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Treatment of serious neurological diseases of children showing two cases including video demonstration of cerebral palsy (CP)

Dr. med. Hany Morkos, Heliopolis, Egypt ACKNOWLEDGMENT First, thanks are all to God for blessing this work. I would like to address special thanks to my wife who gave me full support to my work along 21 years and still doing with patience and love. My thanks go to Mr. Brügemann who developed and introduced […]

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Cancer therapy – a new hypothesis

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Dear Colleagues, Around 7 years ago, an idea emerged in bioresonance circles to develop a cancer treatment based on the theory of apoptosis, i. e. cell death. This idea, which is based on a scientific fact, states that cells that no longer receive information from their surroundings cannot survive. By […]

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The significance of underlying intracellular stress in chronic, rheumatic and neurological disorders

Alan E. Baklayan, Naturopath, Munich Dear colleagues, Over the last two years one particular parasitic stress has increasingly caught my attention for the following reasons: 1. its frequent appearance with chronic diseases, especially those belonging to the neurological field of diseases 2. the problems associated with treating it 3. the extraordinary success achieved by treating […]

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Treating bronchitis effectively with BICOM bioresonance therapy

Angelika Prigge Jugsch, Naturopath, Sandstedt INTRODUCTION Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to speak to you today about treating bronchitis simply and effectively with the BICOM device. This disorder comes in many different forms: acute bronchitis, allergic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, spastic bronchitis, psychosomatic bronchitis, barking cough and many more. To treat the condition […]

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The chakras and their relations

The chakras and their relations   Chakra Colour Endocrine gland Physiological system Nervous system Assigned meridians VII   Crown chakra white (indigo) pineal gland central nervous system cerebral cortex VI   Third eye violet pituitary gland hormonal system, autonomic nervous system hypothalamus V   Neck chakra blue thyroid gland, parathyroid respiratory system cervical spinal ganglia […]

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Dr Rummel Allergy Treatment

Allergetic Spectrum Disorders Standardised therapy concept according to Dr. Rummel Allergetic Spectrum Disorders Standardised therapy concept according to Dr. Rummel Encouraged by successful results in treating allergies with bioresonance, Dr. Rummel – a long-experienced bioresonance medical doctor – has developed a method which is very easy to apply and which makes it possible to start immediately […]

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Chakra Therapy

Input: Articulated probe in sacral area Input beaker: colour folio and/or Chakra ampoule (see following table) Output: magnetic depth probe over the front or back Chakra opening Chakra   Input beaker Program Output VII “white” amethyst rock crystall 940 vertices VI “violet” lapislazuli saphire sodalite 940 forehead / back of the head V “blue” aquamarineturquoise […]

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Experience of testing and treating degenerated cells with the BICOM Combined Test Technique

Dieter Kramer, Naturopath, Bad Essen INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues and BICOM bioresonance therapy enthusiasts! I should like briefly to introduce myself. My name is Dieter Kramer. I am a naturopath by profession and come from an idyllic little place near Osnabrück, where, for the past 15 years, I have been running a practice which administers natural […]

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Vaccine damage and its repercussions – Diagnosis and therapy with BICOM

Anita Klammrodt, Naturopath, Grossefehn INTRODUCTION My name is Anita Klammrodt. I have been a naturopath for eleven years and have been using bioresonance for diagnosis and treatment in my practice for seven years. I use bioresonance among other things to treat the side effects and damage caused by vaccines. I first became aware of this […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership