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The role of the Epstein Barr virus in chronic diseases

Dr. med. Jurgen Hennecke, Aachen, Germany A Typical case 12-year-old Louis came to our practice with constant diarrhoea accompanied by abdominal cramp, migraine, dizziness and tiredness. The conventional medical diagnosis was lactose and histamine intolerance. Despite the patient adopting an appropriate diet the symptoms scarcely improved. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy results were normal. We learnt from […]

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HIV: Making life easier- prolonging life

Dagmar Siebert, Naturopath, Offenburg, Germany Dear Congress delegates! For the past twelve years I have been working with BICOM® therapy in Offenburg alongside my husband who is a general practitioner. He has been looking after HIV outpatients in the South Baden area for more than ten years. In recent years there has been an opportunity […]

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Introduction to the BICOM Congress 2006

Hans Brügemann, Gräfelfing The theme for our 46th Congress is: BICOM bioresonance methods – Joint pioneering work for the medicine of the future Pioneers are trailblazers, bridge-builders. What do we have in common with them? We too are trailblazers; trailblazers for a new type of medicine. It is a huge, beneficent task, which brings with […]

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Experience in treating bronchial asthma

Dr. med. Jürgen Hennecke, Aachen 1. INTRODUCTION Around 5 % of the adult population suffers from bronchial asthma. Those affected by it are becoming increasingly younger: up to 15 % of children suffer from this disorder, with bronchial asthma the most common chronic disorder in childhood. Boys are twice as likely to be affected as […]

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Treatment of post-traumatic pain and vertebral pain syndromes without side effects

Dr. med. Willmar Schwarze, Wurzen 1. INTRODUCTION The annual BICOM congresses are an exciting highlight in the continuing professional development of BICOM users. Having attended these events with growing interest since 2000, it is a particular honour to be given the opportunity to present my own experience here today. 1.1. Significance of diagnosis and treatment […]

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The significance of the acid-base balance in BICOM practice

Harald Sievert, Naturopath, Hanover INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, As BICOM therapists we deal with concepts which consider the patient as a whole, for the disease itself affects all his responsive, regulatory and compensatory mechanisms, and this is the basis of our approach. After making a comprehensive diagnosis, our job consists of performing therapy which observes the […]

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Borreliosis treatment in veterinary medicine with parallels to human medicine

Dr. Wilhelm Pacher, Veterinarian, A-9821 Obervellach, Austria INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to share some practical experiences from my work at this 46th International BICOM Congress in Fulda in 2006. Borreliosis, an infectious disease occurring worldwide and caused by the corkscrew-shaped bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (after its discoverer Wilhelm Burgdorfer in Lyme, USA), […]

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Treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis with Bicom bioresonance

Liliane Asbach-Gawenda, Naturopath, Köln Dear colleagues, This year I can look back on 25 years’ professional experience in my own practice, the last 20 concentrating on bioresonance therapy, both for diagnosis and therapy. When I began working I was young and most patients who came to my practice were old. Now it is exactly the […]

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Incurable illnesses—extraordinary cases treated successfully

Sigrid Henrichmann, Naturopath, Mtinster Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues, I would like to present to you a few cases which from a medical point of view are seen as (in)curable disorders. Case study 1 One of my patients called me and asked whether I could help out a good friend of theirs who had some or […]

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Successful B ICOM treatment of central nervous system disorders in children

Dr. rer. nat. Andrew Barrie, and Mrs Anna Barrie, Non -medical practitioners, Energy Waves Clinic, Adelaide, Australia INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to share the experiences and successes of our clinic in Adelaide where we have been practising bioresonance therapy since 1998 after training in England. We currently have three BicOms and four therapists […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership