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Ammonia and Caesium Copy

The point for Ammonia is above the thyroid cartilage, in the angle of neck and chin, if you bow the head.

This point is of great importance where the acid-alkaline metabolism is run off the rails. Most people know the smell of liquid ammonia. This is Ammonia dissolved in water. By treating this point in conjunction with the RNA point, the coupling of Hydrogen ions with Ammonia to Ammonia ions, which are secretable, is improved and regulated.

However, if the renal function is deficient, Ammonia formation is usually disturbed — in these cases, consult a doctor to find the causes.

It was also found that the Ammonia point reacts conspicuously in patients with diabetes.

We recently found that the tip of the chin is responsible for indications of radioactive Caesium in the body.

Although in its bonds it has characteristics similar to Potassium, it must be remembered that Caesium is a radioactive element which, over a period of time, will inhibit the cell metabolism and is harmful and may change the genes. It increases the risk of cancer. So this point must always be checked in environmental disasters and needs to be strongly massaged if it is pressure sensitive because the body needs years to actually break down Caesium.

I found it interesting to notice that mushrooms, which had been contaminated after Chernobyl, were able to break down the contamination through enzymes contained in the mushrooms themselves. This was supported by a study at the University of Salzburg. So consumption of forest mushrooms is “harmless” and may even be considered medicinal as it helps the human organism to break down Caesium contained in the air.

Fortunately, this point rarely tests weak and is neither painful nor numb when pressed or rubbed.

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