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DNA and cell communication via magnetic scalar waves, a possible basic principle of the Bioresonance Method?

Prof. Dr.-lng. Konstantin Meyl, Radolfzell, Germany DNA generates a longitudinal wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector. Computed frequencies from the structure of DNA agree with those of biophoton radiation. The optimisation of efficiency by minimising the conduction losses leads to the double-helix structure of DNA¹. The vortex model of the […]

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New possibilities in using CTT with the Bicom Optima

Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, Limburg, Germany Introduction The Combined Test Technique (CTT) is a diagnostic and therapeutic system that allows BICOM® users to identify biocybernetic interactions and discover quickly the real underlying causes of a disorder, helping practitioners develop a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment. The current test technique is founded on basic research […]

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Aggressive children and the Herpes virus

Gary Lim Wei Khoon, Singapore Greeting everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank Regumed for giving me this opportunity to shore some valuable information that will not only help your patients but bring more business to your practice. I have been practicing as a naturopath in Singapore for 5 years and mainly use the BICOM®, […]

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Epilepsy in childhood

Dr. Sinon Akkurt, lzmir, Turkey Dear colleagues, Dear bioresonance friends, My BICOM® bioresonance adventure which started about 5 years ago is very interesting and continues to surprise me every day. Within this period a smoking representative told me how he had stopped smoking with the help of BICOM® bioresonance. Beginning with the smoking treatment, I […]

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Amalgam clean up – beneficial therapy for multiple sclerosis patients

Dr. med. dent. Vera Maubach-Chandra, Monchengladbach, Germany Dear Congress delegates, You know me as a BICOM® therapist with many years’ experience. I’ve worked in this field since 1990. The way I practice dentistry has changed considerably through the knowledge I have acquired from the numerous excellent training courses run by the Institute for Regulative Medicine. […]

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Infants and children: First confrontation with the chemical hammer

Dr. med. M.Sc. Petra Maack-Wantzen, lngelheim, Germany Bleeding tendency_p.[2ph’ylaxis with Konakion® “We were looking forward to the baby so much and now …” More and more often we see new parents complaining about problems with their baby soon after birth. Loud wailing from late afternoon until the early hours, thick cradle cap on their heads […]

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Histamin intolerance – a disorder with many faces

Dr. med. Jörg Reibig, Falkenberg, Germany Dear colleagues, Histamine intolerance (HIT) is the cause of numerous chronic conditions and is in fact a disorder with many facets. Unfortunately it often goes undetected. Patients have frequently spent a number of years fruitlessly visiting doctors and clinics, leading to frustration or even depression. Often they hear from […]

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The role of the Epstein Barr virus in chronic diseases

Dr. med. Jurgen Hennecke, Aachen, Germany A Typical case 12-year-old Louis came to our practice with constant diarrhoea accompanied by abdominal cramp, migraine, dizziness and tiredness. The conventional medical diagnosis was lactose and histamine intolerance. Despite the patient adopting an appropriate diet the symptoms scarcely improved. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy results were normal. We learnt from […]

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HIV: Making life easier- prolonging life

Dagmar Siebert, Naturopath, Offenburg, Germany Dear Congress delegates! For the past twelve years I have been working with BICOM® therapy in Offenburg alongside my husband who is a general practitioner. He has been looking after HIV outpatients in the South Baden area for more than ten years. In recent years there has been an opportunity […]

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Use of bioresonance therapy in ophthalmology

Dr. med. Ali Kajasi, Wuppertal INTRODUCTION The use of bioresonance therapy (BRT) in oph-thalmology is not very widespread. This is all the more surprising since opportunities to use this technique exist in many different areas of oph-thalmology due to the position and role of the eyes. The eyes occupy a projecting position in the human […]

To access this post, you must purchase Gold Membership, Ai Therapy Protocol Generator, Platinum Membership, Silver Membership or Bronze Membership. Congress Papers are available to Gold and Platinum memberships. The Ai therapy generator includes Gold membership