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The role of the Epstein Barr virus in chronic diseases

Dr. med. Jurgen Hennecke, Aachen, Germany A Typical case 12-year-old Louis came to our practice with constant diarrhoea accompanied by abdominal cramp, migraine, dizziness and tiredness. The conventional medical diagnosis was lactose and histamine intolerance. Despite the patient adopting an appropriate diet the symptoms scarcely improved. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy results were normal. We learnt from […]

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Histamin intolerance – a disorder with many faces

Dr. med. Jörg Reibig, Falkenberg, Germany Dear colleagues, Histamine intolerance (HIT) is the cause of numerous chronic conditions and is in fact a disorder with many facets. Unfortunately it often goes undetected. Patients have frequently spent a number of years fruitlessly visiting doctors and clinics, leading to frustration or even depression. Often they hear from […]

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Infants and children: First confrontation with the chemical hammer

Dr. med. M.Sc. Petra Maack-Wantzen, lngelheim, Germany Bleeding tendency_p.[2ph’ylaxis with Konakion® “We were looking forward to the baby so much and now …” More and more often we see new parents complaining about problems with their baby soon after birth. Loud wailing from late afternoon until the early hours, thick cradle cap on their heads […]

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A new era dawns in Bicom resonance therapy

Hans Briigemann, Grafelfing 1 WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED TO DATE? The title of my paper reveals that I will speak of something which is essentially new. When basic new developments are to be reported on, it seems sensible to discuss the state of development of our knowledge and of BICOM® technology. Since the first seminar […]

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Holistic medicine as scientific world view

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schulz, Berlin, Germany In line with tradition, this Congress begins with a keynote address. Such an address can help encourage us to contemplate the wider scientific issues that concern us all at this conference before we then move on to present and discuss specific results of bioresonance therapy in various important […]

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Diseases of the spine in horses and dogs

Dr. med. vet. Jochen Becker, Tespe, Germany Both in small animal practice and in equine practice we are constantly confronted with problems relating to the spine. There cannot be many of us who are not familiar with a horse owner’s initial comment that their horse isn’t riding well or has poor flexibility? Throwing its head, […]

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Insights from research and practice

Hans Brügemann, Gräfelfing Because I am looking at a variety of different aspects in my presentation, I will firstly give you a brief overview of what to expect. 1. Significance of the bioresonance method today 2. Scientific work on the phenomena of electromagnetic oscillations in organisms 3. New books on the bioresonance method in German […]

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Migraines and headaches

Dr. Sinan Akkurt, Izmir, Turkey Dear colleagues and bioresonance friends, We are together again here for the 53rd International BICOM® bioresonance congress. I would like to start with thanking Mrs. and Mr. Brügemann who provided me this opportunity for the last three years and Dr. Sümer Zeynep Karabey for her tremendous contributions to my vocational […]

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The modern intellectual framework and its limits in medicine

Professor Herbert Pietschmann, Emeritus Professor at the Physics Faculty of the University of Vienna, Austria The origin of systematic thinking To understand the meaning of scientific thought and action, we have to go back to the beginning of systematic thought. The current form of thinking was first established in all so-called advanced civilisations around 500 years […]

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Meridian therapy in the low deep frequency range

Dr. med. Sabine Rauch, Limburg, Germany and Olle Swensson, Hertered Ekebo, Sweden Introduction Meridian therapy is a tried and tested, successful therapy method in the normal frequency range and has been used by therapists for many years. The successes with the new programs in the low deep frequency range and the options from the symmetrical […]

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