation stress

Dr. med. Jurgen Hennecke, Aachen INTRODUCTION When we started to become heavily involved with treating allergies over ten years ago, we noticed with some patients that allergens which had been treated successfully reappeared after a few weeks. Following intensive investigation, we detected that two energetic blocks were responsible for this: scar interference fields and/or stress […]

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Success in treating resistant pathogens and infections which do not respond to clinical treatment with BICOM resonance

Therese Maria Goder, nutritional consultancy/bioresonance therapy, Wesel Medical director: Dr. med. Franz-Günther Goder, Wesel CASE STUDIES Patient with Staphylococcus aureus MRSA1 following hip operation in 2002 I should like to present to you a 66 years old female patient who first came to my practice in May 2003 after serious and complicated hip surgery. The […]

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New documentary evidence for biophysical diagnosis and therapy

Anja Gatzweiler, Naturopath, Willich INTRODUCTION Today I am going to talk about new discoveries on the background to heavy metal contamination and heavy metal intolerance in patients. I am keen to pass on this information as it marks a significant step forward in the diagnosis and therapy system, one which patients gladly accept. ne which […]

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Structured approach to therapy using BICOM 2000, including patients presenting difficult clinical pictures

Harald Sievert, Naturopath, Hannover 1 INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues of BICOM bioresonance therapy, My paper this year should serve as an introduction to a therapy plan for particularly chronic clinical pictures. This is the result of experience gained by BICOM users over a number of years and should provide support in combating disorders in a swift […]

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Treating bronchitis effectively with BICOM bioresonance therapy

Angelika Prigge Jugsch, Naturopath, Sandstedt INTRODUCTION Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to speak to you today about treating bronchitis simply and effectively with the BICOM device. This disorder comes in many different forms: acute bronchitis, allergic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, spastic bronchitis, psychosomatic bronchitis, barking cough and many more. To treat the condition […]

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The significance of underlying intracellular stress in chronic, rheumatic and neurological disorders

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Dear colleagues, Over the last two years one particular parasitic stress has increasingly caught my attention for the following reasons: 1. its frequent appearance with chronic diseases, especially those belonging to the neurological field of diseases 2. the problems associated with treating it 3. the extraordinary success achieved by treating […]

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Cancer therapy – a new hypothesis

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Dear Colleagues, Around 7 years ago, an idea emerged in bioresonance circles to develop a cancer treatment based on the theory of apoptosis, i. e. cell death. This idea, which is based on a scientific fact, states that cells that no longer receive information from their surroundings cannot survive. By […]

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Treatment of serious neurological diseases of children showing two cases including video demonstration of cerebral palsy (CP)

Dr. med. Hany Morkos, Heliopolis, Egypt ACKNOWLEDGMENT First, thanks are all to God for blessing this work. I would like to address special thanks to my wife who gave me full support to my work along 21 years and still doing with patience and love. My thanks go to Mr. Brügemann who developed and introduced […]

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Treating tumours in animals

Dr. Claudia May, Veterinary Surgeon, Munich INTRODUCTION I have been a dedicated BICOM therapist for a number of years now. Two years ago I stood here in Fulda and talked enthusiastically to you about the broad range of bioresonance therapy available and the success it has enjoyed in my practice. I am still treating all […]

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Treating skin disease effectively, particularly neurodermatitis and psoriasis

Heike Angene, Naturopath, Eibelstadt INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, My lecture today is primarily directed towards those BICOM users who, like me, do not yet consider themselves “old hands” and who are striving for greater effectiveness in treating two seemingly difficult clinical pictures, neurodermatitis and psoriasis. SUMMARY Since my early days with bioresonance I have repeatedly been […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership